

Study on the Farmers’ Land Rights and Interests in the Process of China’s Economic Development

【作者】 林翊

【导师】 林卿;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国经济发展进程中农民土地权益大量流失已是不争的事实,社会矛盾因此日益加剧,使得农民土地权益问题成为深刻影响我国经济社会发展的战略性问题。中国经济发展进程中,农地非农化导致农民土地权益严重流失的问题已成为社会各界关注的重点,然而,还没有引起人们足够重视的农村土地使用权流转过程中的农民土地权益流失,也是严重问题的另一个方面。本文将同时从这两个方面,全面地分析农民土地权益的流失与保护问题。本文认为,忽视农民权益的农地制度安排,是导致我国农民土地权益流失的最根本原因。因此,本文试图在公平与效率的分析框架下,思考如何通过农地制度创新,使土地资源的配置既能保障经济进程健康发展,又能从根本上保护农民土地权益。从重视农民土地权益保护的视角研究农地制度创新,这不仅对中国经济社会的和谐、健康发展有着重要的现实意义,同时也为我国农村土地制度创新提出了一个新思路。本文将努力以马克思主义理论指导中国社会主义经济实践,从战略高度强调我国经济发展进程中农民土地权益保护的重要性与紧迫性;以与中国有着相似农地制度安排与演变背景的匈牙利为例,通过比较分析,阐明农村土地制度变迁与农民土地权益状况的密切关系;从公平与效率兼顾的视角,分析我国土地征收以及农村土地使用权流转过程中农民土地权益的流失与保护问题;突出强调农民组织作为农民土地权益保护主体的作用;从土地产权、市场机制、法律规范三个层面对我国农村土地制度的创新进行构思,旨在努力构建一个有效保护农民土地权益的制度体系。

【Abstract】 It has been an indisputable fact that the Chinese farmers have been losing their rights and interests of owning the rural land in the process of China’s economic development, causing increasing social conflicts and thus making it an issue which profoundly influences the process of our nation’s economic development.In the process of China’s economic development, the seriousness of the loss of the farmers’ land rights and interests caused in the process of not using farmland for farming has become the focus of social concern.Yet it has not attracted enough attention that the loss of the farmers’ land rights and interests in the process of transfer of rural land use right is also another aspect of the serious problem. This article makes a comprehensive analysis of the loss and protection of the farmers’ land rights and interests in the two aspects mentioned above.The author believes that the present institutional arrangements of agricultural land which neglect the farmer’s land rights and interests is the most fundamental reason for the loss. Therefore, this article tries to reflect upon how to improve the allocation of resources through institutional innovation of agricultural land system and thus guarantee both the healthy economic development and the protection of fundamental rights and interests of the farmers under the framework of fairness and efficiency.Research into the system innovation of agricultural land from the perspective of the protection of the farmers’ land rights and interests not only has an important practical significance for China’s healthy economic development and social harmony, but also provides new ideas in the innovation of China’s rural land system.This thesis tries to use the Marxist theory to guide China’s socialist economic practice and from a strategic height emphasizes the importance and urgency of the protection of the farmers’ rights and interests in the process of China’ economic development.Through comparative analysis of the institutional arrangements and evolution of agricultural land in Hungary which has similar background to China, this thesis clarifies the close relationship between the rural land system and the farmers’ land rights and interests. From both equity and efficiency perspective, the thesis analyses the loss and protection of the farmers’ land rights and interests in the process of land acquisition and transfer of agricultural land use right. The thesis highlights the important role of farmers’ organizations in the protection of farmers’ land rights and interests. From the three levels of land property rights, market mechanisms and legal norms, the thesis sets out innovative thinking for China’s rural land system reform, aimed at building an effective system of protecting the farmers’ land rights and interests.


