

A Study on the Predicament and Transcending of the Modern Olympic Movement in the Era of Science and Technology

【作者】 徐成立

【导师】 黄汉升;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 科学技术作为人类文明的产物,是人类进步的标志。本研究以科学技术飞速发展的科技时代为背景,从科技哲学的视角出发,以实践的思维方式,运用历史与逻辑相统一、理论与现实相结合,以及多重层次的分析比较为方法,对目前现代奥林匹克运动的发展困境问题进行了比较系统的分析与研究。旨在为超越困境,实现科技时代现代奥林匹克运动持续、健康、稳定、和谐发展提供思路。研究结果表明:科技时代科学技术飞速发展,并广泛渗入到人类社会生活的各个领域。现代奥林匹克运动作为人类特有的社会文化活动在此过程中必然打上科技发展的印记。百年奥运与科技结合的历史证明,科学技术作为现代奥林匹克运动存在方式,是现代奥林匹克运动发展的驱动力,它在实现奥林匹克运动复活的同时,也为现代奥林匹克运动插上了腾飞的翅膀,实现了快速发展。现代科学技术的进步与发展使得现代奥林匹克运动的科技含量越来越高,现代奥林匹克运动对科技的依赖也越来越强烈。科学技术作为一把双刃剑,在为现代奥林匹克运动发展造福的同时,其负面效应也逐渐阻碍到现代奥林匹克运动的发展,使其陷入了发展的困境。现代奥林匹克运动发展困境是指现代奥林匹克运动发展的实际结果与其发展的预定目标呈现相反的趋势,是科技文明时代所遭遇的对奥林匹克运动实现其崇高理想构成威胁和阻碍的内部状况和外部环境,是总体发展顺境中的困境,属于“类发展困境”。现代奥林匹克运动发展困境表征在三个维度上,即现代奥林匹克运动的自然性危机、现代奥林匹克运动的社会性危机,以及现代奥林匹克运动中人的危机。在自然层面上,现代奥林匹克运动源于自然、改造自然,与自然本应是共生共荣的和谐发展状态,但与自然的失衡造成了自然资源的破坏、自然环境的污染,以及资源的限制浪费;在社会层面,现代奥林匹克运动作为社会的缩影和聚焦,本应是通向社会和谐的桥梁,而与社会失衡造成了过度商业化、政治化、以及公平竞争的丧失和伦理道德的沦丧;在人自身层面,人的发展是现代奥林匹克运动的逻辑起点和归宿,现代奥林匹克运动与人自身的失衡不仅带来了人的生理、心理的创伤,同时对人的精神造成了伤害,带来了现代奥林匹克理想家园的幻灭和奥林匹克运动审美价值的丧失。现代奥林匹克运动发展困境固然有经济、政治、文化等多方面的因素,但究其深层原因我们发现不论是自然、社会还是人自身都与科技应用过程中出现的异化有着直接的联系。而现代性特征社会背景下的工具理性与价值理性的分离及工具理性单方面的膨胀、对利益无休止的争夺以及体育竞技自身内在的发展逻辑使科技异化的出现成为一种必然。而科技作为人实践活动的产物,承载人的价值,科技带来的问题,归根到底是使用科技的人自身的问题,现代奥林匹克运动科技异化根源的背后实质是人的异化。现代奥林匹克运动发展困境存在必然性的同时也存在可控性。基于发展的思考,超越困境需要新观念、新角色、新制度。首先,对现代奥林匹克运动中科技进行价值认知,树立全面的科技观,科技并非万能,实现科技与现代奥林匹克运动价值的关联,确立以人为本的奥林匹克科技观;其次,对现代奥林匹克运动中的科技进行合理的角色定位,确立科技应用的辅助性、适度性、统筹性的原则和限度;第三,加强现代奥林匹克科技发展的制度保障,强化科技立法、科技伦理以及促进现代奥林匹克全球化等具体规范。

【Abstract】 Science and Technology is the outcome of human civilization, and the symbol of human progress. Since the rising of the modern Olympic movement, it is closed related to science and technology. In the last century, with the help of science and technology, the modern Olympic movement creates several miracles. Now its influence had exceeded sports to be a segment of our life and one of the most influential culture activity modes.Science and technology has a rapid development in the era of science and technology, and are penetrating into nearly all fields of society. The modern Olympic movement, as a human-specific social and cultural activity is bound to bear the imprint of science and technology. In fact, the combination of Olympic and technology shows that, as the existing way of the modern Olympic Movement, science and technology are the driving force of modern Olympics development and the wings to Olympic movement, so its implementation not only brought about the revival of the Olympic movement, but also the rapid development of Olympics.With the progress of modern science and technology, the modern Olympic movement has become increasingly dependent on science and technology due to its high content of technology. Science and technology is a double-edged sword, it is of benefit to the development of the modern Olympic movement. Meanwhile, its negative effects have also gradually hindered the development of the modern Olympic movement and put it into the development predicament. The predicament development of the modern Olympic movement shows that the development of the aim of modern Olympic movement and its actual results present an opposite trend, which is resulting from the threat and hindrance of internal conditions and external environment in the era of science and technology, so the Olympics development predicament is actually a predicament in smooth water, namely, the quasi-development predicament.The characterization of Olympics development predicament finds expression in three dimensions, the natural crisis, the social crisis, as well as the human crisis. As to the nature, the modern Olympic movement roots in the nature, modified the nature, and should be in a harmonious status with nature, but the imbalance with the nature caused the natural environment pollution, as well as the waste and lay up of the natural resources. As to the society, as a microcosm and focus of society, the modern Olympic movement should be a bridge leading to a harmonious society, but the imbalances with the society brought about the excessive commercialization, politicalization, as well as the anomic of the fair play spirit. As to the human, the human development is the logic starting point and destination of the modern Olympic movement, so the imbalance between them came about not only human physical and psychological trauma, but the spiritual crisis.The cause of Olympic development predicament seemingly is composed of economic, political, cultural and many other factors, but the primary reason is science and technology. The separation of instrumental rationality and value rationality, the unilateral expansion of instrumental rationality, the never-ending scramble for the interests, and the internal logic of sports make the emergence of technological alienation to be a necessity. As a product of human practice, science and technology carries the value of people, so the problems brought about by science and technology are actually the problems of human, and the alienation of the modern Olympic Sports Technology behind reflects the alienation of man.The Olympic development predicament is inevitable but controllable. Based on the development thinking, transcending the predicament needs new concepts, new role, and new system. First of all, establishing a comprehensive view of science and technology, which means that science and technology are not omnipotent, and the association of Olympics and technology lies in their unified value of people-centered concept; then establishing the status of science and technology in the modern Olympic movement, and application should be according to three principles: supporting, appropriateness, and co-ordination. Third, enforcing the institutionelle garantie of Olympic technology development; strengthening the science and technology legislation and the ethics of science and technology; promoting the globalization of modern Olympic movement.


