

A Comparative Study of the Correlation of "Medicine-Yi-ology"

【作者】 林胜勤

【导师】 张善文;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本論文為學科交叉之研究,跨越易學、中醫學與現代醫學三個領域,研究方法創新,融和易學理論、中醫學理論與現代醫學實驗,從醫易相通理論到科學實驗論證,採用宏觀的理論思維來探討醫易相通的研究,並透過微觀的醫學實驗室觀察數據和圖譜,用易理來闡述細胞受到環境改變之後所呈現的各種現象,以印證醫易相通關係。易學,廣大悉備,唯變適從。通過易理之闡發與象數之推衍,來歸納與探討萬物生生之理。天下之理廣博,但易學可以通過陰陽變化來執簡馭繁,由博返約。天下之理深邃,但易學通過象與數來取象比類,探赜索隱。易學以陰陽剛柔變化為核心,佐以五行卦象,序以先後天方位,配以河圖洛書,其獨特理論體系與思維方式廣泛影響著各個學科。中醫學凝聚著東方文明的智慧與結晶,其理論體系,經歷近代實證科學之挑戰,沒有被西方醫學替代與征服,顯示著頑強生命力。近年來,許多有識之士注重變革自身知識結構,吸取交叉學科研究成果,來研究中醫學理論。中醫學與其他學科之關係中,最密切的莫過於與易學的關係,醫易會通為許多研究者的共識,當然,也成為學術爭鳴的焦點之一。現代醫易領域研究者有醫易相通之共識,歷代醫家早有此論,不少醫家遗援易入醫以完善中醫學理論體系。明代醫學家張介賓是這方面的集大成者,他在《類經附翼。醫易義》中說:“《易》者,易也,具陰陽動靜之妙;醫者,意也,合陰陽消長之機。雖陰陽已備於《内經》,而變化莫大乎《周易》。故曰天人一理者,一此陰陽也,醫《易》同源者,同此變化也。”此論可謂言簡意賅,將醫易兩者理論最核心内涵概括出來。現代醫學研究者,則更注重結合現代醫學理論與實驗方法來探討醫易關係,在現代化科學中發展中醫學理論,並試圖將中醫學與易學會通相關理論納入實證範圍。本文試圖從相關理論與實踐兩個角度出發,首先研討醫學與易學兩者在基本範疇與思維方式上的相通性;其次對醫易會通相關理論進行深入探討,在實踐層面上,通過現代醫學實驗,以實證方式,依據具體數據與圖譜,來探索中醫學臨床療效與易學的原理會通之處。全文大體可以分為三個部分:第一部分包括“緒論”與第一章“醫易關係辨析”。“緒論”主要梳理醫易會通研究之萌芽、發展、現狀與可繼續研究之領域。第一章則著重對醫易關係的諸種說法進行辨析,以釐清和確立本文“醫易會通”論點的基本範疇、探討角度與研究重點。第二部分涵蓋“中醫學基本範疇”及“《周易》三才之道與中醫學天人相應論”。本部分亦可再分為三個部分。首先,重點探討中醫學氣、陰陽與五行三個最基本範疇,從整體上把握中醫學基本範疇、思維方式與理論體系的特徵。其次,探討易學氣化論、陰陽範疇、五行範疇與中醫學這三個範疇的深層聯繫。最後,探討易學三才理論對中醫學德術兩方面的影響,從而確立中醫學濃厚人文理念與易學的深層會通之處。第三部分包括“易學對現代醫學的啟示”以《頤》卦為例,用個案研究的方式,來探索易理對現代糖尿病的中醫學治療方法與病人日常合理飲食結構的建議。最後“醫易相通之現代實踐與運用”著重實證研究,以纖維母細胞加熱實驗為例,來論證中醫學治療原理與藥物療效與易理會通之處。

【Abstract】 This is a cross study of Modern Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Yi-ology. The study explores a new field of study, combining macro-view of Yi-ology and Micro-view of modern lab medical results, to support the correlation between Modern Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Yi-ology.The Yi-Jing, the Book of Changes, a comprehensive explanation for the rule of the universal, follows the dynamics of changes. It discusses and concludes the universal interactions through elucidation of Yi-ology and generation of Shan. Though rules of the world are wide and complex, Yi-ology can convert complexity into conciseness, and handle wide knowledge with simplicity, through Yin-Yang, negative-positive poles alternation, and Shan, the syndromes generated from Yin-Yang by ways of Yi-ology . While the rules of the world are profound, the Yi-Jing conducts in-depth exploration and probes into mystery through analogism with Yin-Yang and Firm-Yielding alternation as its core, supported by the Five Elements and the Eight Diagrams, coordinated by the sequence as original and inheriting, as well as Hetu and Luoshu, to exert extensive influence on various disciplines by its unique theoretical system and mindset.Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) embodies the wisdom and crystallization of Eastern civilization. Having been challenged by modern real diagnostic science, its theoretical system is precious with its unique philosophy from Western medicine. In recent years, intellectuals focus on reconstructuring their own knowledge systems by applying cross-field study on TCM theory, and Yi-ology is the closest one. The correlation study of Yi-ology and TCM have come to be the main course of Chinese medical study, since, philologically, Yi-ology’s coordinates with TCM have been the common sense of modern medical study.Commonly accepted by modern study of the cross Medical-Yi-ology field for a long time, TCM practices are closely related with the Yi-ology, and many doctors apply Yi-ology to perfect the Chinese medical theory. Ming Dynasty medical scientist Zhang Jiebin epitomizes this aspect, as he noted in "Neijing Fuyi—Medicine- Yi-Jing Theory," saying: "Yi, changes, identifies the secrets of Yin and Yang, motion and still. Medicine is to appreciate the mechanism of growth and decline between Yin and Yang. Therefore, humans change while the natural environment changes, the same as the changes between Yin and Yang. Medicine and Yi-Jing derive from the same origin that is the cognition of Yin-yang change of everything in the universe." This opinion briefly makes the point. Modern medical studies put more efforts into applying western medicine theory and lab results while discussing Medicine-Yi-Jing relationship to develop TCM theory in modern science, or even try to apply the correlation theory of TCM and Yi-ology into empirical domains.This study tries to discuss the Yi-ology-CTM relation from both relative theories and practical implementation. First, the discussion covers the correlation of philosophy and fields of basic application between medicine and The Yi-Jing. Second, the study focuses on the possession of both professional skills and humanism together in CTM. Finally, through modern medical experiment, by the means of statistical and diagram analysis, it explores the correlation between clinical effects of TCM and the theory of the Yi-ology.This dissertation is basically divided into three parts:The first part includes Introduction, and chapter one, Medicine-Yi-ology Relationship Differentiation and Analysis. Introduction mainly addresses the beginning, development, current situation, and the ongoing research field of Medicine-Yi-ology correlation research. Chapter one compares several statements of Medicine-Yi-ology relationships to identify the basic category, points of view, and research.The second part serves to establish the correlation between the humanism of TCM and Yi-ology, issues covered from chapter three, the Basic Category of TCM, through chapter eight, Universe-Earth-Human, Theory of Zhou Yi and Correlation Theory between Universe and Human in TCM. This part can be further divided into three sections. First, it mainly explores the three most basic categories—Qi, Yin-Yang, and Five Elements of traditional Chinese medicine so as to describe the characteristics of basic categories, philosophy, and theoretical system integratively. Next, it discusses the correlation between Qihua Theory of Yi-ology and the deep relations among Yin-yang category, the Five Elements category, as well as traditional Chinese medicine. The last section probes the impact of ethics and competence on traditional Chinese medicine as exerted by the Universe-Earth-Human Theory of Yi-ology.The third part covers "The Inspiration of Yi-ology to Modern Medicine". Applying empirical research, taking fibroblast heating experiments as the example, to prove the correlation between therapy principles and drug effects of traditional Chinese medicine and Yi-ology theory; meanwhile, it explores the enlightenment of Yi-ology theory for TCM therapy of modern diabetes and daily diet structure of diabetics through the example of "Yi" Kua and by the means of individual cases.


