

The Evolution Mechanism and Effectiveness of Organizational Routines

【作者】 徐建平

【导师】 王重鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 组织惯例被认为是各种人类组织的核心特征。本文从持续性变革视角出发,将组织变革视为组织惯例不断演化的动态学习过程。在对组织变革、组织惯例、组织学习相关研究文献进行综述的基础上,进行了以下几项研究:第一项研究为组织惯例概念构思开发。采用半结构化访谈和焦点小组访谈方式进行资料收集,共选择了19家(组)企业以高层管理者、中层管理者以及普通员工为对象进行访谈,其中包括4组焦点小组访谈。着重捕捉组织变革过程中组织成员行为模式、组织运作“游戏”规则以及员工集体共识的变化,旨在把握组织变革以及组织惯例的可能关键要素。在此基础上,采用扎根理论研究方法对访谈所获取材料进行了分析,发现组织惯例的概念构思可以由三个维度构成:交互共识、内隐规范以及行动逻辑。第二项研究为组织惯例测量工具开发。在扎根理论分析提取概念维度及理论文献归纳基础上,通过项目筛选及初步测试,保留了24个项目用于正式预测试。预测试回收了201份问卷,经过探索性因素分析最终保留了12个项目(其中包括三个维度)用于正式调研。此外,正式调研通过111家企业完成了333份有效成组问卷(每个企业选择三名相关人员),并通过结构方程建模的方法进行验证性因素分析,验证了组织惯例三维概念构思的稳定性。最后还通过方差分析检验了组织惯例在个体和组织水平表现的差异。第三项研究为组织惯例演化机制案例分析,通过该研究成功论证了基于多层次日常学习的惯例内在演化机制的存在,即惯例在个体、群体和组织三个水平,经过直觉、诠释、整合和制度化四个阶段的演化,使得原有的组织惯例被打破,新的组织惯例得以建立,从而推动了企业组织变革的发生和发展。同时这种演化机制也会受到外在因素的触发。组织惯例内在演化机制为组织惯例以及组织变革的研究树立了动态视角。第四项研究为组织惯例影响因素及其效能过程研究,通过对116套有效企业问卷数据的分析,对影响组织惯例的因素及组织惯例对组织变革能力的效能过程进行了检验。主要采取了相关分析、回归分析、中介效应检验以及结构方程建模等研究方法。研究结果表明,工作的复杂性、互赖性对组织惯例有显著影响;组织的人力资源柔性以及组织的知识交换整合基于惯例的多层次学习机制对组织惯例与变革能力具有部分中介作用。最后,本文系统概括了主要的研究结论,理论进展及其实践意义,并指出了本研究存在的不足以及有待进一步解决的问题。

【Abstract】 Organizational routine is considered a central feature of all types of human being organizations. From the perspective of continuous change, this paper believes organizational change should be regarded as evolving learning process of organizational routines. On the basis of reviewing the research literatures of organizational change , organizational routines and organizational learning ,performs the following studies:The first study is to develop the construct of organizational routine, which collects data by semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews, chose a total of 19 (group) enterprises’ senior managers, middle managers and employees to interview, which includes 4 focus group interviews. Focus on capturing changes on patterns of behavior, organizational "game" rules, as well as the collective consensus of staff on the process of organizational change, in order to hold the key elements of organizational change and organizational routine. On this basis, and analyses the interview materials through the grounded theory approach, founds the conception of organization routine should include 3 dimensions: the interactive consensus, action logic and potential regality.The second study is to develop measuring scales of organization routines. On the basis of literature reviews and grounded analysis results, through items selection and preliminary test, 24 items retained for the official pre-test. The pre-test retrieves 201 questionnaires, and through exploratory factor analysis retain 12 items (which includes 3 dimensions) finally to formal research. In addition, the formal research collects a group of 333 valid questionnaires in 111 companies (three person for each firm), and verifies stability of the internal structure of organizational routine which includes three-dimensional by confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, tests the differences of organizational routine in the level of organizations and individual through variance analysis.The third study is a case study on evolution mechanism of organizational routines, which demonstrates existence of the inherent evolution mechanism of routines. That is, with evolution of the routine in individual, group and organizational level, through the four stages of intuition, interpretation, integration and institutionalization, the old routines weret broken up, and the new organizational routines can be established, the organizational change and development in the enterprise so will be to promote. At the same time, the mechanism of evolution that will be triggered by external factors. The inherent evolution mechanism of organizational routines establishes a dynamic perspective for studying organization routines and organizational change.The fourth study is to test the impact factors and effectiveness mechanism of organizational routine, which tests the elements which impact on the organizational routines and the effectiveness process of organizational routines impact on organizational change capabilities through 116 group valid questionnaires. The main approach includes correlation analysis, regression analysis, structural equation modeling, as well as the mediated effect test. The results show that the interdependence and complexity of the tasks have a significant impact on organizational routines; and the flexibility of human resources and knowledge exchange and integration in the organization have the partial mediated effects between the relationship of organizational routines and organizational change capabilities.Finally, this paper summarizes the main conclusions, theory advances and practical significances of all above studies, and then points out the shortcomings as well as the future research direction of organizational routines research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

