

Theoretical and Empirical Study on Effective Physical Education

【作者】 胡永红

【导师】 周登嵩;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 有效体育教学是教师遵循体育教学过程的规律,成功引起、激发、维持和促进了学生的体育学习,相对有效地达到了既定教学效果的教学,其核心是关注学生的进步或发展以及教学的效益。本研究对有效体育教学进行了理论探讨和实证研究。研究内容和结果如下。一、构成有效体育教学的理论基础有:教学教育过程最优化理论、适应性绩效理论、管理方格理论、权变理论、自我效能理论、成就需要理论、交往的需要与学习动机理论、心理学理论、系统论以及非指导性教学理论。二、有效体育教学的内涵有效体育教学含义包含“有效果”、“有效益”和“有效率”三方面。其中,“有效果”,主要从学生有无进步方面得到体现;“有效益”,指学生学到了东西或学生学得好;“有效率”,是单位教学投入内获得较多的教学产出。有效体育教学的内涵还包括:教与学相互依存、教学行为选择与目标的确立要立足于多学科、有效体育教学是一套策略。有效体育教学的理念包括:关注学生的全面进步和发展;以促进学生学习为宗旨;需要教师具备效益意识;需要教师具备反思意识。三、有效体育教学的特征。包括:充分的教学准备;教学组织科学:教学清晰明了;有效促进学生的体能技能身体素质等多元发展;高效利用时间;教学内容的量度合适,有效内容量大;重视教学过程;体育教师的教学观念具有鲜明的现代化意识;关注学生身心成长的全面性;有效体育教学具有多样性。四、有效体育教学的影响因素。包括体育教师因素、学生因素、教学内容、体育教学环境、现代体育教学手段、自然条件因素等6大方面。其中,体育教师因素包括体育教师的教学观念、学科教学知识、责任感、教学效能感以及教学能力、体育教师主导作用的发挥;学生因素包括学生的体能技能基础、学习策略、学习动机、学习兴趣、参与程度和参与方式;教学内容因素包括体育教学中的有效内容和无效内容、教学内容的数量、教学内容的度、教学内容的实效性、教学内容是否符合学生兴趣、教学有效内容量;体育教学环境因素包括体育教学的场馆器材充足情况、体育教学的人文环境、同场上课班级数量的多少。另外,影响有效体育教学的因素还包括现代体育教学手段以及自然条件因素。五、有效体育教学标准的研制。在阅读文献资料的基础上,向全国部分一线骨干体育教师、专家学者等进行了三轮调研,运用层次分析法、EXCEL软件和SPSS统计包等工具,制订了包括4项一级指标,14项二级指标,44项三级指标的有效体育教学标准体系。六、体育教学有效性的实地调查。对广东、湖南两省11所中学、20名体育教师、20个教学单元、70节体育课进行了现场课堂观察,对其课堂信息进行统计分析,对体育教学的效果进行了城乡、两省、新熟手、示范性学校和非示范性学校等不同维度的统计对比。七、提高体育教学的有效性的策略。包括:精心选择教学内容,提高体育教学的有效内容量;增加学生有效练习时间,优化体育课堂时间管理;保持适宜的运动负荷;减少和预防运动损伤;保持合适的练习密度;增加体育与健康知识的掌握量;保持良好的师生交往;保持合适的心理负荷;激发学生动机;优化课堂教学实际时间。

【Abstract】 The effective Physical Education teaching is to the gym teachers to follow the discipline of the Physical Education process, cause、arouse、maintain and boost the students’ physical education learning , come up to a fixed teaching effect correspondingly effectively. The core is to pay attention to the students’ advancement or development and the benefit of the teaching. The theoretical discussion and practical research are done and the research content and conclusion are made as follows.The 1st, the theoretical basis of the effective Physical Education teaching. The basis includes mainly: the optimization theory of the teaching、the adaptive performance theory、the management grid theory、the contingent theory、the self-efficacy theory、the performance need theory、the need of interaction and learn motivation theory、the psychology theory、the system theory and non-directive theory.The 2nd, the connotation of the effective Physical Education teaching. The meaning includes such three aspects as "having effect" "having benefit" and " having efficiency". Among the "having effect" is embodied mainly from the students’ progress , the "having benefit" is to the students to have learned something or learned well, the "having efficiency" refers to getting more teaching output in unit teaching input. At the same time, the connotation of the effective P.E.teaching also includes: the teaching and learning depends on each other, the choice of teaching behavior and the establishment of teaching target must establish multidisciplinary ,the effective Physical Education teaching is a set of strategy. The idea of effective Physical Education teaching also includes follows: paying attention to the overall progress and development, the purpose is to promote the students’ learning, The effective Physical Education teaching demands the teachers have the benefit and reflect idea.The 3rd, the characteristics of the effective Physical Education teaching. The characteristics includes the following: sufficient teaching preparation; the teaching organization is scientific; the teaching is clear and straightforward; promoting the students’ multiple development as physical fitness、skill and physical quality; making use of the time efficiently; the quality of the teaching content is appropriate and the effective content is plenty; paying attention to the teaching process; the teachers’ teaching notion has lively modern idea ;paying attention to the comprehensiveness of the students’ growth; the effective Physical Education teaching is of diversity.The 4th, the influencing factors to the effective Physical Education teaching. The factors includes such six factors as gym teachers、students、teaching content、Physical Education atmosphere、modern teaching means and the nature conditions. Concretely, the gym teachers factor includes his teaching notion、pedagogical content knowledge、sense of responsibility、the sense of teaching efficacy and teaching ability、the exertion of the gym teachers’ leading action. The students’ factor includes their physical fitness and skill basis、learning strategy、learning intention、learning interest、participation degree and pattern; the teaching content factor includes the effective content and the invalid content in the Physical Education teaching、the amount of the teaching content、the degree of the teaching content、the timeliness of the teaching content、whether the teaching content agree with the students’ interest or not and the effective amount of the teaching content; the Physical Education atmosphere factor includes whether the condition of the building complex is sufficient or not, the humanities environment of the Physical Education teaching,the amount of attending classes in the same field .In addition, the influencing factors include modern Physical Education teaching methods and nature condition factors, too.The 5th, the development of the effective Physical Education teaching standard. On the basis of reading abundant documentations, the author did three rounds of nationwide survey on the part of backbone teachers and specialists and scholars ,by using the analytic hierarchy process(AHP),the Excel software and the Statistical Program for Social Sciences, the effective Physical Education teaching standard system which includes 4 one class index、14 two class index and 44 three class index was formulated.The 6th, the field survey of the Physical Education teaching validity ,this research did spot Physical Education teaching classroom observation among 11 middle schools、20 gym teachers、20 teaching units、70 gym lessons from the Guangdong and Hunan Province. After statistics and analysis to the classroom information, the diverse dimensional effect of the Physical Education teaching was compared in the dimensions of urban and country、the Guangdong Province and Hunan Province、the novice teachers and dab hand teachers、the demonstrative and non- demonstrative schools.The 7th, the strategies on how to improve the validity of the Physical Education teaching. The strategies include: choosing teaching content with utmost care and improve the effective content quality of the Physical Education teaching; increasing the students’ efiFective exercise time and to optimize the time management in the Physical Education classroom; keeping feasible movement load; lessening and preventing the sport injuries; maintaining feat exercise density; increasing the comprehend knowledge of P.E. and Health course; keeping favorable intercourse between gym teacher and students; keeping appropriate psychological load; exciting the students’ intention; optimizing the actual teaching time in classroom.


