

Chinese Translation and Critics of French Literature in the Period between 1872 and 1919

【作者】 彭建华

【导师】 汪文顶;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文集中考察清末民初时期(1872-1919年)法国文学翻译与中国文学革新的关系。主要采用系谱学(genealogie)的方法,研究现代中国作家对法国文学的翻译、批评,及其在翻译批评基础上模仿法国文学而来的创造性的写作。本文的研究,主要是:(1)从现代作家个人的教育(包括留学)和法语学习出发,(2)考察其模仿性的创作到独立的原创之路,(3)变革的时代因素在作家身上的影响,(4)作家与期刊、出版社、文学团体和派别等的依存关系,(5)作家的个人主义倾向、个人习气和自由选择等,(6)从文学生态学的视角揭示现代作家的生态世界,(7)运用实证分析的方法发现现代文学与法国文学的纷繁复杂关系,主要是用作者的阅读和作品的事实相似,揭示现代文学模仿创作与自主创新的多样形态,包括对法国文化和法国文学的误读和改造。法国文学的翻译批评是积累性的增长。晚清民初是汉译法国文学的发生期,也是中国文学新旧转型的过渡期,具有独立的文学史意义。革新时代和启蒙思潮的客观需求主导了这一时期的法国文学选择,无论是作家作品的选译,还是文学类型的译介,尤其是对小说新品种新主题新方法的注重,都与当时的启蒙新民思潮、文学革新要求息息相关。当然,法国文学的翻译也因经历、学养和爱好的差异而表现出各自的特色。法国文学的发现和译介,参与了现代中国文学的革新运动,启发了现代作家的创新实践,不仅促进了晚清民初文学的变革和发展,还为“五四”新文学运动开辟了通道,对中国文学的新旧转型过渡起到了积极的推动作用。

【Abstract】 This doctoral thesis, employed Foucault’s genealogie and social ecology, takes investigation into Chinese translation and critics of French literature in the modern period (1872-1919). The thesis also makes substantial analysis of literary translation and literary creation, particularly rewriting and imitating of those Chinese writers.This thesis focuses on some topics as following: (1) French learning of the modern writer/translator, especially their study abroad, for example study in France, (2) individual writers/ translators who is free to rewrite, imitate and creat a work, (3) relation between their rewriting or imitating and original creation of literature, (4) Misreading French literature which leads them to compose literary pieces in the guise of modern approaches. (5) Chinese society as the ecosystem world in which the writers/ translators involved, (6) transformation of society that has an impact on many writers/ translators, (7) writers/translators depending heavily on periodical and publisher, the groups that strive to develop new literature,Translation and critics of French literature accumulated. Short story, Novella, and drama are preferred genres. Reformation in late Qing and New Enlightening movement in first years of the Republic of China direct to make a choice of French pieces to translate into Chinese.

【关键词】 法国文学汉语翻译接受影响模仿批评
【Key words】 French literatureChinese translationinfluctionrewritingcritique
  • 【分类号】I206.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】596

