

Psychoanalytic Elucidation of the Literature by Kawabata

【作者】 宋琛

【导师】 于长敏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文用现代西方心理学后弗洛伊德主义关于俄狄浦斯情结理论为学理凭据,结合了法国学派与英美学派,以之探讨川端康成及其文本,并自觉地将其放置到日本社会的大传统背景来予以理解。把川端文学置入以俄狄浦斯情结为核心的精神分析论述中,且大规模全面展开,在本文之前,似乎还没有人尝试。在选择“文学心理学”的切入点方面,笔者选取了精神分析学的俄狄浦斯情结理论,俄狄浦斯情结是川端康成突出的心理特征,对川端后来的文学创作产生了深远影响。因此,在本论文中笔者将在日本的文化传统和社会历史背景之下,围绕俄狄浦斯情结集中地论述对作家的个性和心理的研究;对作家创作过程的研究;对文学作品中表现的心理学类型和法则的研究以及对读者阅读心理的研究。从文化的维度入手,从文化对个体的影响(集体无意识——个体无意识)转向对作家个体,即人的维度的研究,在作家个人的维度上结合其个人的身世经历与人生遭际分析其个体特殊的心理特征及由此形成的审美特征,再通过对作家的创作过程的研究,将研究的视野从人的维度过渡到文本的维度,进而对文本进行分析和研究,最后,通过文本的阅读和大众观照将文本的影响、价值和意义放回到文化的维度里去考察。至此,形成相对完整的批评体系。本文以新的角度深入挖掘,重新批评川端文学,以期对川端文学作一种新的解读,为川端文学的研究提供一种新的观照角度。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the author used the post-modern Western psychology and Freud’s Oedipus complex theory as the rationale for the study evidence, which combines the French School and Anglo-American School, to explore the Kawabata Yasunari and his text. And consciously put it in the background of the whole Japanese traditional society to understand. It seems that , before in this article, no one has tried to put Kawabata literature into the Oedipus complex , and consider it as the core of the psychoanalytic discourse , and as the large-scale full swing . In the factor of selecting starting point from the "literature of psychology," the author selected the Psychoanalytic Study of the Oedipus complex theory . This is because the is the prominent features of Yasunari, and have a very significant influence on his following literary works. In a word, It is the characteristics of the entire Kawabata’s authoring . As a result, in this paper, around the Oedipus Complex, the author will concentratly deal with the personality of the writer and psychology. Against the background of Japan’s cultural traditions and social history, Along with the research of the author’s the process of authoring, the performance of Psychological type, rules and the psychology of the readers.At this point, the formation of a relatively complete system of criticism. This article in depth perspective of the new excavation, re-kawabata literary criticism, with a view to Kawabata literature for a new interpretation of the research literature for Kawabata to provide a new point of view. Constituted by the four chapters of this thesis:Chapter I: Japan’s cultural character and Kawabata YasunariAncient mode of production in Japan are absolutely dominated by natural changes in the fishing and hunting, collecting and rice. Of natural concern and respect, a particular mode of production, making the "inclusive" has become the characteristics of the structure of society, such co-ordination from the status of the society on the psychological level can also be referred to as the "mother and the tendency of integration." This special mentality to be known as the "Oedipus Complex culture" or "cultural prototype Oedipus." By the patriarchal culture, suppressed under the Oedipus Complex culture into the national collective unconscious on the prototype. Before the Second World War Japan, in the psychological sense of motherhood are dominant, but the system is used in the patriarchal society. Maternal sense of structure and the patriarchal structure of society, forming a unique culture of the Japanese character. Kawabata think the Western world literature reflects the essence of traditional Japanese culture, showing the inner essence of the Japanese. Kawabata Yasunari by this "culture of Oedipus," the nation and the collective unconscious of the impact of. Kawabata I and the background of extreme and unique life experiencesallotmentto the formation of a distinctive aesthetic consciousness, making the individual into the collective unconscious unconscious, including the time, was to enlarge and produce an unlimited deformation. Kawabata Yasunari experience of the individual so that he has developed a unique "child-jiao perspective," he likes to use children for self-characterization of Johnson, Johnson put children more as a psychological compensation for the needs of the target role. Fear because of the separation dependence, are psychological regression phenomenon - "back to infants and psychological," Oedipus Complex are the most important form of expression. Dependent on others throughout the Kawabata’s life, at different times in different landscape has changed. With such dependence, Kawabata takes him to evade responsibility and social realities of life at the limits of self. This self-limits to the internal locking him are his childhood reflected the characteristics of personality. However, absorbed in the spiritual realm, the beginning of self-extension of the boundaries, loneliness and self-denial gradually disappear, replaced by inarticulate ecstasy. Kawabata Yasunari absorbed the spirit of the object is literature, literature in the contact before the natural beauty of Japan. Although love is the most direct way of a breakthrough self-boundaries, Kawabata has also been almost sick feeling in the pursuit of experience, but in reality he did not seek to imagine the needs. Probably have him, only to be able to approach literature, shaping the image of the ideal woman in love with the perfect plot, and to achieve a breakthrough in self-boundaries. Kawabata Yasunari growth in the religious prosperity of motherhood in Japan, because the environmental impact of growth, he thought, especially by the Buddhist Mahayana sect of Zen Buddhism impact. Kawabata extremism and religious background of the individual lead to a strong resonance, and his unique life makes himallotmentbased on their own emotional needs, will further the Buddhist’s "Impermanence", "reincarnation reincarnation" concept with Shinto, "as in all things" "God imperial unity" a combination of thought. And the resulting "silence" and "pure" aesthetic characteristics of the religious. At Kawabata in search of the classical is enlarged motherhood. One break in the Mage will be the Buddha and women and of overlap with the enlightenment, the evolution in order to Yasunari Kawabata’s "Ghosts." Of "Ghosts," the dedication of "Buddhist community," the vision of trying to contain Kawabata Oriental Zen Buddhist tradition of the spirit of self-rescue efforts, also showed his ultimate concern of the religious thirst.Chapter II of the creative process literature KawabataWriter of the psychological characteristics is very important in the creation of the position. It has a unique sensibility Writer, and Writer of the material scope of the impact; Writer artistic ideas of the imagination, the uniqueness of emotional activity play an important role; Writer Art on ways and means to convey the uniqueness of a direct impact. Kawabata Yasunari, and with the root causes of persistent psychological characteristics of his writing have had a profound impact. Kawabata literature is the most important subject of human love and the tragic love of the holy vision of eternity. Female characters in the image on the complexity of the emotional sustenance, love is the point of entering the text of the world, and in writing will be to maximize the life and love together. Imagination of the religious feelings and attitudes towards death, but also by its impact on psychological characteristics. Kawabata literature on the expression of a Japanese-style maternity slim gentle, creative approach on the pursuit of integrated and inclusive, and their psychological characteristics are closely related with.Kawabata Yasunari entering the field of creation, the early works are overflowing with themes of strong personal emotion, with distinctive personal mark. Writer early desire to write, from the personal expression inherent in the urgent desire. Kawabata early works can be summed up in the main livelihood of orphans are described, performance on the memory of deceased loved ones with deep grief, as well as describing their own ups and downs of love, described in his own troubles and sad frustrated. Feel represented in the new campaign, Kawabata Yasunari is not only a feeling of excellent new writers, is also an excellent literary theorist New Sensibility. The dissolution of the feeling in the new camp, the psychology of Kawabata Yasunari and start a new shift. During the war, militarism, Kawabata Yasunari taken on a negative resistance and negative co-operation at the next RCC merciless war, drifted away from the edge of society. Kawabata Yasunari this period a good deal with the relationship between modern Western literature, on the one hand, works at the performance of the traditional spirit of Japan, at the same time, a certain degree of integration into the modern spirit of the West, the modern sense; the other hand, he boldly used to transform the performance of the modern Western techniques, this performance of traditional Japanese techniques and ways of integration into the creation stage. At the post-war history of specific conditions, Kawabata start at a deeper level, consider the cultural tradition of Japan and the United States and a more traditional firm conviction. In a pure literature and popular literature between "between the novel" as the media, the Kawabata attempt at literary world, in literature and art with the public between the implementation of the revival of Japanese literature and art. Habitat lost in war, the late literary Kawabata customarily referred to as "Ghosts of literature." Oedipus at the subject literature Kawabata exaggerated convex deformation and Lu showed that Kawabata literature at the signs on entering the Zone. The essence of love by women and female body as a bridge to maternal strength to achieve redemption and purification, "without me", "no" freedom of habitats.Chapter III Kawabata suppressing literature and the female body poeticsThe main contents of consciousness which Kawabata pursuit aesthetic of is female beauty. And the portrait of female characters is the most important content of Kawabata’literary figures. As the object which has been desired in Oedipus complex, the study of female characters in Kawabata’s literature psychoanalytic elucidation has the decisive significance.This section invokes Deleuze’s theory about Oedipus complex suppressed desires, putting the discussion of masochism and Fetishism into Japanese culture, also into the portrait of female characters in Kawabata’literary .According to Deluge’s theory, the essence of Oedipus complex is the illusion of combination with mother in infant time. Sadism stems from the tendency for controlling others after succumbing to the patriarch. Masochism not only has nothing to do with managing and controlling, but a kind of devotion to“mother”(or this kind of image) .Being ill-treated is a kind of state at waiting in hanging rock as the“idol”of Fetishism. Ideal mother being required to be still is Fetishism Aesthetics; this kind of behaviors that deprive ideal mother’s subjectivity is an illusion process which aims to hold on the dream of combination with mother.It can not be achieved that Oedipus wishes the mother gained the power of purification and salvation because of contradiction to the reality of a patriarchal society .Thus those psychological needs change from repressed invisible desires. Meanwhile, women in Japan’s patriarchal society, are regarded as the existence of sub-cultural groups.In the theory --"mothers are less significant than girls", women are separated, made still, objectified in the Japanese aesthetic, which is just a "collective fetishism" all about. In the subjective image of women fragmented, it is also an expression of "collective mental abuse". From the collective unconsciousness to individual unawareness, then the exaggeration of the individual specificity, Yasunari Kawabata, according to the repression of Oedipus shows us a typical fetish aesthetic expression of self-torture in the text.This article upsets the previous classification to the female figures in Kawabata’literature, according to the Oedipus complex’s requirement for ideal mother and the understanding to the female figures in Japanese culture,analyse the signifier of Women Images in the overall meaning in Kawabata’literature ,and try to classify these Women Images into four categories..The first category is based on spiritual strength for the characterization of the "lack of body." The image of women in this category, the author sums up as "an abstract totem." That is, what the academics called "Holy Virgins" at present. They are regarded as abstract symbols of a powerful spiritual force, but with neither a physical body, nor the subjectivity, and can’t perform the duties of purification and salvation. As a beautiful object, they can only be felt by others through the visual and hearing sense due to the missing body. Kawabata, on many occasions in the text uses the image of snow to represent women, deals with the process of soaring totem and finally gets the idea of flying to the moon.The second category is based on physical function for the characterization of " the lost of spirit." The author summed up this kind of women as "the functional samples”. They are resembled samples with gorgeous appearance, which realizes and details the beauty of women and brings about worshipful satisfaction. However they lack of power of spirit and couldn’t take the responsibility of purification and Salvation. They are rich in psychological features of women such as the ability of forgiving and loving. What’s more, different from the image of the "Holy Virgin" ,they take the unique ability of birth as a source of energy and performances of the ability "reproduction" and "life" well. But they are beautiful object, and in the descriptions, their spirit is being dwindled as well. They are usually seen as a body, organ or part of the body there. In the text, Kawabata used almighty water characterized with nourishment and reproduction inclusive power to describe them.The third category is a combination of spirit and a virtual entity without deletion of the "ideal mother image." Women in this category have spirit and real bodies, with the power purification and salvation.Their spiritual strength is cordial and warm in the sense of love, together with Oedipus; their entities not only stays in the’s functional needs of Oedipus, but meets Oedipus’the potential demand; their ability dosen’t refer to reproduction.,but the power of“rebirth". As a result of the Oedipus fetish aesthetic in the patriarchal society, their entities are lost. Moreover, because of the psychological self-torture of Oedipus, they tend to be stiff and materialized. Therefore, the ideal mother can only stay in the ideal.The fourth category is "Oedipus mother" characterized by anxiety and physical ugliness. This kind of women in Kawabata Literature is "queer people", regarded as the incarnation of the dark side of motherhood. They are both in short of abstract and concrete beauty,but full of darkness of maternity, combination of the suppression and fear of paternity authority .Those women have their stereotype ,like Yiyenamei. Also in the cruel Wu era under the circumstance of a patriarchal system, those women are demonized, which the author narrows down to mad men.ChapterⅣOedipus elements in Kawabata literatureIn Japanese literature, symbols of "wandering in a natural," "integrating in nature" is that after stepping into the civilized society, Japanese have been pursuing the root of life, the sense of belonging and psychological compensation ,which are the embodiments of Oedipus complex and the principles of maternity。Kawabata Yasunari is conversance in describing the nature and seasonal sceneries, which is echoing with those concerning females. This approach demonstrates that Oedipus Complex projects a concrete manifestation in the literature.In Kawabata literature, a description of the natural beauty is in abundance. This is not only constitutes a unique literature features but also is profound in the sense of aesthetic significance. He uses home to the soul as the background, depicting Japan’s traditional and natural beauty. In his works, he creates Izu, Asakusa, Kyoto and snowy world. His literature is not a narrative, but a descriptive expression, which combines the environment, scene, plot, characters and other literary elements. And for the most important elements causing natural aesthetic beauty ---- colors, Kawabata Yasunari is sharp and prefers white, red, black to express the meaning of complex texts. White stands for the Holy Spirit .Red represents mystery, while black silence and coldness.As far as the structure of the readers’desires is concerned, the reading process and pleasure of reading lie in waking up feeling towards the integrating with the mother as a whole. The text itself is a kind of fetish .when reading, readers get back to the well-being and tranquility in mother’s embrace. In the process of reading, readers have been moved by the beauty, morality and the spirit of self-sacrifice of the heroine .In Kawabata Literature, beauty and grief are connected closely through portraying the female characters in a gloomy atmosphere which led to moving the readers.At the same time, women with a secondary status in the sub-cultural groups, possess the ability of tolerating and loving which highlight the tragic effect and moving force.When "abnormality" and "sex" to extricate themselves from the narrow sense, they can serve as the main conception from the perspective of Research Literature. Masochists in the text dedicate to females with a passive, abused, obedient and infantile characteristic. However in the reading process readers, with the psychologically abused state, tend to rebuild actress in that situation recognizing others’mother. Although "cruelty" and "sacrifice" in the text is a direct infringement to the women, it needs an intaking reflection from somebody, the readers. Kawabata Literature is not only engraved with the nature of abuse but also typical fetish aesthetics in the course of reading. Kawabata Literature, an intermediary-oriented, is able to remind people of the period of Oedipus when mother and son are integrated with happiness and joy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

