

The Analyses of Cause and Evolution of the Social Emergency in Northeast China Region in Social Transformation Period

【作者】 赵廷彦

【导师】 刘少杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对社会突发事件生成原因及演化趋势,以转型时期东北区域为研究场域,以社会现代性理论,特别是社会冲突理论与风险社会理论为理论视角,对于转型期东北区域社会突发事件的生成原因及演化机制进行研究,并在此基础上提出了社会突发事件应对治理的建议。主要内容研究主要是:第一,社会突发事件生成原因及演化机制研究的背景和依据。转型期东北区域社会突发事件生成与演化现实,以及西方和国内学者关于社会突发事件研究成果即古典社会学、现代社会学冲突理论以及当代社会学风险理论等综述,提供了社会突发事件研究的现实思考与理论启示。第二,社会突发事件生成原因及演化机制研究的理论基础。通过对中国的社会转型理论与突发事件理论进行研讨,指出中国社会转型是在社会主义框架内从传统型社会向现代型社会转变的过程,是社会的结构性变革和整体性发展,其蕴含社会突发事件发生的社会时代特点。通过对突发事件理论进行研讨,从现代性视角对于社会突发事件的概念内涵、外延、基本特征与类别划分进行了理论厘清。第三,社会突发事件生成原因及演化制机研究的时空条件。主要通过对东北区域的时空特点归纳与社会自性的描述分析,提出了东北区域社会转型中所具有的高压型社会突发事件的场域论断,分析了单位制社会的时空延滞的原因以及对社会突发事件发生演化的影响。第四,社会突发事件生成原因研究。主要从现代性社会市场经济的逻辑功能缺陷及其异化、工业社会结构与形态的风险蕴含、理性工具异化与感性冲突,科层制的钝化与异化方面,分析了社会突发事件生成的基本成因,从社会转型的离心效应、制度变迁的摩擦效应等方面,分析了社会突发事件生成的强化原因。第五,社会突发事件演化机制研究。分析了社会转型期东北区域社会突发事件演化机制的演化周期、生成条件、运作方式、参与主体。指出其演化机制是多元博弈演化机制,其性质是一种动态非线性,其路径是制度的路径依赖。并通过东北区域社会资历性和单位区隔的社会自性分析,明确了构建社会突发事件应对治理体系的总体思路:即强化党的政治领导,实现服务型政府转向,落实政府复合责任,育成社会协同主体与机制,完善拓展公民参与路径。

【Abstract】 With ceaselessness restructuring the economy and reforming the political structure, the trend of social transformation become acceleration transform having produced a lot of social problems,have caused the unsteady factor of society to increase by unceasingly,have entered risk society thereby, the regional social Emergency having characteristic property has happened unceasingly. The thesis is six chapters.The ChapterI : Introductions investigate and discuss the Theory of the social Emergency in home and abroad. Study of Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Georg Somme’s classical theory of contemporary conflicts; Closer and other modern social conflict theory; Baker reflexivity of modern social risk, Giddings’s reflective of modern society risks and Rush the risk posed by the contemporary culture of risk theory, to tease out the classical, modern and contemporary theoretical background of social tension. On the current domestic research community emergencies, mainly from the traditional domain of sociology as a social emergency front-end study; and public administration, as emergency back-end domain of social studies, two summary unexpected events in the nation’s current social research path. In this paper, the research method of adhering to Marxist dialectical and historical materialism of Marxism, based on quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis will be combined proceed from realism toward constructivism to achieve for the community emergencies reflective analysis, the integrated use of empirical analysis, interpretation of analysis and critical analysis of Marxism, method, theory and practice of organic integration.The Chapter II: the theoretical basis of the causes and evolution of the social emergency. Theory of social transformation in China, pointed out that China’s social transformation within the framework of a socialist society from a traditional to a modern society, the process of transformation of social structural change and overall development. With industrialization, urbanization, marketization and the dynamic development process of legal reform and become the biggest driving force in the social structure super-normal differentiation and diversification of individual values, such as the obvious features. Social emergency is defined as: In modern society, human faced by the prior knowledge and accuracy can not be fully forecast, the form of urgency to bring about social subjects or potentially bring about a significant impact on consequences of the sudden events. Sum up their with: uncertainty、sudden、complex、frequency、spatial and temporal nature of the evolution of characteristics; based on different grounds it had different perspectives of each type。Depending on the type of division on the basis of their different perspectives to the division, according to an emergency causes of the incident, the scope and the main divide: natural and social nature of emergency incidents; of the community emergencies occur, the speed of evolution and the end of Divide: tornado type, diarrhea, slow fire-type and long-projection-based society of emergency incidents; according to social areas of an emergency incident, nature and mechanism as the standard classification: natural disasters, accidents, disasters, public health, social security incidents; under the social emergency shape and impact of events divided into: emergency incident type, crisis type emergencies, catastrophic events-oriented society.The Chapter III: the practical basis of the causes and evolution of the social Emergency. By induction, description and analysis the characteristics of the Northeast region of space-time and social, put forward by the Northeast regional social transformation with a high-voltage-based society emergencies Field thesis. Analysis of the unit system of social time and space remain the causes and evolution of the social impact of unexpected events.The fourth chapter: The Analyses of Cause of the social Emergency. In terms of theory and analysis of space-time, based on the induction period of social transition out of the northeast regional society, the four basic causes of incidents and strengthen the cause of two transition: basic causes of modern society is the logical flaws of the market economy and its alienation, industrial society, structure and morphology of the risk inherent, rational tools of alienation and emotional conflicts, bureaucratic system, passivity and alienation; logical flaws in the market economy and the alienation, the main shortcomings of the market logic of alienation in the capital market functions to elaborate its about the causes of the social role of unexpected events. In industrial societies, the risk inherent structure and morphology, the major transformation of industrial society, from the northeast and development, bringing a series of social changes, including structural changes in urban and rural areas and other social structural changes, and the "new industrial economy" economic development patterns change, and from mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity brought about by breaking into the social anomie and other issues and explore the social causes of unexpected events. Alienation and emotion in a rational tool for conflict, mainly from the instrumental rationality and value rationality of this relationship is a huge break to start research to determine the modern society is the expansion of instrumental rationality, value rationality reduction, leading to instrumental rationality in all areas of society occupied a rational high ground, and the occurrence of alienation led to the emergence of numerous conflicts. In addition, the Northeast region of the current situation of social transformation, in addition to the process of rationalization of their own problems, the generation of unexpected events in the community, the traditional society of social accumulation and deep emotional rationality of modern society is undergoing collisions, but also the Northeast Regional community emergencies arise an important reason to explore this issue, this is also the issue in a rational under. In the hierarchical aspects of passive and alienation, from the hierarchical nature of bureaucratic understanding of the beginning, recognizing that is to give the bureaucracy can not be effectively restrained by the terms of reference rather than the rational expansion and variation, it is the system and institutional shortcomings, As public resources combined with control by the government, other actors of society’s dominant position in society is not strong, making the dominant position even if the Government’s social transformation in society today is still the dominant position. Therefore, the Government Section of the passivity layer structure of alienation affect the functioning of society, inducing the occurrence of unexpected events of society. This is mainly reflected in the bureaucratic system itself due to defects in combination with the bureaucratic system itself makes the bureaucracy not meet the requirements of social development system of government passivity. The Government as a social resource and social constraints rule-makers, whose main activities are reflected in policy formulation and policy implementation in two ways. And because the system of bureaucratic alienation, making problems in these two areas, there has been the implementation of the Government’s interest in the expansion of bureaucracy and public policy issues, as unexpected events lead to social incentives. In the root causes, the social transformation during the super-normal transition in the process of transformation of the factors is currently the Northeast Regional Social unexpected intensity of the incident intensity and frequency of reasons for the increase, bringing the centrifugal effect of social transformation, institutional change friction effects, etc. in transition, the Northeast regional social causes of unexpected events generated enhanced. In the centrifugal effect of a market economy the main effect of centrifuge units with the old legacy effect, in the friction effect in the system are mainly the old and new frictions with the relevance of the friction effect. Social transformation brought about by the centrifugal effect of social differentiation, the system changes the friction effect is the reason for its enhanced.The fifth chapter: The Analyses of evolution of the social Emergency. In the use of emergency generation under the guidance of the evolution cycle theory in the social control mechanisms summarized under the empirical analysis of social transition, the Northeast regional social evolution mechanism of the evolution of emergency cycle, generating conditions, run-based mode of operation, participation of the main mechanisms and its dynamic evolution of non-linear nature and the evolution of the system characterized by path dependence. Points out that its evolution mechanism is a multi-game evolutionary mechanisms, this diversity reflected in the game: First, the social impact of unexpected events in the evolution of factors is diverse, mainly induced events, secondary events and their coupling; event structure of the similarities and differences of ; the event of the main clusters of; also affected by the dissemination of information, social psychology was mainly emotional and behavioral imitation of infection and other mental factors. Second, social evolution unexpected incidents dynamic game, which mainly reflected as follows: first, the evolution cycle from the event’s own internal rules and external evolution of the control measures of the fit and the decision stage; Second, social sudden the evolution of the event conditions were made by the very nature of social emergency and social utility of public opinion, the effectiveness of control for three aspects of the mutual influence and the role of the decision; and third, the evolution of social contingencies that exist in three a social subject: event participants, government and society in the third, three in the social evolution of unexpected events play a different game roles. In the evolution of the nature of the mechanism, pointed out that this is a dynamic non-linear evolution mechanism; in the mechanism of the path, in particular, described the social emergency of the path dependence problem for the system, in which the control system of form-oriented government is a path-dependent the fact that reason, the path of self-reinforcing mechanism is locked theoretical explanation.Thesesocial contingencies for the party system, path dependence, resulting in the evolution of the community to resolve the role of emergency incidents and social evolution of the intensification. Finally, in the formation of social emergency and evolution of the analysis of experience on, through the north-east of the regional community experience, the new dual social structures and units of social self-segment analysis, to explore the Northeast regional community emergency response management features, combined with new management when planning the pattern of social ideas, put forward the unexpected events in the community to strengthen the party’s political leadership to achieve service-oriented government steering, implement the Government’s complex responsibilities, breeding community to coordinate the main body and mechanism, improve the path to expand citizen participation a new system of governance should.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】D669;D621
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1106
  • 攻读期成果

