

Research on Enterprise Collaboration Knowledge Management

【作者】 石宝明

【导师】 张少杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的到来,越来越多的企业认识到知识管理是建构企业核心竞争力的重要途径。许多企业不惜投入巨资建设企业数据库、管理信息系统和决策支持系统。然而,随着企业环境的不断变化,这种以技术为基础的传统知识管理的局限性日益显现。协同知识管理可以弥补传统知识管理的不足,提高企业的运行效率、推动企业的健康、快速发展,提高企业的国际竞争力。本文的主要研究内容涵盖协同知识管理模型、协同知识管理链条建设、协同知识管理能力评价及案例研究。首先,在分析协同、知识管理、协同知识管理相关理论的基础上,构建了协同知识管理模型。协同知识管理模型由目标链、结构链、过程链、平台链四个功能链构成,以知识爆炸、技术进步、全球化及多样性为外部推力,以企业成长观、人本发展观、知识创新与企业学习观为理论基石,以实现知识型企业为最终目标。其次,从目标链、结构链、过程链、平台链,即企业文化、组织结构优化、人力资源过程控制及方法体系、知识管理平台四个方面探讨协同知识管理的实施。在企业文化部分重点研究了协同知识管理企业文化的内容和层次、协同知识管理企业文化建设原则及策略。组织结构部分则研究了组织结构变迁的知识动因、协同知识管理组织结构设计的原则及步骤、协同知识管理组织结构的特征,在此基础上构建了以知识团队为核心的横向总线式组织结构,顺应了协同知识管理发展的组织要求。人力资源部分研究了协同知识管理企业工作者从雇员成为合作者、权力拥有者的新特点,以及为了更好的进行协同知识管理如何选用员工、如何进行培训和激励。其培训可采用过程培训、互动培训及自助培训,激励策略则涵盖报酬激励、文化激励、组织激励、工作激励四大方面。平台链部分阐述了协同知识管理平台的功能、知识管理技术,创新性的提出知识共享是协同知识管理平台的软环境,而知识创新则是协同知识管理平台的硬环境。再次,论文选取了协同知识管理能力评价的指标体系、评价方法和评价模型,并借助于案例,对案例对象的协同知识管理实践及其知识管理能力进行了实证研究。

【Abstract】 Collaborative Climate and Effectiveness of Knowledge Work—an Empirical Study, published in the November 2002 issue of Journal of Knowledge Management, was studied by Dr. Karl-Erik Sveiby and his partner. This study have more than 12,000 respondents from companies and organizations world-wide. Dr. Karl-Erik Sveiby find collaborative climate tends to improve with age, power position, seniority in the organization and level of education. The now retired president Bob Buckman began investing heavily in collaboration in the mid 1980s.Buckman Labs spends $8 million annually on its KM budget. He attributes the more than doubling of introduction of new products from 14% of sales to 34%. So he claims Collaboration Knowledge Management(CKM)is important and well worth studied.Knowledge explosion, technological advances, globalization and the diversity is external force of CKM. Business growth, human resources development, knowledge innovation and enterprise learning is theory cornerstone of it. To achieve Knowledge-based enterprises is the ultimate goal. Collaborative Knowledge Management was composited by target chain, structure chain, process chain and platform chain. Management thinking were provided by four aspects, such as corporate culture, organizational structure, process control and methods of human and of Knowledge management system. This four functional chain promote the enterprise collaborative knowledge management implementation as the reality of corporate operations, to promote each other and as an organic unity and jointly.1、Target chain - the building of enterprise cultureCorporate culture will shape the operation and management of enterprise into an organic system, in order to achieve corporate strategic objectives and mission, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, to promote enterprise, team and individuals to continue growth healthily.CKM target chain around the building of enterprise culture, to specifically the reality of corporate culture through detailed analysis and assessment. Corporate culture-building programs was designed through refined, summarized and integrated, corporate philosophy cleared, values system formed, enterprise culture accurate positioned.Target chain in CKM system has played a leading role, the direction and goals of structure chain, process chain were decided by it, it is also served by the three objects.2、structure chain - to optimize the organizational structureTo optimize the enterprises organizational structure, so that enterprises structure compact and flexible organizational, innovation capacity, reaction speed, reduce costs, strengthen teamwork and staff to have greater autonomy and development of space, have an unparalleled advantage in regard to become the inevitable choice.The structure chain of CKM that around the organizational structure design, of the its construction and implementation from the following aspects: match analysis of the operation of the organizational structure by Corporate philosophy and culture (including the strategic objectives, vision); to further clear the existing enterprise business processes and management processes, through planning, restructuring and optimization; From the point of view across the enterprise, design the corresponding positions and define the functions of various positions, which can model through the establishment of posts to clear the requirements of posts, staff roles, such as service capacity; The development and application of information systems can provide the foundation of support for streamline enterprise-management-level, optimizing the allocation of resources, to information sharing, strengthen teamwork and promote changes of the staff work way.3、Process chain - process control and methods system of human resourcesBusiness growth is a gradual process, it need implementation capacity efficiently and process control. This stage involves the formulation and break of goals, the feedback and control of process as well as the appointment, evaluation, remuneration, training. And the management methods and tools related the implementation results. The enterprise implementation, process control and the process chain with specific operation method, to become key operational process. Its implementation will be directly related to the achievement of organizational goals or not, the operation effectiveness and efficiency and personnel development.The process chain of Collaborative Knowledge Management was Carried out around the management running, process control methods systems that were Built around the core of human. Operational mechanisms, including human resources, team building, personal growth and career management. Business strategy that is built through the inspiration and guide managers and staff to play and develop a mechanism for the platform (operating mechanism), the efficient operation of the enterprise; build a cohesive force with a strong, efficient implementation of the execution team; Eventually the purpose of business development was settled on staff development, then the mechanism of individual capabilities growth and Continued to grow were established.4、Platform chain - knowledge management platform Knowledge management platform is a Web-based information system as well as the basic components of enterprise knowledge management infrastructure, it set applications collaboration services and personal services in one body. It try to maximize the value of enterprise knowledge, the mining and play of intelligent, the enhance of capabilities of organization management and operation, from the reality of the modern enterprise and the organic combination of information technology.The information technology and Internet are base and means of CKM chain platform, to shape a new management model and working methods. Knowledge management platform is its core of software applications, to the realization of knowledge mining ,sharing, application and creation; to create an appropriate place for the relevant personnel to work together through virtual places at the right time. The Implementation of Platform chain will enhance the enterprise implementation capability, communication skills, efficiency of management and operation, knowledge innovation and teamwork ability, as well as to provide effective technical support for the growth of knowledge workers.Collaborative knowledge management is both a management ideology and a management method. Collaborative knowledge management is knowledge management ideology and method in order to solve some difficulties of knowledge management. Collaborative knowledge management is the organic integration of strategic human resources management and knowledge management. The use of such ideas and methods can guide those who are or will be implement enterprises Collaborative knowledge management,to enable them to thoroughly analyze the internal and external environment and the cornerstone of implementation of collaborative knowledge management. The knowledge-based organizations is the ultimate goal of CKM. In short, the implementation of collaborative knowledge management is a complex system project. For it can be effectively put into practice, we need to fully understand the true connotation of collaborative knowledge management, but also take into account other issues.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

