

Words’ Character Study Volumes of San Jin

【作者】 汤志彪

【导师】 冯胜君;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本論文題目是《三晉文字編》,共分四個部分:第一部分是“緒論”,第二部分是論文的主體——“字表”,第三部分是“歸字説明”,第四部分是“資料來源表及釋文”。本文所收錄的文字材料包括石器、銅器、兵器、璽印、陶文、貨幣以及雜器。國別則包括趙、魏、韓、中山、兩周、鄭、衛等,力求全面。“緒論”是對學術界在三晉文字研究方面取得的成就的一次回顧和總結。在這一部分,圍繞本文的研究範疇,側重于概述三晉文字研究的進展情況。作爲主體部分的“字表”,包括正編、合文和附錄三部分。正編部分,以楷書爲字頭,見於《說文解字》者,根據《說文解字》排序,下出與之相應的小篆?灰婌丁墩f文解字》者,在右上角標以“﹡”號。以圖片形式把各個字的各類形體放到該字頭下。字形分類、分國及時代。字形下出器物出處和釋文。合文部分收錄合書形式的字例,按照首字的漢語拼音次序排列。數字則按照順序統一放在合文卷之後。附錄收錄的是不識字或難以隸定的字。“歸字説明”主要是對“字表”部分出現的一些新考釋的字作出解釋;或者對某個字形處置方法説明理由;或者對釋文進行重新解釋。“資料來源表及釋文”包括本文的所有資料來源及其的釋文。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the researches of Words’Character of the Warring States period is getting prosperous, and many achievements reached. Many final conclusions of the Interpretations of the Words’Character have also been made. Hence, it is necessary for us to categorize and summarize these achievements comprehensively. Some researchers have already done a good job in categorizing and summarizing. And nowadays, the collation of the Words’Character of Qin/Chu flourishing, Words’Character research of San-Jin is getting popular. However, it is still a little bit weak in the comprehensive collation of the Word’s Character research of San-Jin. So far, there is not a monograph in volumes studying of the Words’Character of San-Jin whose period ranging from the late Spring and Autumn Period to the late Warring States Period. Therefore, it is necessary to categorize and summarize the current achievements, and this is also the original intention of this thesis.This thesis was titled "Words’Character Study Volumes of San Jin", which consists of four parts: the first part is "Introduction", the second part is the main thesis - "Words List", the third part is to "Word Interpretation," and the last part is "Sources of Information Form and Textual Reference." The text materials in this paper includes: stones, bronze wares, weapons, royal seals, pottery scripts, currencies and various scripts. In order to get a comprehensive study, this paper contains not only the Words’Character of Zhao, Wei and Han, but also those of Zhongshan, Zhou, Zheng, Wei etc, though it is titled " Words’Character Study Volumes of San Jin""Introduction" reviews and summarizes the achievements in studying of Word’s Character of San-Jin. In this part, in accord with the study scope of this paper; it focuses on the introduction of the progress of the study on Words’Character research. For example, the word "Bian", "Hu", "Yue" and "Xian" in HOU MA MENG SHU; the word "Cheng" and "Jia" in AN YI XIA GUAN ZHONG; the word "Jia" and "Ti" in Zhongshan Wares; the word "Fa qi", "Bao", "Lian " and "An", etc. in the weapon inscriptions; the word "Shu", "Cuo ", "Du" and "Ying", etc. in the royal seals; the compound surname as "Ma Shi", "Wu Lu", "Shao Qu", "Shao Shi" etc., and "Xin Wan" in the clay-sealing; the word "Qi" and "Xu" in Pottery Scripts; the word " Qi", " Shang’ai ", "Shaoqu", "Yuji", and "Liang", etc. in currencies. In addition, this paper also explains some of the eras and States of the artifacts and the categorization standard of the wares nationalities, because they are related to this thesis.As the main part, the "Words List" includes three sections: Main List, Combined Phrase and appendix. In the Main List, words are listed according to their regular-script order, and with accord to "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" sorting way. Then the regular scripted words lead to its corresponding Xiaozhuan. The word will mark with an "﹡" in the upper right corner which doesn’t appear in "Shuo Wen Jie Zi".And placed after the same word category. If there are variant characters, then the variant characters will be listed another line below its regular script and give the script of the word at the fist column of that word. In the form of picture, the Main List categorizes various characters of each word into the same word category. The character patterns are categorized according to its materials. They are sub-classified according to different States, and are sub-classified again by the time the character appeared. Characters will be listed after the same word category if the appearing era and State is still unknown. For easy understanding, consulting and use, the Main List gives the sources of the character and its explanation. Combined Phrase specially includes phrases, which are arranged by its first word’s Pinyin Alphabetical order. Numbers are listed according to their order at the back of the Combined Phrase volumes. Appendix contains the characters unknown or difficult to conclude.Word Interpretation mainly gives some new textual explanation to some words’characters in the Word List, or gives reasons for the listing way of certain patterns of words’characters, or gives new explanations to the old ones.Sources of Information Form and Textual Reference include all sources of information and its forms in this paper as well as all of their explanations. In this part, according to the sequence of Stones, Bronzes, weapons, Royal Seals, Pottery Scripts, currencies, and other wares, all sources will classified by States. And sources within the same state will be arranged by their appearing time; those sources with unclear period will be listed at the back of the state sources. For those sources with unclear state, they will be listed after the above said sources.

【关键词】 三晉文字編盟書銅器兵器璽印陶文貨幣
【Key words】 San-Jin Words’Character VolumesMengshubronze waresWeaponsXiYinTaoWenCurrency
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

