

Spiritual Salvation While Facing Nihility

【作者】 庞伟奇

【导师】 孙绍振;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 康拉德贯穿一生创作始终的是一种骑士精神,是一种精英意识和救世心态,在这种精神的支撑下,他积极不懈地思考人性的本质,探察人生的意义,探索现代社会精神危机的缘由,寻求人类灵魂的拯救之途,而对人类灵魂的拯救是他关注的核心。但由于他自己的家庭身世、个人性情、经历体验、所受教育等多方面原因,使他的这种骑士精神带有了悲观、虚无、看破世事的隐士心态,从而使他的精神主体呈现出悲剧性和矛盾性的两大核心特征。所以,本论文基本观点是:在总体上,康拉德创作的精神主体展现的是一个有正反两面的统一体,是以骑士精神为主体,隐士心态为侧面,骑士精神和隐士心态的有机统一。康拉德的拯救是精神骑士面对虚无荒谬的世界人生而进行的“明知不可而为之”的精神救赎。康拉德的精神探索告诉我们:要放弃自我中心,以谦卑之心对待他者,以自省和忏悔之心对待自我,在现实磨难中保持清醒,在精神的炼狱中升华,在自我放逐(实际上是远离自我中心主义的隐喻)中回归精神的家园。这对我们在当下的全球化时代在政治、经济、文化各方面如何看待自我,如何处理自我与他者的关系,具有深刻的借鉴和启示意义。

【Abstract】 Actually, the knight spirit runs through Conrad’s life. With this kind of energetic support, he was pondering over the essence of human nature, exploring the modern society’s spiritual crisis, seeking the salvation of human soul and the salvation of human soul is the central concern of his works.However, he has the complex family background and life experience, he has the complex disposition and received education, All these factors make his knight spirit have the mood of hermitage which has the factors of pessimism, nihilism, skepticism and the irrationalism. Thus, all this causes Conrad’s spiritual subject of presenting tragic and contradictory character.So this dissertation concludes that Conrad’s spiritual subject, as a whole, was made up of the knight spirit and the mood of hermitage. It takes the knight spirit as the main body, and it is an organic unification of the knight spirit and the mood of hermitage; Conrad’s salvation is the knight’s spiritual salvation which he knows perfectly well that can’t succeed, but insists on doing it.The spiritual inquiry that Conrad conducted tells us to quit self-centeredness, adopt a modest attitude towards others, to deal with the Self with a self-examining and self-repenting mind, to keep sober-minded in face of difficult moments in our life, to lift up ourselves in spiritual purgatory and return to our spiritual homes in the process of self-exile, which is actually a metaphor departing from self-centralism. All this carries great significance for us in how to see the Self from an economic, political, and cultural perspective and in how to deal with the relationship with the Other in an era of globalization.

【关键词】 康拉德精神主体研究
【Key words】 ConradSpiritual SubjectStudy

