

On Theory of Prose Style by Zhou Zuo-ren

【作者】 庄萱

【导师】 汪文顶;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 周作人是与鲁迅并立的中国现代散文的两大奠基者与杰出代表,他不单是创作丰硕、成就卓著的现代小品散文大师,而且是融汇中外、继往开来的杰出的现代小品散文文体家。他对小品散文的提倡与试验,从一个侧翼呼应了20世纪中国文学体制变革的历史主旋律,不仅吟唱出张扬主体个性、崇尚人情物理、表现自我情感的文学咏叹调,而且从文化人类学的崭新角度,生活艺术化、性心理性道德、妇女儿童、民俗文化等范域,对现代散文的审美领域进行了创造性的艺术开拓,从而引领了一种以平和冲淡、博识理趣、闲适苦涩为其风神的小品散文派别,开创了与以鲁迅为代表的匕首投枪式杂文迥然有别的创作路向与文体型范。周作人秉执独特的现代“文心”、散文文体观与散文创造体制,别具匠心地融合中外,推陈出新。他以提倡“美文”来应对西方奔涌而至的近现代文学思潮,以反思传统接通本土散文的固有血脉来融合域外新体,从而彰显了“取今复古、别立新宗”的文体创造的总体方略。他一方面在小品散文的长期实践中逐渐淀积,同时批判地汲取中外古今散文创作与散文学的历史和新鲜的经验,二者融通整合,从而形成了富有理论个性的散文生成说、创作论及批评。周作人的散文文体创造和文体理论的整体研究与历史评估,是中国现代散文史上一个复杂综错的文学现象,也是迄今学界尚有待深入垦殖与开拓的领域。笔者将它作为众语喧哗的周作人研究的生长点与突破口,在认真阅读、探讨周氏作品与大量原始资料的基础上,秉执美学与历史相结合的理论观点与方法,综合运用文艺学、文体学、文本学、语言学、修辞学等理论观点,同时借鉴西方形式主义、新批评、结构主义等批评方法,试图在20世纪中外文化交汇撞击的历史语境中,从文体与人的关系这一中心问题切入,较集中深入地考察、探究周作人如何秉执主体的现代文化理念与文体意识,兼纳古今中外,营构独特的散文文体观与文体理论,同时反思、总结其“取今复古,别立新宗”的艺术经验与教训,力求较客观地论述周作人散文文体理论的独特性、复杂性及其历史贡献,也指陈其缺憾与不足,阐发其对当下散文创作与理论建设的镜鉴作用。

【Abstract】 As a modern essay grandmaster, Zhou Zuo-ren gained the same reputation of founder and outstanding representative of Chinese modern prose as Lu Xun. He not only created the largest number of most remarkable achievements of modern essay, but also is the most eminent stylist of modern essay who integrated Chinese and foreign culture, and carried on the past and usher in the future. He promoted essay and practiced writing personally, echo the main historical melody of Chinese literary institutional innovation in 20th century from one flank, that is to say, he not merely publicized individual character, advocated worldly wisdom and emotional self-expression, but also from the perspective of cultural anthropology, carried on a creative expansion of modern prose’s aesthetic artistry to other fields, such as art of living, sexual psychology, sexual morality, women and children, and folk culture, etc, so as to guides a kind of essay faction, which upholds unique aesthetic taste, e.g. mild, erudite, leisurely and bitter, meanwhile initiates the creative direction and mode of essay style which is utterly different with the dagger-type essay that is represented by Lu Xun. In view of the above, Zhou Zuo-ren adhere to unique modern essay "heart", essay stylistic concept and creative system, proposed "Delicate essay" to cope with the trend of thought in Western modern literature which was surging to near, reflect upon traditional culture, merge extra-territorial essay mode and inherent prose mode, thereby displays the overall strategy of essay stylistic creation, namely "learn from the present and return to the ancient, establish a new faction". On the one hand, Zhou zuo-ren gradually accumulated certain artistic experiences in long-term practice, on the other, critically absorbed the historical and fresh lessons from Chinese -foreign ancient and modern proses creation and theory of prose, and then integrated the above two steps to generate his prose theory full of individual theoretical flavor, which consists of essay production, essay creation and criticisms.Overall researching and historical assessing Zhou zuo-ren’s prose stylistic theory and its creation, is regarded as a complex literature phenomenon on the history of Chinese modern prose, as well as a domain awaiting current academic circle to make a thorough -going exploration and development. On the basis of seriously reading and studying a large number of Zhou zuo-ren’s works, this article looks upon the theory of prose stylistics and its creation as the growing point and breakthrough point, hold onto the theoretical opinions and methods that combines aesthetics with history, and starts using Chinese and foreign theories, such as literal theory, stylistics, text study, linguistics, rhetoric, etc, meanwhile, uses the method of Western criticism including formalism, new criticism, structuralism for reference, thus attempts grasp the central question that is the relationship among essay style and people in the historical context, in which Chinese and foreign cultures exchange and impact in 20th century, probe deeply into how does Zhou zuo-ren adhere to modern cultural concept and stylistic awareness, compatibly merge Chinese-foreign modern and traditional culture, construct the distinctive concept of prose stylistic and stylistics, thus reflect and summarize artistic experiences and lessons form the strategy of "learn from the present and return to the ancient, establish a new faction". For one thing, tries to make more objective discussion on the unique character and complexity of Zhou zuo-ren’s prose stylistic theory, together with the historical contribution he did, for the other, points out the shortcomings and inadequacy of his stylistic theory, thereby elucidate that current prose creation and theoretical construction should take it as object lesson.

【关键词】 周作人散文文体理论
【Key words】 Zhou zuo-renprosestylistic theory

