

Law of Defamation

【作者】 郑仁荣

【导师】 杨立新; 郑又贤;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 诽谤是侵害公民或法人名誉权的一种方式,但在一定的条件下,“诽谤”因涉及言论自由,不但有其存在的空间,而且涉及言论自由与名誉权两大基本权利。所以,如何实现这两大基本权利之间的完美平衡,是诽谤法所要关心问题。本文主要对以下问题进行研究:第一,诽谤的概念。从诽谤的概念入手,我们就可以得知:诽谤一词的来源最初却是为了保护公民的言论自由,随着社会的不断发展,诽谤历经了多次的变化,最终形成了我们现在的诽谤,即过错发布针对他人的虚假的且贬损性的言论,造成他人社会评价降低,名誉受损的行为。第二,言论自由与名誉权保护。言论自由与名誉权都是人类最基本的权利之一,都受到了国际公约、宪法、民法、刑法与行政法的保护,但这两种权利也都是可限制的权利,它们之间就是相互制约、相互平衡的。而诽谤法的目的就是使这两者之间达到平衡,笔者从二分法入手,对它们之间的平衡提出自己的看法。第三,诽谤的构成要件。从诽谤的概念入手,我们就可以得知诽谤的构成要件:虚假不实的贬损性言论、发布、指向原告、过错、社会评价降低与名誉受损。通过一些案例的分析,以及与美国诽谤构成要件的比较,重点分析了我国比较薄弱的点:发布。通过对发布的详细研究,并结合当今互联网的发展,提出了网络发布中的责任承担问题。此外,还重点研究了名誉损害,名誉受损是损害的中心环节,它是精神痛苦损害与财产利益损害的基础,它以社会评价降低作为评判标准。而我国一直不重视名誉受损的问题,对它的研究也不深入。第四,抗辩事由。当诽谤的各种构成要件已经具备时,此时唯有抗辩事由才能阻却它承担民事责任。对于抗辩事由,我国并未进行详细的分类,造成一些混乱,如何进行科学的分类,如何进行科学的适用,都是本文要研究的课题。通过比较美国的抗辩事由,结合我国的抗辩事由,我们将抗辩事由分为同意、真实性抗辩、绝对免责特权与附条件免责特权。其中主要分析了附条件免责特权,从其产生的理论基础认识到为了保护言论自由、公共利益等利益,有必要对在一定程度上对诽谤进行保护。但这种保护大部份是有条件的,这种保护是出于更大的社会利益的需要。第五,诽谤的救济方式。在救济方式中,重点分析了损害赔偿、更正澄清、公正的报道与公平赔偿,通过对比各国的诽谤救济,特别美国、瑞士、中国台湾和埃塞俄比亚的救济,认为我国的名誉损害赔偿存在缺失,应当建立我国的名誉损害赔偿,且这种赔偿依据法理是名誉利益损害,故名誉损害赔偿也是其它损害的基础与必要先决条件。对于更正与澄清、反报道与公平赔偿,也是我国目前诽谤侵权赔偿中所欠缺的或不够完善的。通过对比分析,希望借鉴这些救济方式,以期对我国的诽谤救济进行完善。第六,我国诽谤法构建。在当世界各国都受诽谤诉讼的困扰,如何能较为完善的解决这个问题,也是当代诽谤研究的一个重点。各国都提出了诽谤改革方法,其中最著名的就是美国的诽谤统一更正与澄清法,它恢复名誉为优先选择,取代了过去的损害赔偿,并设计一套及时、充分的恢复名誉制度,且这套制度既可以在诉讼中施行,又可以以非诉的方式来解决诽谤纠纷,对我国的诽谤纠纷解决机制提供了一种很好的思路。在本文的最后,笔者在前面探讨的基础上,提出对诽谤法的立法建议稿。

【Abstract】 Defamation is harming the reputation of person. But in some conditions, defamation involve freedom of speech , it not only has some space, but also involve freedom of speech and right of reputation. How to make perfect balance of two kinds of right is core of defamation act.This dissertation is concern about following issue:First, the definition of defamation. Defamation come from protect personal freedom of speech. Growing with the history, defamation makes serial changes and come to present meaning. Defamation is faulty publish false and defamatory statement concerning another; harm the reputation of another as to lower him in the estimation of community.Second, freedom of speech and protection of right of reputation. Freedom of speech and protection of right of reputation are two kinds of base right of human right. They are protected by international treaty, constitution, civil law, criminal law and administrative law. But they are also limited right and they are limited each other. Law of defamation is aim to balance this two right. Dichotomy is a best way to resolve this problem.Third, elements of defamation. Defamation has some elements: false and defamatory statement, publication, fault, identification, lower estimation of community and harm the reputation. Compared with elements of American defamation and study some cases, we focus on publication and reputation damage. Combined with internet publication, we study how ISP has a liability in internet publication. Otherwise, we study reputation injury relation with emotional distress and pecuniary injury. Reputation injury is base and requirement for others. Our research has some shortage on it.Fourth, defenses. Defenses are not subject to liability for defamation. We analyze some defenses and point out our laws have some defects, they did not classify the defenses. Compared with American defamation, I conclude some defenses: consent, true statement, absolutely privileges and conditional privileges. I analyze conditional privileges, from its theory to function, we know this privileges aim to protect freedom of speech, public interests, but they require some conditions.Fifth, remedies. I analyze damages and correction and classification, fair comment and fair damages. Compared with American defamation, Swiss civil law and civil law of Chinese Taiwan area and civil law of Ethiopia. I think our damages system have some defects, we must create system of reputation damages because it is damage by defamation and base for others damages. Draw lesson from other nations, we need to create systems of correction and classification, fair comment and fair damages.Sixth, create law of defamation. All over the world countries are concerning defamation, and how to deal with the litigations of defamation are big problems. Some countries are innovation, and they make some measures to deal with defamation issues. The most famous is UCCDA. It prefers remedy reputation to damages timely and adequately. It is way for us to resolve defamation.In the last, I create draft of law of defamation.


