

Research in Townsmen’s Leisure Sports Modes in the Comfortably-off Society in the Pearl River Delta

【作者】 徐佶

【导师】 许宗祥;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在我国全面建设小康社会的历史进程中,随着社会物质财富不断丰富,人的精神生活需求加强,旨在提高现代人健康水平和生活质量的休闲体育活动得到蓬勃发展。现实中休闲体育活动开展得如火如荼,理论上需要进行总结,实践中需要理论指导。在这样一种社会背景下,积极开展与人们休闲生活密切相关的休闲体育研究,对丰富社会主义文化建设和满足人们日益增长的休闲体育生活需求具有深远的战略意义和极强的现实意义。本研究运用文献资料法、调查访问法和数理统计法,以城镇居民休闲体育行为作为切入点,在对国内外休闲与休闲体育研究的文献进行系统回顾和梳理的基础上,对休闲体育理论和小康社会对休闲体育发展的影响进行了研究,并以珠江三角洲地区为例对城镇居民休闲体育模式进行了实证分析,探讨了构建小康社会城镇居民休闲体育优化发展模式的对策与建议。研究得出:1.休闲体育是人们在闲暇时间内自愿借助体育活动的形式所表现的一种休闲生活方式以及这种休闲生活方式中的各种体育活动现象。休闲体育具有消遣性、时间性、活动性、自主性、价值性的本质特征。2.体育活动的发展受不同历史时期的社会生产发展状况的制约。小康社会阶段的社会变迁,珠江三角洲地区表现出典型的城镇化加速,城镇居民物质生活水平提高,精神生活需求增强的特征,对人们的体育生活产生了巨大影响,体育的休闲功能更加彰显,城镇居民休闲体育生活方式正在形成。3.小康社会政治、经济、文化的发展使休闲体育社会环境发生了良好变化,休闲体育氛围的宽松性、设施的便利性、活动的多样性等,使人们的休闲体育意识增强,休闲体育行为成为自觉。珠江三角洲城镇居民普遍对参与休闲体育活动具有良好的心理体验与价值评价,对休闲体育环境的进一步好转尚有较大需求。居民休闲体育消费意识较高,实际的休闲体育消费行为也正在兴起,其休闲体育消费行为主要表现在物质型消费、娱乐享受型消费和发展型消费三方面。4.影响珠江三角洲城镇居民休闲体育生活方式差异的主要变量为性别、年龄、职业与收入。居民休闲体育活动的动机正在由同质化向异质化转变,表现为运动健康型、健身愉悦型、合作交往型和时间打发型,现阶段以前二者为主;活动的内容表现出简单易行,游戏性、竞技性明显,健身价值高、地域特色突出和时尚性特点;活动的空间主要集中在公共体育场所、收费场馆、住宅小区、公园广场、单位和自家庭院;活动伙伴方面,朋友、家人、同事或同学之间的群体性活动在上升,而个体性和近邻一起活动的比例在下降。5.珠江三角洲城镇居民休闲体育活动的场地设施条件处于全国领先水平,体育场地设施建设投资模式表现为由政府投资为主向企业投资异军突起发展的格局,城镇居民使用场地从事休闲体育活动的模式表现出公益型、半公益型和市场型并存。目前珠江三角洲城镇居民休闲体育组织主要有政府主导型、社会团体型和居民自我行为型三种模式。其中政府主导模式仍表现出较强的历史惯性,而居民自我行为型又表现出十分突出的特征。6.小康社会城镇居民休闲体育优化发展模式的构建必须坚持服务于小康社会精神文明建设的价值取向,选取休闲体育活动的开发与创新、配套设施与服务的创新和组织管理制度的创新等三条路径。在休闲体育活动的开发与创新方面,应振兴传统体育项目,拓展新兴体育项目,不断满足人民群众日益增长的休闲体育文化需求;在城镇居民休闲体育的配套设施与服务方面,应走国家主导公共体育设施与服务,市场深化特殊需求的综合发展模式;在组织管理制度方面,应选择“上下共建”的混合发展模式,以推进城镇居民休闲体育活动可持续发展。

【Abstract】 In China’s historical course of over-all construction of comfortably-off society, with the ever enriched social material wealth and increasing demand in people’s mental life, the development is vigorous in leisure physical activities aimed to improve modern people’s health and living quality. The mushrooming development in leisure sports in reality needs theoretical summery; practice needs theoretical guidance. In such a social background, an active research in leisure sports closely relevant to people’s leisure life has a far-reaching strategic importance and extremely realistic significance to enriching socialist cultural construction and satisfying people’s ever growing demands in leisure sporting life.By means of library research, survey and mathematical statistics, with townsmen’s leisure physical activities as the point of penetration and based on the systematic review and arrangement of Chinese and overseas literature on leisure and leisure sports, a study is made on leisure sports theory and fairly well-off society’s effects on the development in leisure sports; besides, an real evidence analysis is conducted on townsmen’s leisure sports modes with the Pearl River Delta as an example, exploring countermeasures and suggestions for optimal developing modes for townsmen’s leisure sports in well-to-do communities. Obtained in the research are:1. Leisure sports are a kind of people’s leisure life mode voluntarily in form of physical activities in their spare time as well as the phenomena of various physical activities in such a leisure mode of life. Leisure sports have essential characters of amusement, timing, activity, autonomy and value.2. Leisure sports development is restricted by social production development conditions in different historical periods. The social change of fairly prosperous society, and the typical features manifested in the Pearl River delta--accelerating urbanization, townspeople’s improving material living standard and rising requirements in spiritual life greatly affect people’s sports life, the leisure function in sports have become still more obvious, and townspeople’s leisure sports living mode is taking shape.3. Political, economical and cultural development in well-to-do society brings about fine change in leisure sports social environment. Relaxed leisure sports atmosphere, convenient installations and diversified activities etc. strengthen people’s leisure sports consciousness, leisure sports behaviour becoming voluntary. Townspeople in the Pearl River delta universally have fine mental experience in and value evolution on participating in leisure physical activities, with a comparatively great demand for further improved leisure sports environment. Inhabitants’leisure sports consumption consciousness is relatively keen, practical leisure sports consumption behaviour is also springing up. Their leisure sports consumption behaviour is mainly manifested in the 3 aspects: material-, amusement/ enjoyment- and development-types.4. The principal influential variables for Pearl River delta townspeople’s leisure sports living mode are sex, age, profession and income. Inhabitants’motivation for leisure physical activities is switching from homogenization to heterogeneity, shown in 4 types: sports for health, body building for joviality, cooperation-interpersonal interaction and kill-time, the former 2 types being prevalent at the present phase. Activity contents are characteristic of simplicity and easy feasibility, obvious game-playing and competitive nature, high value for keeping fit, salient regional features and vogue. Activity spaces are chiefly public sports-sites, chargeable sports fields and gymnasia, residential districts, parks, squares, units and people’s own courtyards. Group activities are rising with playmates such as friends, family members, colleagues or schoolmates, whereas the proportion is descending in individual activities and activities with neighbours.5. The facility conditions in Pearl River delta townspeople’s leisure physical activity sites take the lead in the whole country. Sporting site installment mode is rapidly developing from the original principal government investment to enterprise investment. The site modes for townspeople’s participation in leisure physical activities are public-welfare-, semi-public-welfare- and marketing-types co-existent. The present Pearl River delta townspeople’s leisure-sports organizations are of 3 modes: the government-predominant-, social-organization- and the inhabitants’self-behaviour-types, the first of which still shows fairly strong historical inertia, whereas the last displays quite prominent characteristics.6. Townsmen’s optimized leisure sports developing modes in well-to-do society must stick with the value orientation to serve spiritual civilization construction; 3 approaches are chosen for leisure physical activities: development with innovation, innovation in completed facilities and service, and innovation in the organisation management system. As for development with innovation, traditional sports events should be invigorated, and newly risen events expanded to continually meet the people’s ever growing need in leisure physical culture. As to completed facilities and service, the comprehensive developing mode taken should be the state predominating public sports facilities and service with the market depending special demands. And in terms of the organisation management system, a mixed developing mode of“superior-subordinate co-construction”should be adopted.

  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1504

