

Comparative Research on the Images and Motifs in the Myths and Legends between Korean and Man-Tunguska Various National

【作者】 车海锋

【导师】 金宽雄;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 亚非语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 朝鲜半岛和中国的学者对朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族的神话传说进行了广泛的研究,积累了丰厚的成果,这是本论文能够完成的最重要的先决条件。但成果中鲜见把朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族的神话传说放在同一平台上加以比较研究的成果。为弥补先行成果的欠缺,本论文选择了朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话传说为主要研究对象,为集中焦点利于展开论述,以神话传说中的原始意象、原型、神话母题为切入点,采用比较文学新研究方法—“三重证据法”以及神话母题比较研究的新理论,结合民俗学、民族学、人类学等跨文化材料,深入探索朝鲜民族的原始文化面貌及其与满—通古斯诸民族的原始文化渊源关系。这将对拓宽神话传说比较研究领域,丰富朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话传说的比较研究成果;探索朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族的原始文化渊源以及民族起源;探寻东亚大陆上的古文化的源头等势必有重要的意义。本论文的第一模块是有关朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族物质文化交流、原始意识形态、神话发展演变规律的研究探索,这也是朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话母题比较的可行性探讨。朝鲜民族与满—通古斯诸民族同属生活在亚洲大陆东北部的蒙古人种,世代杂居在中国东北地区,具有相同的经济文化背景以及语言方面的交流。这为朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族进行神话母题比较研究奠定了物质文化基础。朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族原始先民意识观念的发展依次经历了“灵性”观念,“万物有灵”观念,“神灵”观念,“人神”观念,与此相对应的神话是“推原神话”,自然神话,图腾神话,英雄祖先神话。朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族相近的原始宗教信仰和原始宗教信仰发展各阶段普遍存在的神话又为朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族进行神话母题比较研究奠定了意识形态方面的基础。我们现在所能看到的神话大部分都是父系氏族英雄祖先崇拜时期的神话,其特点是之前的“推原神话”、自然神话、图腾神话积淀为神话母题、神话意象,换句话说,之前的“推原神话”、自然神话、图腾神话在英雄祖先神话中积淀为一个神话母题、神话意象,而这些神话意象、神话母题自由排列组合表达了“王权神授”、“拯救部落”等主题。即,神话也是随着人类社会的发展而发展,表达的主题也是随着人类社会形态的不同而不同,但生活在相同地区的民族之间通过战争、物质交换等多种渠道进行文化交流,往往形成“你中有我,我中有你”的文化现象,神话作为文化的一个部分,或多或少的包涵着其他氏族、部落、民族的神话文化,这是民族融合、文化交流的结晶。这又为朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话传说中神话母题的比较研究提供了重要的事实材料关系。第二个模块是朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话传说中最重要的神熊等原始意象象征意蕴的分析。朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族原始先民意识观念的发展依次经历了“灵性”观念,“万物有灵”观念,“神灵”观念,“人神”观念,与此相对应的神话是“推原神话”,自然神话,图腾神话,英雄祖先神话。朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话传说中较为重要的太阳、树、鹿、熊、鸟、猪、虎等原始意象的象征意蕴中,积淀着原始先民们的“灵性”观念,“万物有灵”观念,“神灵”观念,“人神”观念。如,认为太阳里栖息着鸟,因此太阳能够在天上“飞行”,即鸟是太阳的精灵:大树和鹿角可以通天,即大树和鹿角是连接天和地的天梯,等等,这些均是在原初原始先民“灵性”观念的支配下,用与自己生活最为密切的动植物解释自然的“推原神话”,也是人类最初的神话,这也是太阳、鹿、树、鸟等的最初的意象。“灵性”观念基础上产生的是“万物有灵”观念,认为人和动物都有灵魂,人和动物死后其灵魂返回到天界掌管转生魂的神那里,等待再一次出生。因此,能够在天上飞行的鸟类充当了灵魂的载体。人类社会至母系社会初期产生了图腾观念。图腾观念的发生与自然对象是否满足原始先民们的某种“需求”有关,因为人本能的需要是吃、喝、住等“生理需要”和安全需要。原始先民的这种“需求”或是短期的,或者长期的,或是物质的,或是精神的,等等。如,上述朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话传说中的太阳、树、鹿、熊、鸟、猪、虎等均透露出图腾观念,即神话传说中均有繁衍氏族、部落的情节。但有的上升为部落、民族的图腾,而有的仅停留在氏族层面,成为氏族的图腾。随着生产力的进一步发展,母系社会由顶盛时期开始衰退,代之兴起的是父系社会,因为母系社会在前,父系社会在后,因此很多神圣的图腾物带着女神成份,如太阳女神、熊女、猪女、虎女等,鸟和树也常化女人繁衍氏族,这些都是母系社会的残留,也是神们最初具备女性因素的原因。父系社会出现社会分工,人与人之间开始出现等级差别,至上神及诸天神高高在上掌管着地界和地下界,原本平等的诸神开始沦落为天神等主要神的使者。如,作为天地之间使者的神鹿、神鸟、神猪等,虎是山神的使者,太阳是天帝的女儿或儿子,等等。以上,原始先民意识观念发展的普遍规律,神话传说中的主要的意象也体现着这种普遍的规律。当然,也不是所有的意象都呈现出相同性,它是因每个氏族、部落、民族的具体生活地域和所采取的生产方式的不同而稍有差异的。朝鲜民族较早进入农耕文明,因此像鹿角通天等意象几乎消失殆尽,虽然神话传说中无迹可寻,但考古发掘的新罗王冠上的鹿角说明朝鲜民族原始先民的意识观念之中也曾有过鹿角通天的观念。第三个模块是朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话传说中的重要神话母题的类型及内涵的分析。通过对朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话传说中“天降”、“卵生”、“英雄被弃”、“英雄被追渡河”、“英雄难题求婚”等主要母题的类型的分类考察,发现朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族上述主要神话母题类型相当丰富多样,如,“天降”母题可再分为“天降帝子(帝女)”型、“天降卵”型、“天降仙女”型等;“卵生”母题可细分为“天降卵”型和“人生卵”型;“英雄被弃”母题则能分为“生子后弃之”、“生下动物后弃之”、“生下蛋或肉球后弃之”等类型;“难题求婚”母题则根据难题的内容分为“考验法术”、“考验武力”、“考验智力”等类型。这些母题和母题具体类型的内涵充分反映了朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族的社会形态和婚姻形态、灵魂观念和图腾观念、生命仪式和成人仪式,等等,充分融入了朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族原始先民的意识观念,是朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族原始先民社会生活的真实写照。第四个模块是朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族熊图腾和鸟图腾族源神话传说以及英雄神话传说的叙事情节结构的比较。研究朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族熊图腾和鸟图腾族源神话传说及英雄神话传说的叙事情节结构,无非想通过仍保留着更多原初成份的满—通古斯诸民族熊图腾和鸟图腾族源神话传说及英雄神话传说的比较,探索揭示较早进入农耕社会且文明较发达的朝鲜民族的熊图腾和鸟图腾族源神话传说及英雄神话传说的原初叙事情节结构。通过比较发现,古朝鲜《檀君神话》如果去掉前半部有关桓雄的小故事,那么其故事情节几乎与鄂伦春、鄂温克、赫哲等民族的熊图腾族源神话传说没有什么两样,换言之,《檀君神话》的原型就是鄂伦春族、鄂温克、赫哲等民族熊图腾族源神话中“猎人与雌熊或妇女与公熊成婚—生育一个或两个孩子—人离开熊—后代成为开国始祖或英雄或猎人”的叙事情节基础上添枝加叶而成的。朝鲜民族鸟图腾族源传说《朴赫居世》由诞生—成长—结婚—建国—死后化神等情节构成,《三仙女传说》则由诞生—成长—考验—建国—结婚等情节构成,大同小异。朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族英雄神话传说均有英雄成年、英雄历险、英雄除害、英雄成功的情节母题,这四个情节母题是构成朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族英雄神话内容的主干。不同之处是,朝鲜民族《朱蒙神话》开头部分着重强调了朱蒙高贵的血统,即朱蒙的父亲、母亲的身份地位以及他们的相遇交媾等等;满—通古斯诸民族英雄神话强调的是英雄的身世,即英雄所属部落的生存环境、生产方式及部落遭遇的不幸等等。之所以出现这种不同,是因为英雄神话所要反映的主题不一样,如朱蒙神话重点反映的是王权的来历,因此必须重点说明朱蒙的血统,以此来达到“王权神授”的目的;而满—通古斯诸民族英雄神话所反映的主题大都是英雄为部落的安宁与幻化的自然妖魔斗争继而建立不灭功勋的主题,因此开头必须说明英雄所属部落的自然环境及生产方式。本论文通过上述四大模块儿的分析与论述,使朝鲜民族和满—通古斯诸民族神话母题蕴含的哲学价值、美学价值、宗教价值、语言价值、历史价值等丰富的宝藏得到初步系统的挖掘与研究。

【Abstract】 The scholars in Korean Peninsula and China have had extensive research about the myths and legends between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national, and they have accumulated substantial achievement. This is the essential prerequisite that this thesis could be accomplished. However, when researching the achievements, it is uncommon that having a comparative study about the myths and legends between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national. In order to make up the deficiency of first achievement, this thesis select the myths and legends between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national as the main research object. In order to focus and expand the discussion, the thesis choose original image, prototype and myth motif as the point. At the same time, it also use new research methods in comparative literature named "Triple Evidence Method", and new theory of comparative research in myth motif, and combine cross—cultural material such as folklore, ethnology and anthropology to have detailed search on primitive culture appearance and the origin relationship between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national. This research would have essential significance on broadening the comparative research field of myths and legends, enriching the achievements, exploring the origin of primitive culture and national origin and exploring the source of ancient culture in East Asia.The first module of this thesis is researching and exploring about material and cultural exchanges between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national, original ideological and the myth of the evolution. This is also the feasibility of discussion about comparing the myth motif between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national. Korean and Man-Tunguska various national are belong to Mongolia race who live in north-east of Asian continent. They mixed together from generation to generation in north-east of China, so they have the same economic and cultural background and language exchange. This point lay the material and cultural foundation for having comparative research on myth motif between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national. The development of awareness of original inhabitants between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national followed through Spiritual concept, Animism concept, Gods concept and Sacred concept. Corresponding to the concept, there are "Original myth", Natural myth, Totem myth and the myth of heroic ancestors. The similar primitive religion and widespread myth which existed on various stages of development of primitive religion lay the ideology foundation for having comparative research on myth motif between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national. The most myth that we can see today is in the period of Patrilineal clan and ancestor worship. The feature is that previous "Original myth", Natural myth and Totem myth accumulated as myth motif, myth image. In other words, previous "Original myth", Natural myth and Totem myth accumulated as myth motif, myth image in the myth of heroic ancestors. And the myth images and motifs expressed the theme of divine kingship and saving the tribal. That is, myth developed with the development of human society and the theme that it expressed changed with the different patterns of human society. But between nations who lived in the same area had cultural exchange in multiple ways like wars and material exchange. And often formed cultural phenomenon like "You are my and I have you". As a part of the culture, myth included myth culture of other clan, tribes and nation. This is the crystallization of national integration and cultural exchange. And this point also supply the important factual information relationship to comparative research on myth motif about the myths and legends between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national.The second part is analysing meaning of symbol of the the most important original image, like God bear. The development of awareness of original inhabitants between Korean and Man—Tungus followed through Spiritual concept, Animism concept, Gods concept and Sacred concept. Corresponding to the concept, there are "Original myth", Natural myth, Totem myth and the myth of heroic ancestors. The meaning of symbol of the important original images, like sun, trees, deers, bears, birds, pigs, and tigers accumulated Spiritual concepts, Animism concepts, Gods concepts and Sacred concepts. For instance, the birds perched in the sun, so the sun can "fly" in the sky, that means the birds are genius of the sun. The big trees and antlers can communicate the heaven, so the trees and antlers are ladders that connect the heaven and the earth. These are the "Original myths" that primitive ancestors explained the nature with their own closest animals and plants under the control of Spiritual concepts, and they are also the initial myths. This is also the initial image of the sun, deers, trees and birds. Animism concept was begot based on the Spiritual concept. This concept believed that humans and animals both have souls and when the humans and animals died, their souls came back to God who managed reincarnation of the soul in the heaven and they waited their next birth. Therefore, the birds that can fly in the sky act as the vector of the soul. Totem concept was brought about in the early matriarchal society. This concept has the relationship with some "need" if natural object could satisfy the primitive ancestors. Because the instinct demand of human people is physiological and secure demand like eating, drinking and living. This demand of primitive people is short-term, or long-term, or substantial or spiritual. For instance, the sun, trees, deers, bears and birds, pigs and tigers mentioned before all revealed Totem concept in the myths and legends between Korean and Man—Fungus. That means there is plot about multiply clan and tribes. However, some of them rose up as tribes and national Totem, but others still remained in the clan level and became clan Totem. With the further development of productivity, matriarchal society declined from top period, instead of it, patriarchal society began to rose up. Because the former was matriarchal society and in the latter was the patriarchal society, so a lot of sacred Totem objects had Goddess composition. Such as, Sun Goddess, female bears, female pigs and female tigers. And birds and trees also turned to women to multiply the clan. These appearances are all residues of matriarchal society. It is also why Gods possessed female factors at first. In patriarchal society, social division of labour began to appear and there was level differences among people. Supremacy of God and various God controlled boundary and the underground. The original equal various God began to reduced as the messengers of God. For instance, as the messengers between the heaven and the earth, deer God, bird God, pig God and tiger God are belong to mountain God, and the sun is the daughter or sun of God. the above mentioned was the universal law of development of primitive ancestors’ awareness. The main images of the myths and legends also reflected this patten. Assuredly, not all the images reflected in the same way, they had a little differences because of the distinctive of living area and productivity of every clan, tribe and nation. Korean entered agricultural civilization earlier, therefore, like antlers can communicate the heaven this image had been disappeared. Although in the myths and legends, there was no sign, the antlers on the crown of Silla which was found by archaeologists could explain that Korean primitive ancestors had concept of that antlers colud communicate the heaven.The third part is exploring the types and connotation of essential myth motifs in the myths and legends between Korean and Man—Fungus. From the classification study to the types of important motifs like "descending from the heaven", "oviparous", "hero abandoned", "hero was chasing across the river" and "heroes marriage problems" in the myths and legends between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national, it can be found that the types of important myth motifs are rich and varied. Such as, "descending from the heaven" this motif can be divided into "the son or daughter of God descended from the heaven" or "eggs descended from the heaven" or "fairy descended from the heaven", and "oviparous" this motif could be minutely divided into "eggs descended from the heaven" and "human health eggs", and "hero abandoned" can be divided into "children abandoned after giving birth", "animals abandoned after giving birth" and "eggs or meat ball abandoned after giving birth", "heroes marriage problems" can be divided into the types of problems. For example, "test magic", "test force", "intelligence test". These motifs and connotation fully reflected the social formation and marriage pattens, soul concept and Totem concept and life ceremony and adult ceremony. They are true reflection of social life of primitive ancestors between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national.The last module is myths and legends of bear Totem and bird Totem and comparison of narrative plot structure of heroic myths and legends between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national. Exploring myths and legends of bear Totem and bird Totem and comparison of narrative plot structure of heroic myths and legends between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national means from comparing the myths and legends of bear Totem and bird Totem and comparison of narrative plot structure of heroic myths and legends to explore the original the myths and legends of bear Totem and bird Totem and comparison of narrative plot structure of heroic myths and legends of Korean who entered agricultural society and had more developed civilization. From the comparison, it is found that if there was not the story of Huan-xiong in the first part in Dangun mythology, the structure of the story was the same as the myth of bear Totem in Oroqen, Ewenki and Hezhe. In other word, the prototype of Dangun mythology is from the story of that a hunter married female bear or a woman married male bear then they had one or two children, then the human left the bears and the posterities became founding ancestors or heroes or hunters in the myth of Oroqen, Ewenki and Hezhe. So the story is based on the above mentioned myths and have developed. The legends of bird Totem of Korean named Joseph Park the World Habitat is constituted to the plots of giving birth, growing, marrying, founding and becoming God after the death. Three fairy story is made up giving birth, growing, testing, founding and marrying. Two of them are almost similar except some differences. There are both plot motifs of heroes became adults, heroes had adventures, heroes was framed up and heroes got success in the myths and legends between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national. The four motifs are the contents of the trunk which made up heroic myth between Korean and Man-Tunguska various national. The difference is in Korean Jumong mythology, the beginning part emphasized the noble descent, identity and identities and status of Jumong’s parents and their meeting and love while Man-Tunguska various national, they emphasized the hero’s background, hero’s living environment, production and unfortunate experiences. The reason why there are differences is that the themes that is reflected in heroic myth is distinctive. For instance, in Jumong mythology, the origin of royalty is the point. So it is essential to explain the Jumong’s parentage to get the aim of divine kingship. But the heroic myth in Man-Tunguska various national, its most theme is heroes fought with the metamorphosed demos because of the peace of tribe and set up immortal contribution. So in the beginning, hero’s living environment, production must be mentioned.From the exploring and dissertation mentioned above, this thesis has the rich treasures including values of philosophy, aesthetics, religion, language and history been in initial systematic excavated and researched.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

