

Research on Bilateral Servo Control Technology of 6-DOF Electro-hydraulic Master-slave Manipulators with Force-feedback

【作者】 张祝新

【导师】 赵丁选;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 遥操作机器人技术在空间探索、海洋开发、原子能应用、军事、抢险救助、远程医疗、宏微操作等领域具有非常广泛而重要的用途,目前已经有较多的应用实绩。为了缩小遥操作与现场直接操作品质的差距,进一步提高遥操作的作业效率和质量,不仅需要为操作者提供清晰的视觉信息,而且还需要为其提供作业反力大小及运动干涉等信息,因此,研究具有力反馈的电液主-从机器人双向伺服控制技术具有非常重要的理论与现实意义。结合国家自然科学基金资助项目“遥操作6-DOF液压并联机器人的力觉双向伺服控制”(编号:50475011)及教育部优秀青年教师基金课题“具有力觉反馈的远距离操纵工程机器人研究”,在对国内外力觉临场感遥操作机器人系统进行研究分析的基础上,针对已有的遥操作双向伺服控制系统中存在的主-从手位置跟随性差、操作刚性物体时主手抖动以及冲击力大等问题,进行主-从机器人双向伺服控制技术研究。采用二端口网络理论,根据主-从机器人系统两侧运动和力信息的不同融合方式,在兼顾系统稳定性和操作性能的基础上,对论文提出的位置和力全信息双向伺服控制结构进行简化,得到了“P—P+F”等四种可行的简化控制结构,为控制策略的选择奠定了基础。简化了控制结构,减少了交互通道和检测元件数量,提高了系统工作的可靠性、降低了系统的复杂性和成本。针对本文支链上液压缸两端采用虎克铰连接的6-DOF并联操作手,研究其运动学和动力学特性,为并联机器人的控制奠定基础;采用两个6-DOF力反馈操作手构成同构式主-从遥操作实验系统,设计阻抗滑膜控制器,分别在空载、弹性负载和刚性负载情况下,对所提出的基于全信息的四种可行控制结构进行了实验研究,实验结果与理论分析基本相符。本文通过对具有力觉临场感主-从机器人双向伺服控制技术的研究,获得简洁可行的控制结构。特别是其中F—P型全信息双向伺服控制结构及其控制技术应用,取消了从手力传感器,能够有效地隔断当从手和环境作用情况突变时,对操作者产生过大力冲击问题,改善了系统的操作性能,有效解决了主-从遥操作系统中存在的主-从手位置跟随性差、操作刚性物体时主手抖动以及冲击力大等问题。论文研究成果为主-从遥操作双向伺服技术的推广使用奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 The master-slave tele-operation system with tele-presence provides the operator with the interacting information of the slave manipulator with the environment through information feedback, which creates the operator’s immersive experience and the interaction situation of the slave with the environment. Based on that the operator can make correct decisions and the complex tasks can be completed effectively. The tele-operated robot can not only protect the operator’s health and safety, but also extend the operational capability of people to help the operator to complete the operations which are difficult to complete directly, so the operation efficiency is greatly improved.The common problems of the exiting electric driven force feedback control device are: weak force feedback effect for its small force feedback; in order to obtain the interacting force effect of the slave with the enviorment, the interacting force is employed as the master’s force feedback in the control structure, it would be unbearable for the operator when the slave suddenly contacted with the rigid objects. To solve the upon problems, with the National Natural Science Fund Project, this Ph.D. dissertation studied the theory of the force bilateral servo control of the tele-operation 6 DOF hydraulic parallel manipulator, built up isomorphic type of master-slave tele-operation experiment system and the whole information control strategies experimental researches were performed.Innovative results are as follows:1. On the base of analyzing the existing control structures, the master-slave position and force whole information bilaeral servo control structures were developed and made a reasonalbe simplification. Three channels and two channels such as“P-P+F”type of all in four kinds of possible simplified control structures were obtained. Theoretical analysis and experimental studies proved the effectiveness of the proposed control structures.In order to improve the reliability of the control signal, reduce the number of the interactive channel and solve the impact force on the master when the slave force changed suddenlly, deep research on the two channels were made and simplified position feedback control structure of only position sensor employed on the slave side was proposed. The effectiveness and feasibility of the control strategy are proved theoretically. The experimental results show that the control strategy gives great help on eliminating the impact force on the master.2. To solve the problems of small force feedback stiffness and weak force feedback effect of now existing electric driven force feedback manipulator, based on deep analysis of the technical features of now existing force feedback manipulator, 6-DOF force feedback manipulator based on electro-hydraulic servo control and driven by single rod cylinder is developed. Its special structure is both ends of the branch chain are connected by Hook hinge. Driving force matrix of every active kinematic pair is obtained and also the output force matrix of the hydraulic cylinder after researching its kinematics and dynamics, which forms the foundation for the master-slave control.3.Build up 6-DOF isomorphism master-slave teleoperation experiment system. The mechanical properties of the developed parallel 6-DOF force feedback manipulator and four kinds of control structures based on the whole information experiments were performed under no-load, flexible load and rigid load conditions. The results show that the tele-presence Stewart structure 6-DOF parallel force feedback manipulator has fast dynamic response, rigid structure, easy manipulation and satisfactory stability; in a variety of load conditions, the four kinds of control structures all have higher accruacy of position tracking and good force feedback effects. The whole imformation bilateral severo control strategy of F-P type of which force sensors are saved on the slave side can effectively elimanite the impact on the master, improve the system’s operational performance and overcome the problems of the existing control straegies.Other research works of this thesis are:1.Deeply analyzed the interactive technology and tele-presence technology, especially the features of force tele-presence technology.2.Made research on the control performance of master-slave bilateral control systems: stability and operating performance. Passive stability, realization and determination method and also its ideal performance conditions were studied.3.Established the mathematical model of hydraulic cylinder with single rod out controlled by nozzle-flapper valve. Dynamic characteristics were studied which forms the foundation of studding the performance of the hydraulic system based on electro-hydraulic control of 6-DOF force feedback manipulator.4.The bilateral tele-operation system control is realized by employing impedance controller on the master side and sliding mode controller on the slave side. Desired objectives were achieved by performing different control structures experiments, which provided an experimental basis for 6-DOF master-slave control.Studies show that the whole information bilateral servo control strategies presented in this thesis are effective when used in the teleoperation system. It has obvious effect of telepresence and certain transparency, additionally, it resolves the problems of the existing force feedback devices. The results have theroretical and practical significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

