

On the Secularized 5-Dynasty Literature

【作者】 陈毓文

【导师】 林继中;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 五代文学的整体性研究历来薄弱。究其原因,既在于五代历时较短,未能形成自己独特的文学面貌,也在于后代对五代文学评价一向不高,多视之为唐宋文学的附庸,或附于唐末,或缀于宋初。这种研究状况不利于五代文学研究的深化,也不能客观地反映五代文学的真实面目。本课题的写作目的,正是基于填补这一研究空缺之上。本文将五代文学置于唐宋文学转型的大背景之下,从中唐以来的世俗化运动入手,深入探讨五代文学在这场世俗化潮流中的种种表现,从而对五代文学作出较为客观的文学史定位。本文主要以五代诗词在这场世俗化运动中的嬗变为观照对象,从社会思潮的演变、地域性特征的形成、文人心态的变化、审美趣味的改变等方面内容对五代文学进行分析。导言部分主要对世俗化与五代文学作出界定,综述五代文学的研究现状及存在不足,提出研究论题。第一章主要分析五代文学发生的大背景。社会风气的变化、经济的发展、市民意识的增强、文学的平民化进程等促成了市井文化圈的形成。温庭筠虽不属于五代,但其文学创作承前启后,对五代文学影响巨大,故作为个案分析;第二章进一步分析五代文学的地方特色,主要围绕五代文学的南方化进程、文人分布的地域性特征及文学发展的不平衡情况三方面;第三章从创作主体方面分析五代文人的角色转换及创作中情志关系的变化。文人心态的变化带来角色的变化,传统诗言志的观念逐渐被淡化,个人的主体意识摆脱儒家诗教束缚,体现了明显的主体性色彩。作为个案,花间别调比较集中体现了词体创作中情志合一的倾向;第四章主要分析审美趣味的变化。文人角色的转换与情志离合促使审美趣味发生转变。艺术上开始出现突破,在绘画、书法等方面出现了个体意识的苏醒。影响到文学上,体现为文学功能发生变化,表现为娱乐功能、慰藉功能与实用功能,由此对五代艳体诗词、苦吟之风、酬唱作品作出解释。第五章主要以诗词在五代时期的演变为观照对象,进一步分析世俗化运动对五代文学的实际影响,把握其在唐宋文学转型中所起的重要作用。通过对五代文学在中唐至北宋这场世俗化运动中的种种表现的分析,得出以下结论:作为由唐至宋文学世俗化潮流中重要组成的五代文学,尽管由于种种原因不可避免带上过渡性质,却不是唐宋文学之间的简单过渡。相反,它收唐音,启宋调,表现了身处低谷却努力爬升的态势,具有重大的转型意义。因此,我们有必要重新审视五代文学,恢复其应有的文学史地位。本文主要采用整体性研究方法,宏观研究与个案分析相结合,注重史料分析与理论运用的统一,探讨五代纷繁复杂的文学现象下所掩盖的文学规律。

【Abstract】 Research on the 5-Dynasty literature on the whole has always been weak, considering that the Dynasty did not last long enough to build up its own literary identity, and that the literature in the Dynasty has always been regarded as subordinated to Tang or Song literature, either suffixing Tang or prefixing Song. This underprivileged state is proved to be an obstacle to the research of the 5-Dynasty literature, frustrating efforts to unveil the Literature on an objective basis. The present paper hence takes upon itself to fill the gap in research.This paper tackles the 5-Dynasty literature (hereinafter referred to as the Literature) as against the settings of literary transference from Tang to Song. Beginning with the secularization event starting from the mid-Tang, this paper discloses the performance of the Literature in the event, with the intention of securing the identity of the Literature in literary history. The evolution of the Literature is mainly explored herein, ranging from the trend of thought, geography, the ideology of literary figures, to evolution of aesthetics. Preface is mainly about definition, general survey of documents and presentation of topic of the present paper.The first chapter deals mainly with the background knowledge of the Literature. The social morals, economy, the strengthened civil awareness, the literary democratization, all added up to the forming of the secular literary circle. Wen Tingjun is studied as a case, because his works exert significant influence on the 5-Dynasty, though he did not belong to the 5-Dynasty. The second chapter goes on to analyze the localities, with emphasis on the southernization, geographical layout of literati and imbalance of literature. Chapter3 analyzes the subject, i.e. the changed role of the writers and the changing of the relation between emotion and ambition. The change of ideology effects the change of role; to be exact, the traditional belief in aspiration fades out, and individual awareness is strengthened with the intention to slip the leash of Confucianism. Huajianbiediao is chosen as a case, for it ideally reflects the unity of emotion and ambition. Chapter4 explores the change of aesthetic which is effected by the change of subject role and the change in the relation between emotion and ambition. Breakthrough appears in arts, waking up individual awareness in the realm of painting and handwriting, and spreads to change the function of literature to amusement, comfort, and practical utility. Hence the gaudy poems and ci, the bitter lyrics, and the communicating works of the period. Chapter5 reflects mainly on the evolution of poetry and ci in the 5-Dynasty, a further analysis on the practical influence of the secularization event on literature, aiming to reveal the role of the Literature in the transition from Tang to Song.The analysis above mentioned points to the conclusion that, as an important element in the secularization event of literature from Tang to Song, the Literature, though inevitably transitional in nature, is not simply linearly transitional. On the contrary, it inherits the Song heritage, and blazes the trail for Song literature, exhibiting the deliberate upward trend, though still at the bottom. Hence the need to re-evaluate and reinstate the Literature.This paper is an integrated research on the rules of literary in the disguise of the literary phenomenon of the 5-Dynasty. Methodologically, macroexamination and case study, document analysis and application of theory are adopted herein.

【关键词】 文学转型世俗化五代
【Key words】 Literary transitionsecularizationthe 5-Dynastypoetryci

