

Study on Evaluation Methods and Application of Enterprise Informatization Level Based on Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making

【作者】 刘培德

【导师】 关忠良;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 信息管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的快速发展,全球信息化进程不断加快,信息化已成为提升产业结构、提高劳动生产率、推动经济增长的强大动力。企业是信息化的主体,对企业进行信息化水平评价,是企业信息化建设的重要组成部分。本文在国内外有关企业信息化理论、信息化水平评价指标体系与评价方法等理论的基础上,通过继承、分析与发展,对企业信息化水平评价理论和方法展开了系统而深入的研究。其主要研究内容如下:(1)综述了企业信息化的相关理论,包括企业信息化的内涵、特征、内容、层次与阶段及企业信息化的作用。(2)研究了定性指标定量化表示方法,语言变量转化为区间数、三角模糊数、梯形模糊数的方法,不同数据类型的运算规则、不同数据类型的规范化处理方法。(3)建立了系统化的企业信息化水平评价指标体系,包括信息基础设施、信息化战略与信息化组织建设、企业信息化人才建设、企业信息化应用、企业信息化效益等5个一级指标,24个二级指标。(4)研究了综合主观权重和客观权重的组合权重。在主观权重方面,建立了基于区间数的、基于三角模糊数的和基于语言变量的改进AHP方法等主观权重确定模型;在客观权重方面,建立了基于熵权、基于离差最大化、基于变异系数、基于灰色关联和基于投影寻踪模型的五种混合型决策矩阵客观权重确定方法;在组合权重方面,建立了基于综合评价值最大、基于总偏差最小和综合组合权重三种组合权重确定方法。(5)研究了基于混合数据类型的改进TOPSIS方法、改进灰色关联方法、改进灰色关联投影方法、改进ELECTRE方法以及将不同数据类型转化为语言变量的二元语义评价方法和有序加权集成算子方法,详细介绍了这些方法的评价原理和评价步骤。(6)对山东省九大行业的企业信息化水平进行了实证研究,采用改进的TOPSIS方法、改进的灰色关联方法、改进的灰色关联投影方法、改进的ELECTRE方法和二元语义方法分别得出了九大行业的信息化水平排序,并对这些方法进行了比较,最后利用Borda法得出了山东省九大行业的信息化水平排序。(7)对山东省企业信息化下一步的建设从政府的宏观管理体系和企业自身信息化建设两方面提出了建议。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of information technique, global informatization process is speeding up. Informatization has become the tremendous impetus for upgradation of industrial structure, improvement of labor productivity, and economy promotion. In fact, enterprise is the main body of informatization and to evaluate the enterprise informatization is an important part of enterprise informatization construction.Through inheriting, analyzing and developing the related enterprise informatization theory, informatization evaluation index system and evaluation method at home and abroad, this paper carries out systemic and in-depth study on enterprise informatization evaluation index system and evaluation method. The main contents of this paper are as follows:(1) Review related theories of enterprise informatization, including connotation, characteristic, content, level, stage and effect of enterprise informatization.(2) Study quantifiable representation method of qualitative index, transform methods to convert linguistic variable into interval number, triangular fuzzy number or trapezoidal fuzzy number, operation rules and normalized method of different data types.(3) Construct systemic evaluation index system of enterprise informatization, including information infrastructure, informatization strategy and construction of information organization, construction of talent for enterprise informatization, application of enterprise informatization, benefit of enterprise informatization these five first-level indexes and 24 second-level indexes.(4) Study combination weight involving subjective weight and objective weight. In the aspect of subjective weight, this paper constructs subjective weight determination models, such as improved AHP method based on interval number, triangular fuzzy number and linguistic variable; in the aspect of objective weight, this paper constructs five hybrid decision matrix objective weight determination models based on entropy weight, maximizing deviations, variation coefficient, grey correlation and projection pursuit model; in the aspect of combination weight, this paper constructs three combination weight determination methods by maximizing comprehensive evaluation values, minimizing total deviation and integrating combination weight. (5) Based on hybrid data types, this paper studies improved TOPSIS method, improved grey correlation method, improved projection method, improved ELCETRE method and two-tuple linguistic evaluation method by converting different data types into linguistic variables, and ordered weighted integrated method. Moreover, this paper introduces the evaluation principles and evaluation steps of above methods in detail.(6) Carry out an empirical study on enterprise informatization levels of nine industries in Shandong province, and adopts improved TOPSIS method, improved grey correlation method, improved grey correlation projection method, improved ELCETRE method and two-tuple linguistic method to respectively rank nine industries according to their informatization levels, then makes a comparison among these methods, and finally uses Borda method to sort nine industries in Shandong province by informatization levels.(7) With regard to further construction of enterprise informatization in Shandong province, this paper gives some suggestions on two aspects including government’s macro-management system and enterprise informatization construction.

  • 【分类号】F224;F270.7
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1797
  • 攻读期成果

