

A Study on the Classic Opera Creation Theory in Ancient China

【作者】 刘奇玉

【导师】 王汉民;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国古代戏曲创作理论是戏曲理论与批评的重要组成部分。古代剧论家和剧作家对中国古代戏曲创作理论的认识历程,反映了传统思想对戏曲创作理论深刻影响和时代精神对戏曲艺术的作用,蕴涵着丰富的民族文化内涵。戏曲理论家对创作主体艺术素养的要求,既重视先天禀赋,又强调后天积累,并总结出戏曲创作主体不同于诗文和小说创作的思维规律。受传统文化和自身观念的影响,剧作家的创作动机复杂多样,不同的作家往往有不同的动机,同一作品有时也表达了作家的多重创作意图。他们对戏曲题材类型的划分作了有益的尝试,其中关于历史题材、伦理题材、爱情题材、宗教题材等审美价值观念和文体审美特征的认识,体现了厚重的传统文化意识对戏曲文学的影响。他们对戏曲语言的探讨集中体现在文辞和声律二者关系的辨析及其审美要求这中,形成了涵义十分复杂的“本色”观,也表现在对戏曲语言雅与俗的审美趣味和“化工”与“画工”审美境界的争鸣之中。理论家还总结了集语言、情境、动作、容貌、心理等于一体的多维度的人物塑造策略,探求出人物形象的共性美与个性美、人伦美与人情美相统一的审美特征,并把人物的形与神的统一作为最高审美境界。在建构戏曲结构理论时,他们充分考虑了古典戏曲构成因素及艺术价值多元性,把戏曲文学的曲体特征、叙事特征、舞台特征不辨你我地融汇在戏曲情节结构审美中,总结了一系列戏曲结构技法理论,建构出戏曲结构艺术的整体性、曲折性、新奇性、自然性等美学原则。

【Abstract】 As an important part of the Chinese Classic opera criticism, the creation theories and principles reflect the traditional thought and the spirit of the age of the theorists and the writers with rich cultural connotations. In the theorists’ eyes, the playwriters are expected to be both innately gifted and well nurtured artistically, and the rules governing their work differ from those doing the novelists and prose writers. The motivations behind the opera creation were very complex and diverse. Different writers tended to have different motivations, and sometimes multiple creation intent may be found in a same work. The critics made beneficial attempts to classify the classic opera in terms of the theme. Their aesthetic value about the opera with such themes as history, ethics, love, and religion reflects the profound influence of the traditional culture on the opera creation. As for the language art in the drama creation, they probed into the relation between diction and metre, hence a very sophisticated concept of Ben-se(本色). In addition, they had a long debate about whether the drama language should be plain or elegant, i.e. the debate between Adeptness(化工) or elaborateness (画工).The theorists summarized a multi-dimensional characterization strategy , taking into account a series of factors such language, context, action, appearance, and psychology. The humanity beauty in the characters was emphasized and the integration of their form and spirit was thought highest of. Taking into full account the complicated structural elements of a classical opera and the diversity of artistic value. the critics put forward a series of opera structure theories and aesthetic principles, which aim at integrity, tact, novelty, etc, of the opera structure.


