

The Innovations of Logistic Pattern for Agricultural Products

【作者】 李碧珍

【导师】 李建平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 经济思想史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以马克思主义经济理论为指导,分析了建国60年来我国农产品物流发展的历史变迁及模式演进的动力机制,考察了我国农产品物流的发展现状,对第三方物流主导的多元模式创新中物流基础设施落后、诚信环境恶化以及金融供给短缺等问题予以翔实的剖析。在借鉴发达国家农产品物流成功经验的基础上,结合我国农村金融、物流企业、供应链企业的实际情况,本文提出,构建现代农产品物流与农村金融协同发展的新型农产品物流金融发展模式,是我国物流企业、金融机构和供应链企业根据行业环境适时调整经营策略,寻找机遇,实现三方共赢的必然选择。2009年是中华人民共和国建国60周年。60年间,随着人民公社的终结和以家庭联产承包责任制为核心的全面推进与不断完善,我国农业商品经济和市场经济获得了快速发展。适应农业商品经济和市场经济的发展,传统的农产品物流模式逐渐向社会专业化物流模式转型,“加工型企业+农产”、“流通型企业+农产”和“批发商+批发市场+零售”、第三方物流等各种新生的农产品物流组织大量涌现,农产品物流体系建设取得了长足的发展。但由于物流基础设施落后、农村金融供给短缺以及各创新主体间信息不对称、信用缺失等问题的存在,农产品物流金融产品的开发和运用不够广泛,“融资、结算、分散风险”等多样化的物流金融服务需求无法得到满足,中小型供应链企业融资渠道和流动资金短缺问题依然严峻。因此,加强金融创新意识,提高农产品物流金融工具创新能力与风险控制能力,是现阶段我国农产品物流业发展迫切需要解决的问题。当前,我国农产品物流业对外面临着国内农产品物流市场进一步开放、国内农产品物流企业竞争力不强,外资物流企业占据高端物流市场的国内产业安全的严峻挑战;对内面临着物流实物量增速回落、市场价格下降,资金短缺、投资不足、效益下滑的压力。应对挑战,我国农产品物流业必须寻找新的利润增长点,实现由传统物流向现代物流金融的转变。因此,借鉴发达国家物流金融发展的成功经验,推进物流企业与农业银行、农村信用社等金融机构合作,拓展农产品物流金融业务空间,实现农产品物流与资金流的高效融合,构建我国现代农产品物流建设金融支持的理论体系和政策框架,对促进我国农产品物流业的产业升级具有极其重要的作用和意义。

【Abstract】 Directed by the Marxist Economic Theory, the thesis analyzes the dynamic mechanisms of historical changes and modal evolution in the development of Agricultural Products Logistics(APL) in China since the foundation of the PRC, researches into its present situation, and analyzes the problems on the backwardness of fundamental logistic facilities, the deterioration of the sincere setting, the shortage of the financial resource supplies, etc. in the current stage where our multi-patterns of logistic innovation were mainly directed by third party logistics. Referring to the successful experience of APL in developed countries and the situation of rural finance, logistic companies, and supply chain companies of agricultural products, the thesis puts forward that building a new logistic financial pattern combining modern APL with rural finance will surely be chosen for APL companies, financial corporations and supply chain companies to timely adjusting operating strategies, search opportunities and realize all-win situation according to the industrial setting.The year 2009 is the 60th anniversary of the PRC. During this period, with the end of the People Communes and the overall progress and continuous improvement of the Household Contract Responsibility System, agricultural commodity economy and agricultural market economy have developed rapidly. Having adapted to their development, the traditional model of APL generally is being transformed into a professional social one when numerous new organizations of APL like ’processing businesses and farmers’, ’current businesses and famers’, ’wholesaler and wholesale market and retail’, third party logistics, etc. have sprung up. The system building of the APL has developed sufficiently. Because of the existing problems such as the backwardness of fundamental logistic facilities, the shortage of the financial resource supplies in rural areas, the Information Asymmetry among innovation subjects and the lack of sincerity, financial products of APL haven’t developed or been used sufficiently, as well as the failure to fulfill the demands for various financial logistics services of agricultural products like ’financing, settlement, risk diversification’, etc. and the seriousness of supply chain companies’ lacking financial channels and cash flow. Therefore enhancing the awareness financial innovations and the ability to create new financial tools for APL and manage risk is urgent for the present APL industry in China.At present the APL industry in China is faced with such severe external challenges as the further open of the interior agricultural products market, the weakly competitive companies, the occupancy of the advanced logistic market by foreign investment, as well as the interior pressures like the slowdown increase of logistic entities, the fall of the market price, the shortage of capital and investment, and the decreasing benefit. Coping with challenges, the APL industry should search for the new economic growth point of benefits to realize the transformation from a traditional logistics to a modern financial one. It therefore plays an important and great role in upgrading APL industry in China to refer to the successful experience of developed countries, promote the cooperation between the logistic corporations and financial institutions like the Agricultural Bank, the Rural Credit Cooperatives, expand space for agricultural products financial logistics, realize the high efficiency integration of APL with cash flow, and construct the system and policy framework of the financial support in constructing the theory of agricultural products industry in China.

  • 【分类号】F326.6
  • 【被引频次】34
  • 【下载频次】6557

