

The Origin and Transformation of Xian in Pre-Qin Period

【作者】 陈剑

【导师】 吕文郁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 县制是我国古代一种政治制度,产生于春秋以前,巨变于春秋,定型于战国中晚期。深入研究县制,可以更好的理解周秦间社会转型。本文围绕起源与转变两个问题系统的考察了先秦时期的县制,指出县制具有两种不同的形态,即早期县制和晚期县制。早期县制起源于西周,是都鄙制的一种具体形式,即传世文献中所说的公邑。春秋时期由于新旧政治格局转换,导致早期县制向晚期县制转变。这种转变并非各地普遍发生,而是由一地起源,逐步扩散,具体过程是发于晋,成于秦,随着秦的统一扩张到全国。并从区划化、官僚化、乡里组织三个方面具体考察了县制转变的过程,提出春秋时期只有晋县具有区划化和官僚化的特点。指出乡里组织最初是国人的组织,由于赋役的加重,导致国野区别逐渐模糊,最终由商鞅废除井田法,实行阡陌法,消除国野界线,并设立与土地规划相适应的秦式乡里组织,完成乡里组织的转变。在分国考察秦、楚两国的县制的基础上,指出楚县在春秋战国时期始终是在都鄙制下运行,没有完成向晚期县制的转变。在县制研究的基础上,指出郡有两个阶段,早期县大郡小,晚期县小郡大。战国时期至少有两种郡的形态,即秦式的郡和楚式的郡。

【Abstract】 Xian(县) is a local administrative system, which is formed gradually from Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period to Qin Dynasty. As a kind of system, Xian is not the same at various times, it can be divided into two shapes: early phase of Xian and later period. Early phase of Xian is the county system that under the Dubi(都鄙), it is the controlling form which is Central City governing the Frontier Region. Later period of Xian is a local administrative system that belongs to the system of prefectures and counties. The development of Xian of Pre-Qin went through three historical stages. In the Western Zhou Period, Xian belongs to the early stages, but in the mid and late stage of Warring States Period it is the late stage of Xian. From Spring and Autumn Period to the early stage of Warring States Period, it the transitional phase from early stages to later stages. This thesis discusses systematically the origin and transformation of Xian in Pre-Qin period.In the introduction, it states the reasons and meanings of the selected topic, and it also reviews systematically the researchful history of Xian and puts forward the idea of this thesis. The introduction points out that the early stage of Xian is a form of Dubi. The dieing out of the Western Zhou leads the political pattern change and also triggers the transformation of Xian. The transformation of Xian starts in Jin and comes into being in Qin. It the style of one place of origin and other spaces spread gradually. But it does not mean it is the universal transformation pattern.Chapter One discusses the original problems of Xian. The Xina in the Western Zhou has two styles, one is the ring-like Xian, and the other is square-like Xian. These two kinds of Xian are existing concurrence. This chapter analyzes the Xian in ZhouLi(周礼), and indicates that the reflection of Xian in ZhouLi is more in line with Xian in the Western Zhou.Chapter Two discussed the Dubi quality problems of Xian. This chapter brings forward Dubi is the results of institutionalizing the relationship between City and Town, and its essence is hierarchical governance of City and Town, ie, the big city governance the small town, and all of these are based on the historical development status of the Neolithic Age in China. Firstly, Yi is the basic geography unit, and it forms the scenic spots of Yiluo(邑落); secondly, the relationship between Yiluo is big city presides the small one. The early stage of Xian is Gongyi(公邑). Gongyi is the concrete shape of Dubi, and besides Xiangsu(i乡遂), it is the region directly governed by the monarchy. It is proved the existing of Gongyi from the Bronze Inscription and literature.Chapter Three discusses the original transformation of Xian and the transferring from the Western Zhou to Vassal States. Since the dieing out of the Western Zhou, it leads the political pattern change and also triggers the transformation of Xian. Every states expand their territories and set up Xian. The Xian in Vassal states are the municipality of monarchy. This chapter also discusses the transformation of Xian. The transformation of Xian starts at Jin, and only in Jin, Xian has the characteristics of regionalization and bureaucracy. It removes the influences of aristocratic policy. Chapter Four discusses the transformation of internal social organization from Shizu to the general Xiangli(乡里) at the late phase of Xian. Shizu is the foundation of internal social organization at the early phase of Xian. The opposition of Guoye(国野) in the Western Zhou is based on the Shizu(氏族)counters against the Non-Shizu(非氏族). Xiangli is the initial organization in the Guoren(国人). Along with the aggravation of tax and service, it destroys the inhabitant’s organization in Ye(野). The organizations of Guoren and Yeren(野人) are growing converged, and after Shang Yang Reform, it established Xiangli within the system of prefectures and counties.Chapter Five discusses two typical models of Xian—Qin Xian(秦县) and Chu Xian(楚县). Qin Xian is typical type within the system of prefectures and counties. Chu Xian moves throughout under the Dubi.Last chapter addresses the origin of Jun(郡) and it two stages in its developing process. The first stage is Spring and Autumn Period, in this period, Xian is bigger than Jun. The second stage is the Warring States Period, Xian is smaller than Jun. there is two governing ways of Xian in the Warring States Period, one is Qin-style Jun, there is no municipality city under the Jun, and Xian is the dominant place of Jun. The other one is Chu-style Jun, that is small town are subordinated to big city.Finally the conclusion sums up the whole thesis. It points out that the transformation of Xian is a process. The changing factors are not occurring at one time, but accumulate step by step. It is not widespread, but one place of origin and other spaces spread gradually. It not only reflects the inevitability of historical developing, but also filled with irreversible contingency. It is independent of man’s will for major transfer tendency, and can not separate from the creation of human’s subjective initiatives. It fully reflects the historical dialectical development, it is the perfect footnote of historical materialism.

【关键词】 县制郡县制先秦公邑都鄙制
【Key words】 Xianthe system of prefectures and countiesPre-Qin PeriodGongyiDubi
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

