

Research on Value and Path of Citizen Participation in the Public-Service-Oriented Innovation

【作者】 张杰

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪70年代以来,行政改革浪潮在世界范围内兴起。在全球化的背景下,各国政府都自觉或不自觉地卷入这场改革浪潮之中。尽管各国的改革实践存在一定的差异,在改革理念的表述上各有侧重,但公共服务创新一直是行政改革的核心内容。在科学发展观与和谐社会的背景下,我国把服务型政府确定为行政改革的基本目标,而公共服务创新是实现这一基本目标的必由之路。我国的公共服务创新实践取得了不错的成果,但在推进过程中也遭遇一些困难。本文认为,公共服务创新是政府与公民合作互动的系统,要解决公共服务创新面临的困难,必须转变以政府为中心的一元化思维方式,充分认识公民在公共服务创新中的角色,发挥公民的作用,把公民参与作为克服当前困难的重要路径选择。本文以马克思主义基本理论、观点和方法为指导,运用规范分析、系统分析、历史分析和比较分析的研究方法,从公共服务创新的时代背景、内涵和目标要求入手,结合当前公共服务创新的实际状况,对公共服务创新面临的困难及原因进行了分析,并将困难的主要原因归结为公民参与的缺失。探讨了公民参与之于公共服务创新的价值。在对西方公共服务创新中公民参与的理论和实践进行借鉴的基础上,对目前公共服务创新中公民参与的历程和现状作了总结和分析,最后对我国公民参与公共服务创新的路径做出一些思考。

【Abstract】 Since the 1970s, with the rise of administrative reform worldwide, in the context of globalization, consciously or unconsciously, governments have been involved in this reform. Although there are certain differences in the expression of reform ideas as well as in the practice of the reform, the public service innovation has been the core of administrative reform. In the scientific development concept and the context of a harmonious society, Chinese government identifies the service-oriented government as the basic objective of administrative reform, and public service innovation, which has achieved good result in China, is the only way to achieve this fundamental objective. However, at present, we have met some difficulties in advancing public service innovation. This thesis argues that public service innovation is a system which involves the cooperative interaction between the Government and citizens. To solve the difficulties, we must change the unitary way of thinking,that is taking the government as the center. In a word, citizen participation will play an important role in leading the public service innovation out of difficulties.This thesis develops with the fundamental theories, viewpoints and methodology of Marxism as a guide; the use of research methods through normative analysis, system analysis, historical analysis and comparative analysis ; start with historical background, content and objectives of the requirements of public service innovation ; the combination with the actual situation of the current public service innovation and an analysis of the difficulties faced by the public service innovation as well as its causes ; attribution of this to the lack of citizen participation. This thesis explores the citizen participation as well as the value of the public service innovation. Besides, based on the theory and practice of citizen participation in public service innovation in the West, the thesis has also proposed a series of solutions by analyzing the history and reality of citizen participation in our public service innovation.In addition to introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into six chapters. The main contents are as follows:The first chapter, analysis of background and objectives of the requirements of public service innovation. Answer to the questions: What is public service innovation? Why should we conduct public service innovation? This section mainly explains the historical background, content, features and the objectives of the requirements of public service innovation.The second chapter, expectations to citizens to participate in the public service innovation. This section mainly discusses the difficulties encountered as well as the analysis of the reasons and thus draws the conclusion: the fundamental cause of the difficulties is citizen participation deficiencies.The third chapter, the value of citizen participation in public service innovation. This section mainly discusses the reason for the need and importance of citizen participation in public service innovation. Citizen participation is an important form to enhance the legitimacy of public service innovation; Citizen participation reflects the fundamental requirements of the public nature of public service innovation; Citizen participation can ensure public service innovation in a scientific way; Citizen participation is an effective way to improve the execution of public service innovation; Citizen participation is an important means to supervise public service innovation. The fourth chapter, theory and practice of citizen participation in public service innovation in the West .The core of the theory of administrative reform is public service innovation, in which, citizens and citizen participation are emphasized in different degrees .This section gives theoretical interpretation of the viewpoint about the citizens and citizen participation expounded in the new public management theory, new public service theory and governance theory. At the same time, it introduces a number of Western countries, in which, citizens take an active part in public service innovation .The success of citizen participation in public service innovation in the West is significant to China and we may draw lessons from their experience.The fifth chapter, the history and reality of citizen participation in our public service innovation. This section gives an analysis of not only the history but also the reality of citizen participation in our public service innovation, with emphasis on the problems existing in citizen participation in public services at the present stage.The sixth chapter, choice of citizens participation in our public service innovation. This section offers some ideas to promote citizen participation based on the analysis above and attempts to find an innovation path primarily from the following five aspects, enhancing rational knowledge of the government, fostering citizens’awareness and ability of participation, strengthening system building, expanding citizen participation form, developing and strengthen social organizations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

