

Reality and Distortion

【作者】 吴巍巍

【导师】 汪毅夫;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文在广泛而深入查考西文文献基础上,较为全面地梳理了晚清时期西方传教士记载和介绍福建社会的著述及相关文献资料;综合运用与借鉴历史学、宗教学、人类学、比较文学形象学、东方学、跨文化传播学等学科理论和方法,系统地探讨西方传教士视野中的晚清福建社会的内容和特征、阐释西方传教士认知福建社会的文化观照;并在贯穿全文的过程中,结合查阅大量福建地方文献,分析传教士著述及其相关文献资料的特点、价值与缺失,探索传教士述闽著作与文献对于东西方世界的影响。文章认为:西方传教士记述晚清福建社会的内容庞杂而多元,对地方日常生活面相与民间事象的考察及审视是其关注的重点和焦点;表现手法以微观与直观为基本特征;论述基调则具有客观性与主观化并存的趋势,总体而言呈现出一种真实与扭曲相交织的形态,反映了西方传教士与福建地方特定环境的微妙关系。传教士构建福建形象或福建观的背后,折射着东方主义、殖民主义语境、西方中心观与普世福音的基督教“拯救”心态,其核心表现为潜意识中的传教理念;不容忽视的是,传教士长期在福建区域社会生活和工作,又在很大程度上融入地方文化之中,表现着“情境化”的特质。这种看似矛盾的现象提醒我们在检讨所谓传教士“殖民霸权话语”在全国乃至世界的通用性解释之同时,还应注意到地方区域特殊性和具体化原则。最后,传教士著述及相关文献在东西方世界分别起着相应的影响,它们在东西方文化交流史上发挥着自身特定的重要作用,具有显著意义。

【Abstract】 Based on all-around investigation and compiling of extensive data, this paper is an in-depth systematic illustration and analysis of Western missionaries’ writings and comments in other forms on Fujian society in the late Qing Dynasty in the light of the theories and methodology of history, religious study, anthropology, comparative literature imagologie, Orientalism and Cross-cultural Communicology in search of the implications and features of the image of Fujian society in the late Qing Dynasty in the eyes of western missionaries and the perspectives from which they decoded Fujian society. Fujian regional archives and literature are also references of this dissertation. Through the probe into the mixed resource of information, the dissertation presents the reality and distortion, merits and demerits, value and falsehood, and consequent mixed influences of missionaries’ record of and opinions on Fujian.Western missionaries’ writings on Fujian society in the late Qing dynasty are numerous and multi-perspective, yet with shared focus on aspects of regional daily life and folk phenomenon, showing essentially microcosmic and intuitionistic ways of observation and reflections featuring a contrast between objectivity and subjectivity. Reality presented thus and distortion coexisting reflect western missionaries had been in delicate relationship to the circumstance of Fujian. Behind western missionaries’ image of Fujian interweave Orientalism, Colonialism, conception of occidental center and Christians’ ideological consciousness of "salvation" and "evangelic universalism". One thing that cannot be neglected is that missionaries inevitably marked the particularity of regional contextualization through their long-time interaction with Fujian society. There is no blinking the fact that even in the westerner’s universal explanation of the east are to an extent colored with colonial hegemonic language and yet with divergences of particularities of locations and principles of embodiment of presentations. And there is no denying the fact that missionaries’ writings and other related literature data has brought relevant influence bridging the east and the west with a specially important impact on the history of cultural communication between the East and the West, which is obviously significantly meaningful.


