

The Studies of Tao Yuanming in South Korean Classical Poetry

【作者】 李红梅

【导师】 崔雄权;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 亚非语言文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文选取朝鲜朝国语诗歌—时调与歌辞,从中研究朝鲜朝文人对陶渊明的接受与影响。本文是在中国与韩国的文化关系中进行深层分析,阐发朝鲜朝国语诗歌中陶渊明意象所体现的文化内涵。这项研究将对陶渊明研究与朝鲜朝国语文学研究具有重要意义。本文着重采用社会历史研究法、传记研究法、接受美学研究法、比较文学形象学研究法等批评方法。陶渊明(365年—427年)早在少年时期就已经有了报效国家的治国志向。青年时代的陶渊明目睹着社会的战乱纷争,心系着晋室的日益衰颓,为实现报国之志入仕,第一次出任江州祭酒、第二次出仕做了桓玄的暮佐、第三次出仕入刘裕幕为镇军参军、同年转入刘敬宣府为建威参军、第五次出仕做了彭泽令。但是,在这十三年(393年—405年)的宦海中,均得不到知遇,因此,从仕途治国之志转向志归田园。陶渊明挂冠归田后,痴心田园,终生不仕,在那归田后的二十二年里创作了一百二十多篇诗、辞、赋和散文,有四分之三的作品是在他挂冠归田后写作的。陶渊明活着的时候,他的诗文没有受到多大重视。自从钟嵘在《诗品》中评陶诗曰:“古今隐逸诗人之宗”之后,陶诗的艺术价值也越来越受到重视。中国古代文人十分欣赏陶渊明的隐逸和饮酒等风流雅趣、不仕二朝,固穷守节的人格美。不仅在中国,陶渊明的诗在国外也有巨大影响。中国与韩国是唇齿相依的友好邻邦,两国人民在历史上有着长期的、密切地联系与交往。正是在这种联系与交往中,陶渊明和他的作品走进了韩半岛。陶渊明的作品最早被介绍到韩半岛的是通过萧统的《昭明文选》。《文选》中的陶渊明的文学作品从这时开始广泛地诵读于韩国的国学中。而到了高丽前期,随着科举制度的实行,过去以《文选》为典范的风气逐渐消失了;高丽中期的“陶渊明热”不仅没有因《文选》时代的过去而减少,然而因“苏轼热”更显扩大之势。高丽文人通过苏东坡的作品间接的接受了陶渊明,而在心灵上、生活方式上向陶渊明靠近;高丽后期、朝鲜朝前期的“朱熹热”,形成了一股崇陶效朱的文坛时尚。文人们研究性理学时,自然而然地接触到朱熹的文学观—即对陶渊明的人品、对陶诗的评价以及在创作上深受陶渊明影响等;朝鲜朝中期性理学的发展与动荡的社会环境,使朝鲜朝中期的诗人们接受了陶渊明,刊行了陶渊明文集,并且刊行的数量最多,影响也大,达到了接受陶渊明的兴盛期;朝鲜朝后期,性理学渐渐退色,随着新流派的产生,陶渊明形象逐渐被分化,进入了接受陶渊明的衰落期。朝鲜朝时期是接受陶渊明的重要时期,这一时期文人们在时调、歌辞作品中引用陶诗的意象、诗句来接近陶渊明。朝鲜朝时调和歌辞作者,不仅在创作动机与陶渊明有关,而且与陶渊明一样有出仕经历。朝鲜朝诗人们在失意时、仕老归乡时、辞退官职时,在诗中常常引用陶渊明的意象及诗句来安慰自己。他们直言不讳的表达对陶渊明的思慕之情的同时,还喜欢用隐喻或明喻来达到寄意,达到形式上的效陶之目的。但是,朝鲜朝诗人们把陶渊明推崇为不为五斗米折腰的、葛巾漉酒的、弹无弦琴的,具有高风亮节、雅放风流的人物,片面地扩大了陶渊明性格中的风流一面,消解了陶渊明性格中积极出仕的一面和陶渊明归隐生活的艰辛与矛盾,以致模糊了诗人的本来面目。因此,产生了误读。朝鲜朝文人们被陶渊明的‘归隐者’意象、‘武陵桃源’意象、‘五柳’意象、‘菊’意象、‘松’意象、‘无弦琴’意象、‘葛巾漉酒’意象等意象深深地吸引住,并对这些意象表达出了欣羡,在作品中创造了不少与此有关的意象。但是,朝鲜朝文人们所创造的这些意象产生了变化,对这些意象赋予了新的文化意义。中国古代文人高度评价了陶渊明的艺术风格,朝鲜朝文人也是如此,并且借鉴了陶渊明的艺术风格。朝鲜朝国语文学因自身的艺术形式上的特征,而比较容易接受陶渊明的诗。朝鲜朝诗人们借鉴陶渊明“平淡自然”的诗歌艺术风格,崇尚“自然天成”,因此没有一点造作的痕迹,可谓胸中自然流出。朝鲜朝诗人们还借鉴了陶渊明“癯而实腴”的诗歌艺术风格,他们赞赏冲淡萧散、枯淡的诗歌,但他们的诗绝无枯燥寡味,而深有意味,就是说表面上平易,内蕴深厚。陶渊明为中韩两国文学交流做出了重要的贡献,同时陶渊明的隐逸和饮酒等风流雅趣、不仕二朝,固穷守节的人格美也为韩国文人和韩国文化树立了良好的形象,这对陶渊明及其诗在韩半岛的传播起到了积极作用。

【Abstract】 This thesis was selected Sijo and Gasa from the poetry of Joseon Dynasty in order to research the effects of Tao Yuanming’ s works on Joseon Dynasty literati. This thesis was deeply analyzed in Chinese and South Korean’ s cultural relations, stated Tao’ s images which was reflected cultural connotation in Joseon Dynasty poetry. This reserch has the signigicance for the study of Tao Yuanming and the literature of Joseon Dynasty. This thesis was mainly used the social histroy methodology、biography methodology, and accepted critique methods, such as esthetics methodology、comparative literature methodology、image study methodology.Tao Yuanming(AD365-AD427) was not solemn and quiet all the time. A kind of passion of contributing to the society ran through his whole life, from his youth, his middle age till his later years. On Tao’s youth, because of the war disputes, Tao Yuanming became an offical to realize the ambitioon. However, in his thirteen years of government life, he cannot obtain his understanding from others so that he resign the offical to become an civilian. Since then, Tao Yuanming created more than one hundred and twenty poets、diction、verse and prose. It is the three quarters of works after his resigning from offical life. In his living time, his poetry had not received seriously. Since then, Zhong Rong commented Tao’ s poetry on ’ the poety’. After ZhongRong’ s comments, people have paid more and more attention to the artistic value of Tao’s poetry. Chinese ancient literati appreciated Tao’s seclusion and alcohol style, and his stubbornly thrift personality.Therefore, not only in China, Tao’s poetry in overseas also had the enormaous influence.China and South korea are the friendly nations which is as close as lips and tooth, and have long-term relation to closely connect with each other in the histroy. In such contacts, Tao Yuanming and his works entered to Han Pennisula. Tao’s works were introduced mostly to Han Peninsula by Shu Tong’s ’Zhao Ming Literary Selections’. In the ’Literary Selections’,Tao’literary works were started widely to read aloud in South Korea’s national studies.However, in Pre-Koryo Dynasty period, with the implementation of imperial examination system, the’Literary Selections’was as an example of general mood, was gradually disappeared; in the mid-Koryo Dynasty period, ’ Deeply loves to TaoYuanming’ was not reduced by the passing the’ Literary Selections’ time, on the contrary, because of ’ the Hot of Su Shi’,’ the hot of Tao Yuanming ’ was expanded obviously. By Shu Dongyuo’ s works, Koryo literari indireactly accepted Tao Yuan ming, and alsoe closed to the Tao’s spiritual and life style; In the pre-Joseon Dynasty of ’the hot of Zhu Xi’formed an honor of Tao and Zhu of literary. When literati researched the innate disposition study, they naturally were contacted by Zhu Xi’s literature, that is the Tao’s moral behavior, the comments of Tao’s poem, and the creation of Tao’s influence; In themid-Joseon Dynasty, the development of innate diposition study and the turbulent social works published the largest number of Tao Yuan ming’s collections, and give great effects, achieved Tao Yuanming’s prosperous time; In the late period of Joseon Dynasty, the innate disposition study was faded gradually. Along with production of the new schools, the Tao Yuanming’s images were split up gradually, entering to the Tao yunaming’ decline time.Joseon Dynasty period is the important time of accepting Tao Yuanming’s works. In this time, literati quoted image and poem in Sijo and Casa of Tao’s works to approach to Tao Yuanming’s style. The authors of Sijo and Casa in Joseon Dynasty, not only in creation motive were related with Tao Yuanming, but alsohad equally with Tao Yuanming’s offical experience. When the poets of Joseon Dynasty were frustrated, or resigned the government position, they usually quoted Tao’ s image and poem to their own poetries to comfort themselves. They showed Tao’s admiration without any reservation, at the same time, they like to use the metaphor or the simile to showing the meaning, to imitate the form of Tao’s works.Joseon Dynasty poets respected Tao Yuanming as noble characters and stering integrity、distinguished and admirablefigures, expanded one-sidely a general mood of Tao’s characters, dispelled one positive official of Tao’s characters、thedifficulty and contradicitory of Tao’s seclusion life to confuse the poet’s ture features. Therefore, it has been produced the misunderstanding.The poets of Joseon Dynasty are deeply attracted the images, such as the ’Seclusion life’ image, the’ WuLing Haven’ image, the’ Wu Liu’ image, the’ Jiu’ image and so on, showed the joyful and admired feelings for them, and created the same related images in their works.However,those images had changed, which were created by Joseon Dynasty poets. Joseon Dynasty poets has entrusted with new cultural signigicance to those images.Chinese ancient literati set a high value on Tao’ s artistic style, so do Joseon Dynasty literati. Joseon Dynasty literature have its own characteristics on the artistic form, were easily accepted Tao’s poetry. Joseon Dynasty poets used Tao’s poetry of artistic style ’ PingDanZiRan’ for reference, advocated ’ naturally takes its course’. Therefore ,they didn’t have a spot artificial trace, it may be said that all the things naturally flows out in the chest. Joseon Dynasty poets used Tao’s poetry of artistic style ’Shou Er Shi Yu’for reference, appreciated ’ uninteresting’ poetry, but their poems were not as dry as dust, while had deep meaning. Namely, the form of poems are dull,but the meaning of them are deep.Tao Yuanming has made an important contribution to exchanging literature in China and South Korean, at the same time, Tao’s personality set a great example on korean literati and culture, and pay a positive role on dissemination of Tao yuanming and his poem in Han peninusla.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

