

【作者】 高玲

【导师】 郑向敏;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 安全与稳定是发展的前提条件,旅游安全更是旅游业持续健康发展的基本保障。然而,由于旅游业的高度敏感性,近年来发生的一系列旅游安全问题对旅游业产生了深刻的影响,严重地威胁了旅游者的基本安全需求,一定程度上阻碍了旅游业的可持续发展。因此旅游安全问题随之成为旅游业发展中的重要研究内容之一。众所周知,科学技术是第一生产力,为了确保旅游安全就必须要依靠科技,没有科技,旅游安全管理只能是纸上谈兵。科技为人们抵御和战胜旅游安全问题提供了强有力的武器,尤其在控制和处理旅游安全问题的过程中发挥着十分重要的支撑作用。例如人造卫星、遥感技术、电脑分析等高科技手段已广泛地运用于对各种安全问题的监测,卫星电视、光纤技术、无线通讯等现代化的信息传递手段能及时发布旅游安全隐患的预警、预报,已形成的由直升飞机、救生船、救生艇及各种汽车构成的立体安全应急运输体系有助于迅速解决安全问题,这些现代化的科技设备与先进的科技手段大大增强了人们解决旅游安全问题的能力,不仅为其提供了科学方法和手段,且简化了处理旅游安全问题的步骤和程序,使各种控制与处理旅游安全问题的方法更简单化和现代化。然而,由于显性和隐性的安全隐患来源渠道广泛,使得旅游安全控制与管理变得更为复杂和困难,同时也对旅游安全管理的科技支撑提出越来越多的需求。基于上述现实背景,本研究主要从科技的维度,即科学方法、科技手段及科技资源的投入等方面研究旅游安全管理的科技支撑平台,以期为旅游安全管理提供相应的理论和实践指导。本研究以马斯洛需求层次理论、安全相关理论、风险和危机管理理论、科技管理和创新理论等为指导思想和立论基础,分析了伴随旅游系统内显性或隐性的安全警素、安全因子和安全隐患量变和质变过程的旅游安全防范与预警、控制与处理以及评估与恢复等旅游安全管理三个阶段的科技支撑作用和支撑状况,即科技如何支撑旅游安全以及不同科技对旅游安全的支撑作用大小。其目的和意义不仅在于提高旅游安全管理过程中科技投入的效率,而且在资源有限性的条件下,通过对不同科学技术对旅游安全支撑作用、力度和不同科学技术在旅游安全管理过程中的权重表现的分析可以为旅游安全管理主体进行科学、合理的科技投入提供决策支持和理论依据。另外,在人类物质、文化和生活水平的提高导致其消费偏好、精神需求呈多样化和高层次发展的背景下,旅游需求与旅游供给的相互作用促使旅游供给呈现综合性、复杂性、动态性和创新性等特征,必然为旅游安全管理带来了巨大挑战,这正是本研究的重要意义所在,即如何增强旅游安全的科技支撑以提高旅游安全管理的质量。研究内容包括七章,各章的主要内容如下:第一章是绪论。本章主要论述本研究的研究对象与相关概念界定、研究背景、研究目的、研究意义以及研究技术路线与主要创新点。第二章是文献综述。本章对国内外旅游安全研究、科技支撑研究、旅游安全的科技支撑相关研究文献进行综述,通过文献评述,探讨研究的机会点与空白点。第三章是本研究的理论基础。本章概述了本研究的相关理论基础,包括马斯洛的需求层次理论、安全相关理论、风险与危机管理理论以及科技管理与创新理论等四大部分。第四章是旅游安全的科技支撑体系研究。本章通过对大量有关旅游安全和科学技术研究文献进行理论分析和总结,结合现实旅游安全管理和科学技术实践状况,分析电子与信息技术、材料技术、能源技术、空间技术、交通运输技术等在旅游安全的防范与预警(包括识别与评估、预警和预防)、控制与处理(包括确认、隔离与控制、处理与解决)、评估与恢复(包括恢复、调查与评价、学习)等阶段的具体应用情况以及科技对旅游安全管理支撑作用的大小、水平及不同科学技术在旅游安全管理实践中的重要性情况。并通过问卷调查获得了相应的数据,数据分析和研究主要以旅游安全防范与预警阶段为例,分析不同科学技术在该阶段及其在不同环节的支撑程度以及重要性排序。其目的主要是为旅游安全管理的科技投入提供初步的决策依据。第五章是旅游安全科技支撑的投入-产出分析。本章通过问卷调查和访谈等方法获得第一手资料,采用德尔菲法构建了科技在旅游安全管理中的投入-产出评价指标体系,并运用层次分析法对各指标的权重值进行评估,且以此为基础运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)中的CCR模型对科技要素的投入-产出效益进行分析。其目的主要是为旅游安全管理的科技投入提供进一步的决策依据。第六章是科技支撑旅游安全的作用机制与保障体系研究。本章首先具体分析了科技通过影响管理效率与水平、管理手段与方式、管理程序等方面作用于旅游安全,并进一步阐述了科技支撑旅游安全的保障体系,即理念保障体系、人财保障体系、技术与设备设施保障体系以及管理与应用保障体系等。第七章是总结与研究展望。总结本研究中形成的主要观点,并对观点展开相关讨论,最后阐述本研究存在的不足之处以及研究展望。

【Abstract】 Security and stability are a prerequisite for development. Tourism security is the basic guarantee for sustained and healthy development of tourism industry. However,a series of tourism security issues have had a profound impact on the tourism industry because of its highly sensitive nature. It is a serious threat to the basic security needs of tourists and it has greatly influenced the sustainable development of tourism. Security problems have become one of important studies in the development of the tourism industry.As we all know , science and technology are primary productive forces. We must rely on science and technology in order to ensure tourism security. If there is no science and technology,tourism security management can only be on paper. Science and technology provide a powerful weapon for people to resist and overcome security problems. They play an important supporting role especially in the control and treatment process of tourism security. For example,satellites,remote sensing technology,high-tech means of computer analysis have been widely applied to monitor various security problems;satellite television,fiber optic technology,wireless communications and other modern means of information transmission can publish early warning and forecasting of tourism security in time;safety and emergency three-dimensional transport system have been formed by the helicopter,lifeboat,lifeboats and a variety of motor vehicles. These modern technology equipment and advanced technology means enhance people’s ability to solve security problems. They not only provide scientific methods and means,but also simplifies steps and procedures of treating tourism security issues. However , because the origins of dominant and recessive tourism security problems are very widespread,it causes that the control and management of tourism security changes more complex and difficult. It also proposes more and more demands to the support of science and technology in the tourism security management.This dissertation is based on the above background and the latitude of science and technology to study the support platform of tourism security management,that is,the scientific method,scientific and technological means and resources input,with a view to guide practice for tourism security management.This dissertation takes Maslow hierarchy of needs,security theories,risk and crisis management theories,science and technology management and innovation theories as guiding ideologies and basic theories. It analyses scientific and technological specific applications and steady roles at three stages(prevention and pre-warning,control and treatment,evaluation and recovery)of tourism security. They accompanied by dominant or recessive security elements,quantitative and qualitative change process of security risk factors in tourism system. That is how science and technology prop up tourism security and support role dimensions of different science and technology. Its purpose and significance are not only to improve scientific and technological investment efficiency in the process of tourism security,but also in the conditions of limited resources,it can provide decision endorsement and theoretical basis for tourism management subjects of scientific and technological investment in management process of tourism security. It analyses support roles and efforts to tourism security of different science and technology,weight performance in the process of tourism security management. In addition,the improvement of human material,culture and living standards cause that people’s consumer preferences,spiritual needs show diversification and high-level. The interaction between tourism demand and supply make the supply have comprehensive,complex,dynamic and innovative features. This is bound to bring great challenges to tourism security management. It is the significance of this study,which is how to enhance the scientific and technological support of tourism security to improve the quality of tourism security management. Totally the dissertation has seven chapters as follows:The first chapter is the introduction to this research. It mainly includes research subjects,related concepts,research background, research objective,significance of this research,technological route and innovation points.The second chapter is the literature review. It reviews the relevant literatures on the research of domestic and foreign tourism security,the support of science and technology,the support of science and technology to tourism security. Also it explores the opportunity and break point of this research through reviewing research literature.The third chapter is the theoretical basis of this study. This chapter provides an overview of the basic theory, including Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, safety-related theory, risk and crisis management theory, science and technology management and innovation theories,etc.The fourth chapter is the study of scientific and technological support system of tourism security. This chapter analyses specific application of electronic and information technology,materials technology,energy technology,space technology,transportation technologies in three stages:Prevention and Pre-warning of tourism security(including Discrimination and Assessment,Pre-warning,Prevention),Control and Treatment(including Confirmation,Insulation and Control,Treatment and Settlement),Evaluation and Recovery(including Recovery,Learning,Inquisition and Evaluation),through studying research document of tourism security and science & technology,considering the actual conditions of tourism industry and science & technology. Also it analyses the scientific and technological support function dimension,degree of tourism security management and importance situation of science and technology in the management practice of tourism security. Then it obtains the corresponding data by a questionnaire survey. Data analysis and research mainly takes prevention and pre-warning of tourism security as an example. It studies support degree and importance sequencing of different science and technology in this stage and in different aspects. The main purpose is to provide a preliminary basis of decision making for scientific and technological input of tourism security management.The fifth chapter is the input-output analysis of scientific and technological support to tourism security.based on questionnaire investigation and interviews , the dissertation obtains the firsthand materials. Also it constructs input-output index system of scientific and technological support to tourism security through the Delphi method. Then it explores the weight value of every target by using AHP. At last,it analyses input-output efficiency of scientific and technological support to tourism security by using CCR model of DEA. The main purpose is to provide further decision making for scientific and technological input of tourism security management.The sixth chapter is the mechanism and safeguard system study of scientific and technological support to tourism security. First of all, it analyses that science and technology role in tourism security through influencing the level of efficiency and management,management tools and methods,management procedures.Then it elaborates the safeguard system of scientific and technological support to tourism security,including the concept safeguard system,people and wealth safeguard system,technology and equipment and facilities safeguard system , as well as management and application safeguard system,and so on.The last chapter is the research conclusion and the prospect. It summarizes the viewpoints of this research,and carries out the relevant discussions,and finally presents the contributions,the innovation,the limitation and the prospect of this research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

