

Study on the Dynamic of the Coordinated Growth of Regional Development and Environment

【作者】 邱桂杰

【导师】 衣保中;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以现代西方经济学理论为基础,综合运用区域经济学、环境经济学、财政学、金融学、制度经济学等学科的理论、方法和手段,在对相关范畴进行辨析、界定和对区域开发与环境协调发展理论进行总结归纳的基础上,分析了区域开发与环境协调发展动力的来源及其制约因素,构建了社会主义市场经济条件下有利于增强区域开发与环境协调发展动力的机制,并结合国家“振兴东北老工业基地”的区域开发政策,对东北区域开发与环境协调发展动力进行了实证分析,提出了增强东北区域开发与环境协调发展动力的对策建议。

【Abstract】 As China is a developing country and the regional gaps in development condition and in development level are very obvious, regional development is an important way for China at present and in the future. But regional development has an intense influence on ecological environment because it is human economic activities expanding in regional scope and in depth. At present environmental pollution and ecological damage has been a vital factor to damage human health and restrict economic and social development. Under the background of this, the central government proposed scientific development concept and harmonious society theory, and takes it as a long-term job concerning national economic and social development to construct a conservation-conscious of resource and environment-friendly society. Therefore it has profound significance to research into the coordinated growth of regional development and ecological environment.There is dynamic to do something for any subject. If the dynamic of regional development subject protecting ecological environment is known, making regional development subject have it by some efforts is a sure way of multiplying the effectiveness of coordinated growth of regional development and ecological environment. Considering there isn’t study on the dynamic of regional development subject protecting ecological environment recently, on the basis of western economics theories, by comprehensively utilizing the theories and the methods of regional economics, environmental economics, public finance, monetary economics, institutional economics and industrial economics, and so on, the dissertation analyzes the dynamic of regional development subject protecting the ecological environment and tries and establishes mechanism to increase the dynamic under the conditions of socialist market economy system. The dissertation tries and establishes a theory system in order to find a way of coordinated growth of regional development and environment.Defining relevant concepts and summarizing basic theories is logical starting point and analyzing basis for a research. By differentiating and analyzing the representative concepts of regional development, the dissertation believes the concept that regional development means human economic activities expanding in regions, which is not only expanded in greater scope but also in depth, reflects the essence of regional development clearly. As well as the dissertation analyzes the dialectal relations between regional development and environment and summarizes the connotations and the progress of the coordinated growth theory of regional development and environment.On the basis of above theoretical analysis, the dissertation researches into the dynamic and mechanism of coordinated growth of regional development and environment.Study on the current situation and main influencing factors of dynamic of coordinated growth of regional development and environment. As the scholar gave an opinion that regional development subject is composed of the government and enterprises, the dissertation analyzes the composition of regional development subject firstly and gives an opinion that regional development subject is composed of the government, enterprises and individuals, and analyzes their dynamic for protecting environment. The dissertation believes that the reasons protecting environment policy proposed by the central government and obstructed by the local government, are the role of the central government are different from the local government. The factors influencing the dynamic of the local government protecting environment include the indicator system judging achievements, clear environmental responsibilities and interest compensation for losses in protecting environment, and so on. In order to achieve the goal of maximizing profits, the dynamic of the enterprises protecting environment derive from the pressure of market competition, government regulation and public opinion. As environment is basic necessity of life and public goods, and environment quality can influence everyone’s profits, the dynamic of individuals protecting environment derives from meeting personal needs which include safety needs and high-quality living needs.Study on the mechanism of the coordinated growth of regional development and environment. As enterprises are main undertakers for regional development and the activities of enterprises are main cause of damaging ecological environment, the dissertation believes that it is most important to establish the mechanism making enterprises have the dynamic to protect ecological environment. The dissertation advances some proposals on perfecting market mechanism, macro-control mechanism of the government and supervision mechanism of the public.On the basis of above theoretical analysis and under the background of the regional development policy of reviving Northeast China outdated industry areas, quantitative analysis is made on current situation of the coordinated growth of regional development and environment in Northeast China. Northeast China includes Heilongjiang province, Jilin province and Liaoning province in the dissertation. Firstly, Quantitative analysis is made on current situation of the ecological environment and of the dynamic, mechanism and mode of coordinated growth of regional development and ecological environment in Northeast China. Secondly, the dissertation analyzes the imperfections in the dynamic, mechanism and mode in Northeast China. Thirdly, the dissertation advanced some proposals to increase the dynamic of the local government, enterprises and the public protecting ecological environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

