

【作者】 吴烈水

【导师】 林峰;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 进入二十一世纪以来,由于环境的变化,在市场竞争中,许多制造商都把目光聚焦于营销组合4Ps中的最后一个P,即渠道。对众多制造商而言,如何在渠道竞争力提升的基础上制定适当的渠道竞争战略已成为最关心的问题之一。在学术界,渠道领域的研究主要关注于渠道内部,而很少将其作为一个整体,作为一个竞争手段去研究。本文以全新的视角,开辟了渠道竞争这一新的研究领域,并构建了完整的营销渠道竞争战略研究体系。本文的主要内容分两大部分:第3章到第7章全面系统地研究了营销渠道竞争战略理论,属于理论研究部分,目的在于构建营销渠道竞争战略理论的研究体系;第8、9两章属于应用研究和实证研究部分,主要目的在于证明营销渠道竞争战略理论在指导和分析渠道竞争实践方面的有效性。具体来说,本文主要对如下内容进行了研究:(1)渠道环境分析。对渠道环境的分析和评估是制造商制定渠道竞争战略的前提和基础。本文分别从广义和狭义的角度对渠道环境进行了定义,对渠道环境的结构进行了详细的剖析,在此基础上应用不确定性这一综合性维度分别分析了渠道环境的各个组成部分对渠道竞争力和渠道竞争战略的影响。(2)提升渠道竞争力的战略性途径。具备一定的渠道竞争力是制造商实施渠道进攻和防御的前提和基础。本文将渠道竞争力分成“硬实力”和“软实力”两部分,并在对其进行详细定义的基础上,分别对制造商提升这两部分竞争力的战略性途径进行了充分的研究。对提升渠道硬实力,本文主要是从降低渠道成本和提高渠道差异化程度这两个方面进行了具体研究;而对于提升渠道软实力,本文主要是从预防和缓解渠道冲突、加强渠道控制及加强渠道内部整合三个方面进行了具体分析。(3)渠道进攻和防御战略。提升了渠道竞争力,制造商还要制定恰当的进攻或防御战略,才能在渠道竞争中处于有利的地位。关于渠道进攻战略,本文首先分析了制造商应该如何正确地选择进攻的时机和突破口,然后分别对渠道进攻的正面战略和迂回战略进行了具体分析;关于渠道防御战略,本文首先分析了制造商选择防御对象和确定防御重点的方法,然后从设置渠道进入壁垒、提高下游分销商的转换成本及还击与报复竞争者三个方面对具体的防御战略进行了分析。(4)渠道竞争战略理论的应用研究和实证研究。在应用研究部分,本文基于我国制造商的主要特征和我国渠道环境的主要特点,分析了我国制造商如何正确地应用渠道竞争战略理论来指导渠道竞争实践;在实证研究部分,本文应用渠道竞争战略理论分析了我国手机行业的渠道竞争实践。除了以上主要内容,本文在文章的开始部分分析了渠道竞争战略理论研究的现实意义和理论意义,并对这一理论的国内外研究现状进行了梳理和评述。在本文的最后,作者对全文进行了总结,并指出了本文研究的局限性及未来进一步研究的方向。通过全文的研究,本文主要得出四个方面的创新性结论:(1)渠道环境不确定性是制造商进行渠道环境分析最为综合性的一个指标。渠道环境不确定性程度对渠道竞争力的提升及竞争战略的制定都会产生很大影响。(2)渠道竞争力可以分解为渠道硬实力和渠道软实力两个方面。制造商可以通过降低渠道成本和提高差异化程度这两种战略性途径提升渠道硬实力,可以通过预防和化解渠道冲突、加强渠道控制和实施渠道整合这三种战略性途径提升渠道软实力。(3)正面战略和迂回战略是制造商实施渠道进攻的两种基本战略选择。供货价格、渠道费用、分销政策以及客情关系是制造商实施正面进攻的有效工具;有效启动市场需求是迂回进攻的关键。(4)设置渠道壁垒、提高下游的转换成本、以及有效的还击与报复是制造商实施渠道防御的战略性途径。

【Abstract】 Since the 21st century, environment of market competition has changed , and so many manufacturers has paid more attention to channel. it is one of problems to which they pay most attention how to make right strategy of channel competition When capability of channel competition has been improved .In research about channel, scholars only pay attention to inner of channel , but few make research of channel as a tool of competition from a whole. In this paper , author pioneers a new world of research and builds a whole system of research about strategy of channel competition. This paper makes up of two parts: one part, that is from chapter 3 to chapter 7, makes the research about the theory of strategy of competing in marketing channel, in order to construct a system about the research of the theory; the other , that include chapter 8 and 9,belongs to application and demonstration research , which is to prove the validity of the theory in guiding and analyzing practice of channel competition . In details , the paper makes the research about the following :(1) Analyzing channel environment . analyzing and evaluating the channel environment is basis and premise of making strategy of channel competition .Author defines the channel environment in both broad sense and narrow sense, analyzes its structure, and then ,by the dimension of uncertainty, analyzes influences of each part of the environment of channel competence and strategy of channel competition.(2) Improving the channel competence by strategic approach. Channel competence is base and premise of practicing attacking and safeguarding in channel. In the paper, author divides channel competence into“solid power”and“soft power”, makes definitions of them , and then makes research of how to improve the competence. In improving channel solid power , author makes research from two ways of lowering channel costs and enhancing extent of channel differentiation; in improving channel soft power , author thinks that manufacturer should avoid and dispose channel conflicts, strengthen channel control and channel integration.(3) Strategy of channel attacking and safeguarding . Although channel competence is very strong , in order to taking good position in channel competition, manufacturer must make right strategy in attacking or safeguarding. In strategy of channel attacking , author analyzes the occasions and portals of channel attacking , and then makes research about its head-on strategies and tortuous strategies. In strategy of channel safeguarding , author analyzes the ways of manufacturer choosing and making certain objects and emphases of channel safeguarding , and makes research about setting up bulwarks of channel entrance, enhancing distributors’transforming costs and retaliating upon competitors .(4) Application and demonstration research. In application research , in base of main characters of Chinese manufacturer and channel environment , author analyzes of Chinese manufacturer how to rightly put the theory of channel competition strategy into Chinese practice of channel competition; in demonstration research , author analyzes channel competition practice of Chinese mobile telephone industry by the theory . Except above contents , in the beginning of the paper , author analyzes practical and theoretical senses of the research ,and summarizes and reviews the state of inner overseas research about the theory. In the end , author sum up the paper , and point up limitations of the paper and direction of future research.As a result of the paper , four creative conclusions has been produced:(1) Uncertainty of channel environment is one of the most overall indexes by which manufacturer analyze channel environment and it greatly influences improvement of capabiltiy of channel competition and making of strategy of channel competition.(2) Capability of channel competition is made up channel solid power and channel soft power. Manufacturer can improve channel solid power by lowering channel cost and increasing degree of channel differentiation , and improve channel soft power by avoiding and disposing channel conflicts, strengthening channel control and channel integration.(3)Manufacturer may attacks competitor by making and implementing head-on strategy and tortuous strategy. Supplying price, channel expense , distribution policy and client relationship are effective tools of manufacturer implementing channel attacking .And to tortuous strategy , it is the most important whether or not market demand can be started up.(4)Manufacturer can safeguard competitors’attacking By setting up bulwarks of channel entrance, enhancing distributors’transforming costs and retaliating upon competitors

【关键词】 制造商渠道竞争力进攻防御
【Key words】 manufacturerchannelcapability of competitionattackingsafeguarding
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

