

Zen-Tea Drinking

【作者】 丁氏碧娥(释心孝)

【导师】 孙绍振; 赖瑞云;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 禅源出于古代印度,因“拈花微笑”这个不朽的公案,使得头陀第一的大迦叶被尊为禅宗的西天初祖,而灵山成为世界禅宗祖庭。茶最早被亚洲人发现,在发展过程中形成茶道文化。佛教传入中国后,禅与茶相见,因为优化身心的功用而使两者结下了不解的缘。茶进入佛教,吃茶就成了佛事,而茶汤中流出了佛法。因此,对于佛教来说,千百年以来,吃茶早已成为家常。在一般意义上说,茶在佛教中具有“三德”:一曰饮茶具有清心醒睡的功效,坐禅可通宵不眠;二曰茶为“养生之仙药,延年龄之妙述”。饮茶可疗疾病,食饱满富可助消化,且能抑制性欲与杂念的滋生,并有助于端正坐相;三曰茶性清高清寂,文化蕴涵丰厚,即能暗合妙道,昭显禅机,又深藏若虚,似行云流水,蛟龙天游,极富生命意义的启示而利于戒定慧。由于众多高僧对茶的推崇,遂使茶成了养生正心之物,众僧视茶为“神物”。僧人吃茶可以加强意志力,调节精神,使内心清爽,有助于体悟三昧境地。在这样的情形下,茶和禅自然而然地结合,两者关系颇为密切地连在一起。“禅茶一味”,源于湖南石夹唐代禅师善会(805年-881年),而成于宋代著名大师圆悟克勤(1063年-1135年)。经过两位中国禅师的手,开显了禅茶不二的境界。从此,夹山的茶风禅光大大促进禅茶文化在东亚各国的传播发展,使中国石门夹山成为世界禅茶祖庭,“碧岩录”的理念与思想成为日本茶道的标榜。“和敬清寂”被称为日本茶道的四谛、四规、四则,是日本茶道思想中最重要的理念,不难从《碧岩录》中找到其母本、源头或诱发点。禅茶发扬光大,日本禅师功不可没。在日本,1191年荣西禅师作为日本茶道的首倡者将末茶传去扶桑,,但直到珠光(村田珠光,1423年~1502年)、绍鸥(武野绍鸥,1502年~1555年),乃至千利休(1522年~1591年)和千宗旦(1578年~1658年)祖孙二代,禅茶精神才真正出现。可见,经过这么多世纪“禅茶一味”一直被看成茶道最高的境界。但是,从清代以来,禅茶越来越离开它的本体,而集中于茶器具、茶艺表演、茶室装修等等的形式。从此饮茶的形式越来越复杂,却让人无法找到真正茶道之味。虽然茶室内似乎仍可见“禅茶一味”、“柳绿花红”、“和敬清寂”的装饰条幅,其实茶道已亡而禅风尽失,大家终究只管于手法,在《茶道铁槌集》中也说:“现在的茶人,向来没有禅心,只管手法。若问茶的意义,仅仅限于礼法等等。”难怪日本思想家与大作家川端康成悲伤无限地写了一本小说《千只鹤》,以东方美人之死暗喻茶道的衰亡。故在论术中,本文并非专门谈论禅与茶,或分析前人发表过的各种文章,而是主要研究澄心的方法,指出禅茶的利益与作用。并且,提出一些现代科学研究成就,发现人们脑部思维,结合证明禅宗突破“顿悟”那时刻。本论文的重点,是论述禅味与茶味同一体,并对古今中外对禅茶一味理解错误的观点发表自己的见解。

【Abstract】 Buddhism originated from ancient India,cause by the famous koan "The Flower Sermon" that honorable Da Jia She - the best virtues - became the first Zen master meditation,and Ling Shan became the first Buddhist meditation group of the world.Tea is detected earliest by the Asian,through the development of many centuries to form the culture of tea.After Buddhism has been transmitted to China, meditation and tea is united,by the efficient mind and body benefits that they become your fellowship which can not separate.In Buddhism,drinking tea is considered as practicing,because the whole meaning of Dharma is within in the fresh cup of tea.Long ago,Buddhist consider tea drinking have "three best qualities":The first,tea helps the anti-sleeping,sitting meditation throughout the night do not feel tired;the second,tea is a spiritual medicine of the life,the promotion of average age,disease cure,good for digestion,sexual control and unmoral thinking,helping mindfulness meditation;the third,tea is bar high,gentle and suit for meditation.As loving favor of tea,tea is considered as the nursing delivery of spirit care.Buddhist monks drink tea to raise more of the will,spiritual nutrient,to make mind fresh,and to deeply in-touch in meditation.Therefore,tea and meditation combine naturally,intimate relationship as body and shadow."Zen-Tea Drinking",originated from master Shan Hui(805-881)Tang period in the Jie Shan Pagoda,Shi Men district,Hu Nan province,shaped in the famous master of Song-Yuan Wu Ke Qin(1063-1135).Through these two of the famous Chinese meditators,tea shows the value of nonduality.From here,the tea meditation of Jie Shan has promoted cultural of the tea meditation widely to the East Asia region,making Jie Shan Shi Men became the home of the world tea meditation,thoughts of" Bi Yan Lu" and became a title for Japanese tea culture. "Nutrient,Respect,Fresh,Peace" is four rules,four terms,four foundations of the Japanese tea culture,it is the most important idea in the thought of tea in this country. It is not hard to find the source,clues,starting point of the "Bi Yan Lu".Japanese Meditators are the first ones who have developed tea meditation.In Japan,in 1191,after study Meditation from China,the master Eisai brought special tea and the way to make this special tea in the Monastery land and spread to Fu Sang, and they are the first Japanese tea promoters.However,up till the Meditator Marata Juko(1423-1502),Takenno Jyoo(1502-1555),Senno Rikyu(1522-1591) the spiritual of tea meditation was used officially.It can be seen that,through many centuries,"Zen-Tea Drinking" is always considered as the highness point of tea drinking.But since back to Qing period,more tea meditation separates essence,but only focus on the form of art performance of tea,tea tools,decorative tea...From here, arises out of many troubles,making it hard to find the essence of the real tea culture. However,many monastery still decorated the writings of "Zen-Tea Drinking", "Green willow rose ","Harmony in peace"...but in reality Zen-tea drinking have faded the essence of tea culture,and meditator manners have ended,and many people only know the writings as of the "Tra Dao Thiet Chuy Tap":as of today tea drinkers do not have the meditated mind,but only to the art of tea.If asked the meaning of tea,the limit is of moral respectation...".Probably that’s why the author-Chuan Duan-Cheng Kang mention in the novel "A thousand cranes",that take the death of the eastern Asian beauty for the decline of teadrinking.Comment of the four arts,non-conference meditation and tea,or analysis of the articles related tea meditation,which focuses on research methods of calming the mind,only pointing the role and benefits of tea meditation.Moreover,given the scientific modern research on the thinking of people,combining the proven breakthrough of" Instant realization" of Zen.The importance of the essay is the comment of meditation and tea are One,find out the wrong perception of meditation to the tea in the past,and speak up my own expression.

【关键词】 茶道禅定禅茶一味
【Key words】 Tea culturemeditationthe Zen-tea drinking
  • 【分类号】B948;TS971
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2375
  • 攻读期成果

