

The Whole History of Explaining Zhaoshuli

【作者】 朱凌

【导师】 席扬;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文围绕“赵树理与‘现代启蒙传统’”、“赵树理与‘大众化’”、“赵树理与‘民间’”、“赵树理与‘时代政治’”、“赵树理与‘现代性’”、“赵树理与山药蛋派”等几个重要问题,全面梳理了自20世纪40年代以来赵树理的阐释历史,重点考察了赵树理在20世纪中国文学追求“现代性”的历史过程中其身份与角色的复杂位移和其文化意义的生成与变迁。“赵树理”是20世纪每一次时代转折的独特映像,对他的褒贬毁誉都和不同语境下历史转折的复杂性密切关联着,赵树理有别于其他作家的独特文化姿态,也同时便在每一次历史转折所依托的文化资源和知识谱系中被凸现。赵树理与“现代启蒙传统”关系的复杂性,具体呈现为他对这一传统继承与超越的叠加状态。“赵树理方向”中被规约的“大众化”与赵树理创作中所呈现的“大众化”价值取向有着重大差异。赵树理以其对“自我民间”的一以贯之的坚守,从而使自己的“民间意义”归属既超越了左翼范畴,又实现了在“现代性”中对民间意义的重构;赵树理创作所表征的文化精神,显然有着鲜明的“五四”以来的“现代”胎记,但同时他又以貌似传统的方式对精英化写作姿态进行了自觉解构。将“赵树理阐释史”作为一个独特现象置于“现代性”视野中进行考察,真正实现对赵树理文学史价值的客观衡定。

【Abstract】 Based on the important questions as "Zhaoshuli and ’The modern Enlightenment Tradition", "Zhaoshuli and ’Popularization’", "Zhaoshuli and ’Populace’ ", "Zhaoshuli and ’Timely politics’", "Zhaoshuli and ’Modernity’", "Zhaoshuli and ’Potato Style’", this dissertation describes the interpretation of history by Zhaoshuli from the 1940s, mainly focusing on the complex movement of the identity and role in history and that of the generation and transformation in cultural significance."Zhaoshulii" has been special reflections of different periods in the 20th century, as the praises and dispraises to him have been closely related with the complexities under various contextual history diversions. At the same time, among these cultural resources and knowledge groups, his specific cultural attitude has been clearly defined. The complicated relationship between "Zhaoshuli and ’The modern Enlightenment Tradition’" showed his inheritance and surpass of this tradition. The "Popularization" confirmed in the "Zhaoshuli Direction" had a very important divergence from the values reflected from his works. His perseverance to "Self-Populace" has surpassed the "Left" category and realized the reconstruction of populace significance. His cultural spirits from his works clearly showed a "Modernity" after the "May 4th Movement". Together he had a conscious deconstruction to the spiritual writing attitude by the mode of seemingly traditions. And the regard of "Zhaoshuli Interpretation of History" has been a particular inspection under the "Modernity" phenomenon, objectively reflecting the fair judgment of Zhaoshuli literature value.


