

Study on Flexsible Machining Line and Workshop Planning Methods Based on Polychromatic Theory

【作者】 唐自玉

【导师】 刘光复;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 生产车间规划是一个涉及参数化设计、人工智能、图形学、信息化处理、优化及仿真等技术的交叉学术领域的组合优化问题。传统的生产线和车间规划方法已经很难满足多品种的柔性机加工生产规划的需要。本文在充分研究常规规划理论和技术的基础上,结合合肥车桥有限责任公司新厂区规划的实际需要,提出了“基于多色集合理论的柔性生产线及车间规划方法研究”的课题,它的研究对于柔性机加工生产线的规划具有重要的理论和实际意义,对降低企业制造成本,提高生产效率,以及增强企业市场竞争能力具有很大的实用价值。针对常规规划方法的局限性,运用分层规划概念和多色集合理论的数学工具,从产品族几何特征的原始信息开始,系统地研究了产品族几何特征分类、确定/优化工艺方法、选择/优化设备、布置/优化生产线和生产车间规划方法,建立了相应的模型并提出了求解策略。根据共线生产产品的相似性特点,研究了产品族的几何特征和实现几何特征的工艺方法,运用多色集合的理论方法建立了几何特征与工艺方法的关系矩阵,并根据几何特征的工艺约束属性确定了可行的工艺方法序列,再根据生产线的时间节拍、工艺约束属性和几何特征与工艺方法的关系矩阵对工艺方法进行了优化,实现了设备负荷率的优化,并生成可行的设备序列。建立了基于“一个流”(one-piece flow)的生产线布局模型,通过人员负荷率和相邻设备布局位置对布局模型进行了优化,从而最大限度地提高了人员负荷率和生产面积利用率。进一步提出了基于产品结构树的车间布局方法,建立了车间布局模型和给出了求解算法。同时运用模糊综合评价和改进AHP模型,对上述理论方法实现的生产线和车间布局进行模糊综合评价并进行优选。同时进一步验证理论模型的有效性和实用性,针对提出的机加工生产线规划和基于产品结构树的生产车间规划的多色集合理论模型,运用e-Mplant仿真软件建立了桥壳生产线的仿真模型,并对两条可行的生产线布局方案进行仿真分析。运用E-Factory仿真软件建立了后桥生产车间的仿真模型,并对两生产车间的布局方案进行仿真分析,从而获得最优的方案。仿真结果以及应用实例表明基于多色集合理论的柔性生产车间规划技术方法实用有效,能大大提高生产线的柔性度、设备负荷率、生产线负荷均衡率和面积利用率,降低物流成本和投资成本。

【Abstract】 Workshop planning is a very complicated issue which involves multi-subject-crossed technology, such as parameter designing, artificial intelligence, graphics, information processing, optimization and simulation. Traditional production line and workshop planning method becomes difficult to satisfy flexible multi-product machining production planning needs. This paper deals with the subject " Study on Flexible Machining Production Line and Workshop Planning Method Based on Polychromatic Set Theory" , on the basis of full research of conventional planning theory and technology and in association with practical needs of a new plant planning of Hefei Auto Axle Company, which is theoretically and practically significant for flexible multi-product machining production planning and helps to reduce manufacturing cost, increase production efficiency and corporate market competitiveness.This paper fully researches conventional planning theories and methods and understands the short points of conventional planning methods. By hierarchical planning concept and mathematical tools of polychromatic set theory, it systematically studies the workshop planning methods which involves classification of geometric features of products, determination and optimization of processes, selection and optimization of equipments and layout and optimization of production lines and workshops from very original information of geometric features for a product family. It builds up mathematical models and provides solution algorithms.By the similarity of products, it investigates the geometric features of a product family and their processing methods and establishes the relation matrix between the geometric features and processing methods by means of polychromatic set theory. Then it further optimizes the processing methods by the tact time of the production line, process constraining attributes and the relation matrix between the geometric features, obtains optimized a balancing rate of the production line, and generates a feasible equipment sequence.This dissertation establishes a production line layout model based on the "one-piece flow" concept, which increases human loading rate and utility rate of production area by optimizing the layout model with human loading rate and facility distance. It further puts forward a new workshop layout method based on product structure trees , builds the workshop layout model and gives a solution algorithm. Besides, it has evaluated and the layout of the production line and workshop resulting from the above theoretical method with the help of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and improved AHP models and made the optimal choice.Meanwhile, this paper tesiifies the effectiveness and practicality of the theoretical models. It uses e-Mplant simulation software to establish the simulation model of an axle housing machining line and simulates and analyzes two feasible machining line layouts. It uses E-Factory simulation software to establish the simulation model of a rear axle workshop and simulates and analyzes two feasible workshop layouts and gets the better choice. The simulated results and an applied actual case show that Flexible Machining Production Line and Workshop Planning Method Based on Polychromatic Set Theory is effective and practical. This method is able to increase the production flexibility, equipment loading rate, production balancing rate, ground area utility rate and reduce transportation cost and investment.


