

Comparative and Evaluation Study on Plant Diversity of Three Nature Reserve in Liaoning

【作者】 赵军

【导师】 陈建伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 自然保护区学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以白石砬子、老秃顶子、海棠山3个位于辽宁境内的然保护区为研究对象,对保护区内植物区系的基本组成、地理成分、基本特点等进行了评价和对比,并对保护区内植被进行系统分类,研究了保护区内典型植物群落物种的多样性及价值,确定了保护区内的重点保护植物,旨在为辽宁自然保护区植物多样性保护、自然保护区建设和管理提供科学依据。研究取得的主要结果如下:(1)白石砬子自然保护区共发现维管束植物114科451属1065种,其中有蕨类植物20科33属64种,裸子植物4科7属16种,被子植物90科411属985种;老秃顶子自然保护区共发现维管束植物123科488属1158种,其中有蕨类植物19科29属60种,裸子植物4科11属23种,被子植物100科448属1075种;海棠山自然保护区共发现维管束植物104科428属858种,其中有蕨类植物10科11属21种,裸子植物4科9属15种,被子植物90科408属822种。白石砬子、老秃顶子和海棠山科的比较结果显示,含1种的科数分别为28、37和27,表现为科占比例较大而种占比例小的特点;含2~9种的寡种科数分别为57、53和58,表现为所占总种数的比例虽然不高,但是科数却较多;含10~29种的科分别为21、23和13,含30~50种的科数分别为6、6和4,含50种以上科数分别为2、4和2,3个自然保护区内的种主要由含种较多的几个科组成;白石砬子、老秃顶子和海棠山自然保护区中以含1种的单种属和含2~5种的寡种属占的比例较高,其中白石砬子、老秃顶子和海棠山自然保护区含1种的单种属分别为235、264和260,含2~5种的寡种属分别为182、185和146,分别占所有属的40.53%、44.65%和45.92%,两者合计所含的属数占了所有属数的90%以上,其中所含的种数占了所有种数的近70%。白石砬子、老秃顶子和海棠山自然保护区热带广泛分布所占的比例最高,此外,北温带及其变型在3个自然保护区内所占比例也较高,其中白石砬子、老秃顶子分别为22科和26科,分别占总科数的19.14%和19.22%,海棠山分布有19科,占了总科数的20.21%,热带广泛分布和温带及变型分布占了3个自然保护区除世界广布之外的主体;在科的水平上,白石砬子、老秃顶子和海棠山以泛热带至温带分布科占优势,泛热带和温带分布科相近,而温带至寒带分布科最少;但从各类型分布的总科数上来看,老秃顶子分布类型科数最多,其内所含的科包括了白石砬子分布的所有科,白石砬子的科数占了老秃顶子的90%,具有极大的相似性。白石砬子、老秃顶子和海棠山有北温带及其变型分别为150属、177属和128属;白石砬子和老秃顶子的热带分布属及其变型均计73属,其中占白石砬子所有种子植物属的17.46%,占老秃顶子所有种子植物属的15.90%,海棠山热带分布属及其变型计85属,占海棠山所有种子植物属的20.38%;白石砬子、老秃顶子和海棠山分布的中国种子植物特有属分别有2个、5个和9个,在属的水平上,白石砬子、老秃顶子和海棠山均是以温带成分为主,显示出该植物区系从温带向热带过渡的特征。其中白石砬子和老秃顶子不论在温带成分还是热带成分上都相差无几,这点与科的分布特征相一致。白石砬子自然保护区和老秃顶子自然保护区在相同的科、属、种占有很大的比例,不论在物种组成、植物区系地理成分还是国家重点野生植物分布数量,都具有惊人的相似性,老秃顶子自然保护区不论从科、属、种的数量还是植物区系的地理成分均高于白石砬子自然保护区,老秃顶子几乎囊括了所有的白石砬子内分布的物种,因此,从物种多样性或植物组成方向看,建议只保留老秃顶子自然保护区为国家级。(2)白石砬子、老秃顶子和海棠山植物区系两两之间在科的相似性程度最高,其次为属,最后为种;白石砬子处于长白植物区系向华北植物区系过渡地段的边缘地带。植物种类较丰富,区系成分较复杂,显示出与东北、华北、西北、华东、华中及西南植物区系汇合的过渡性与古老性的特点;海棠山自然保护区以华北植物区系为主,兼有长白植物区系和蒙古植物区系的植物。(3)白石砬子植被分为4个植被类型组,5个植被型,9个植被亚型;老秃顶子植被分为4个植被类型组,7个植被类型,11个植被亚型,21个群系;海棠山植被分为4个植被类型组,5个植被类型,6个植被亚型,26个群系。(4)不同森林群落类型中乔木层、灌木层、草本层物种丰富度存在明显差异,其中草本层的丰富度指数明显高于乔木层和灌木层,反映了各森林群落间物种多样性空间分布格局;在同一森林群落类型中,各层次的丰富度指数也存在明显差异,表现为草本>灌木>乔木。

【Abstract】 Based on comparative analyzing and evaluating basic components,geographical components and general features of flora,this dissertation takes three nature reserves in Liaoning province(Baishilazi,Laotudingzi and Haitang Mountain) as the research object, and the research of vegetation classification in these nature reserves are also carried on. Key protected species in nature reserves can be identified by analyzing the diversity of typical plant communities and significance in the forest.By proposed protection mechanisms,this dissertation is aimed at providing scientific basis on diversity conservation and operation management for typical nature reserves in Liaoning.The main results are as follows:(1) 1065 species of vascular plants,belonging to 451 genera and 114 families,were distributed in Baishilazi Nature Reserve,including 64 species of ferns,belonging to 33 genera and 20 families;16 species of gymnosperms,belonging to 7 genera and 4 families; and 985 species of angiosperms,belonging to 411 genera and 90 families.1075 species of vascular plants,belonging to 488 genera and 123 families,were distributed in Laotudingzi Nature Reserve,including 60 species of ferns,belonging to 29 genera and 19 families;23 species of gymnosperms,belonging to 11 genera and 4 families;and 1075 species of angiosperms,belonging to 448 genera and 100 families.858 species of vascular plants, belonging to 428 genera and 104 families,were distributed in Haitang Mountain Nature Reserve,including 21 species of ferns,belonging to 11 genera and 10 families;15 species of gymnosperms,belonging to 9 genera and 4 families;and 822 species of angiosperms, belonging to 408 genera and 90 families.Therefore,angiosperms held absolute advantages in the vascular plants of Baishilazi,Laotudingzi and Haitang Mountain Nature Reserves.The comparison results of Baishilazi,Laotudingzi and Haitang Mountain showed the number of families was 28,37 and 27,respectively,which contained a single species, indicating that the number of families dominated major proportion than species.The number of families was 57,53 and 58,respectively,which contained 2-9 depauperate species,indicating that proportion of family was high while the ratio of shared species was lack in number.The number of families was 21,23,13,respectively,contained 10-29 species;6,6,4,contained 30-50 species and 2,4,2,contained more than 50 species.Great majority of families contained large number of species in three nature reserves.There was higher percentage in monotypic genus(contained a single species) and depauperate genera (contained 2-5 species) in Baishilazi,Laotudingzi and Haitang Mountain Nature Reserves. The number of monotypic genus(contained a single species) was 235,264 and 260, respectively.The number of depauperate genera(contained 2-5 species) is 182,185 and 146,respectively,which comprised 40.53%,44.65%and 45.92%of the belonging genus. The aggregate ratio of monotypic genus and depauperate genera is more than 90%of entirely species.And proportion of species constitute monotypic genus and depauperate genera was nearly 70%of entirely species.Baishilazi,Laotudingzi and Haitang Mountain Nature Reserves were widely distributed in the tropics with the highest proportion.In addition,the proportion of the North Temperate Zone and metatype that nature reserves distributed was also high.22 and 26 families were discovered in Baishilazi and Laotudingzi Nature Reserves,respectively, which made up 19.14%and 19.22%of total family numbers.There were 19 families distributed in Hangtang Mountain Nature Reserves,which made up 20.21%of the total family numbers.The tropical,temperate zone and metatype crossed major terrain in these nature reserves,which distributed 40-50%of the total family numbers.Concerning family aspect,Baishilazi,Laotudingzi and Haitang Mountain had majority of them distributed in pantropical and temperate zone with an approximate number,while the number of families is the least in Temperate Zone and Frigid Zone.Concerning the total family numbers in varied types,there was a preponderance of family numbers discovered in Laotudingzi, which contained almost all type of families distributed in Baishilazi in an overall similarity (the ratio is 90%).The number of genera in northern temperate was 150,177 and 128 in Baishilazi, Laotudingzi and Haitang Mountain,which contained 17.46%of spermophyte in Baishilizi and 15.90%of spermophyte in Laotudingzi.The number of genera in tropics and its metatype is 85,which contained 20.38%of spermophyte in Haitang Mountain.The types of Spermatophytic Genera Endemic discovered in the areas mentioned above were 2(Baishilizi),5(Laotudingzi) and 9(Haitang Mountain).Concerning of genera aspect, Baishilazi,Laotudingzi and Haitang Mountain were mainly formed in temperate zone, indicating the feature of topography transition from the temperate zone to the tropics. According with the features of family distributions,Baishilazi and Laotudingzi had not much difference between temperate zone composition and the tropics composition. With the similar proportion in family,genus and species,Baishilazi and Laotudingzi had striking similarity both in the species composition,flora geographical components and the number of national protected plants.Laotudingzi was more preponderant than Baishilazi not only in the number of family,genus and species,(including almost all species in Baishilazi),but also in the geographical components.Therefore,considered diversity of species and flora composition,laotudingzi was recommended as a significant nature reserve in national level.(2) The similarity among the families aspect was the highest in Flora of Baishilazi, Laotudingzi and Haitang Mountain;Genera were relatively in secondary place,while species had the least similarity.With species diversity and complex geography composition, Baishilazi located in the edge of topography transition flora from Changbai to North China, showing age-old features of aggregate transitivity from Northeast,North,Northwest, Eastern,Central and Southwest part of China.The main flora in Haitang Mountain Nature Reserve belonged to North geography,combining with the flora of Changbai and Mongolia territory.(3) Baishilazi Nature Reserve was divided into 4 vegetation type groups,5 vegetation types,9 sub-vegetation types and 21 formations.Laotudingzi Nature Reserve was divided into 4 vegetation type groups,6 vegetation types,9 sub-vegetation types and 14 formations. Haitang Mountain Nature Reserve was divided into 4 vegetation type groups,5 vegetation types,7 sub-vegetation types and 20 formations.(4) There exist significant differences in species diversity among arbor layer,shrub layer and herb layer in the distinct forest communities.The diversity of herb layer was significantly higher than the arbor layer and shrub layer,reflecting the inter-species diversity of forest communities in spatial layout.In the same type of forest community, diversity index numbers in all levels also showed significant differences.That is, Herbage>Shrub>Arbor.


