

Study on Biomechanics of Operating Forest Fire Suppression Hand Pump Based on Ergonomics

【作者】 陈净莲

【导师】 李文彬;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 森林灭火手泵是一种便携式灭火器具。在我国,森林灭火手泵操作的作业环境十分恶劣。同时,不合理的森林灭火手泵操作力及操作界面参数会导致作业负荷加大,造成作业疲劳,甚至会导致职业性的骨骼肌肉疾病。因此,从职业工效学的角度,对操作森林灭火手泵的姿势和操作力进行生物力学实验和理论的研究十分必要。本文利用生理学研究方法,通过对森林灭火手泵的静态操作力进行了研究,探讨和分析了影响操作者体力工作能力的因素;分析了作业姿势、工具尺寸、人体特征对静态操作力的影响;研究了森林灭火手泵操作界面参数对以心率变化和表面肌电为表征的人体生理负荷的影响;建立了手泵操作的手臂运动模型,分析了模拟森林灭火手泵作业时上肢的受力情况,并对手泵作业姿势进行了计算机仿真;利用静力学原理和人体平衡功能的实验方法,对森林灭火手泵作业时水囊背负对人体的脊柱受力及平衡功能影响进行了研究;基于以上研究的结果,建立了森林灭火手泵的多层次模糊评价体系。研究表明:在不同操作姿势下,手泵最大静态操作力存在差异,而姿势受手泵长度和灭火目标的影响。手泵操作界面参数中的握持长度、握持直径、操作姿势的影响显著(p<0.05),450~800mm的工作长度较适合中国人体尺寸;握持直径在35mm时有利于发挥体力工作能力;当抓握轴向上时手泵的静态操作力比向下时大。对森林灭火手泵操作界面参数对人体生理负荷进行分析时,发现森林灭火手泵操作界面参数对全身性生理负荷及局部肌肉负荷都有影响;手泵握持长度对心率增加比率影响显著(p<0.05),800mm的握持长度引起的全身性生理负荷较大;发现手泵握持直径对肱二头肌的iEMG影响显著(p<0.05),35mm直径时肌肉的生理负荷较小。建立了森林灭火手泵操作的力学模型,求解出活动最大操作力的手臂与森林灭火手泵空间角度;建立了森林灭火手泵操作时的简化手臂运动系统,运用运动几何学原理,得到手泵操作姿势的可视化仿真;在此基础上,开发了森林灭火手泵操作参数人机工程分析界面,运用该分析界面,可以方便地计算出对于不同的人体尺寸,最合理的手泵握持长度、握持直径、工作压力。森林灭火手泵作业时,水囊的背负增加了作业的负荷和跌倒的可能性。利用静力学原理,在对背负时胸腹腔内压和肌力分析的前提下,建立了水囊背负时脊柱的受力模型,并对脊柱受力进行了分析,探讨了水囊重量、背负姿势对L5/S1椎间盘压力的影响,初步确定较安全的背负极限及背负姿势;利用衡量身体动摇的生理指标,在对水囊背负时的身体平衡功能进行研究时发现,水囊形式对身体动摇指标的动摇总轨迹长、前后动摇轨迹长及动摇速度影响显著(p<0.05);背袋式水囊较有利于人体平衡功能和平衡的主观感受。基于以上研究结果,建立了森林灭火手泵工效学评价体系,确定了模糊隶属度函数,并通过实验方法得到评价的权重向量,在此基础上,建立了森林灭火手泵多层次模糊评价模型,并以三种型号的手泵为例,对其工效学进行了模糊综合评价。本研究为确定森林灭火手泵操作的操作力提供参考,对研究操作姿势对体力工作能力和生理负荷的影响、工具的设计和改进、矫正不良作业姿势、降低作业疲劳、预防和降低职业性骨骼肌肉损伤、提高工作效率,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Forest fire suppression hand pump is personal fire service equipment widely used in forest fire. In china, the work condition is very terrible. Unreasonable operating force and parameters of operation interface of hand pump will cause the increasing of workload and fatigue, even occupational musculoskeletal disease. Therefore, it is necessary to study on the posture and operating force in the operating of forest fire suppression hand pump based on occupational biomechanics.In this thesis, the factors affecting the operator’s physical strength and work ability are analyzed and discussed based on the study of the static operating force of forest fire suppression hand pump. And the effect of postures, size of hand pump, human characteristics on static operating force are studied, so is the effect of hand pump’s operation interface parameters on the human physiological stress. Additionally, a model of upper limb operating the hand pump is established to analyze the stress, and the operating postures are analyzed by computer evaluation. Experimental methods involving static mechanics and human balance function are used to research the influence of water bag on the stress of spine and balance function when operating forest fire suppression hand pump. Based on the results above, a multi-level fuzzy evaluation system of forest fire suppression hand pump is established. Studies have shown as following:In different operating posture, there are some differences in the maximum static operating force, while the postures are affected by the hand pump length and human characteristics. Among hand pump operation interface parameters, grip length, grip diameter, operating postures are of significant influence (p<0.05); grip length of 450 800mm is more suitable for Chinese; grip diameter of 35mm is propitious to exert the work ability; when holding hand pump, static operating force with the axis upwards is greater than that with axis downwards.When analyzing the operation interface parameters of forest fire suppression hand pump and physiological load, effect of interface parameters is found both on systemic physiological load and partial muscle load; hand pump’s grip length influences the increase ratio of heart rate significantly (p <0.05), and 800mm makes the systemic physiological load relatively larger; hand pump’s grip diameter is of significant influence on iEMG of the biceps muscles (p<0.05), and when 35mm in diameter, the physiological load of the muscles is smaller.Mechanical model of forest fire suppression hand pump-operated is established, then the angle between the arms with a maximum operating force and the hand pump is figured out; visualized emulation of the hand pump-operated postures is accomplished by simplifying the arms to a motion system and using the principles of geometry of motion. On these basis, a man-machine analysis interface for forest fire suppression hand pump operation parameters are developed, through which the most reasonable grip length, grip diameter, working pressure of the hand pump can be easily calculated for different body dimension.When working with forest fire suppression hand pump, carrying water increases the work load and the possibility of tumble. Using the principle of static mechanics, based on the analysis of the thoraco-abdominal cavity pressure and muscle strength, a biomechanical model of spine when carrying water bag is established. The effects of weight, position of gravity center and carrying posture of the water bag on the force at lumbar L5/S1 joint (inter-vertebral discs between the five lumbar and sacral vertebras) were analyzed, and then the maximum of the weight and posture which are safer were preliminarily fixed. The results indicated that weight, position of gravity center and carrying posture of the water bag had great influence on the force at L5/S1. Based on the experimental study on the effect, which the water bag have on body sway and fatigue, it is obtained that the style of water bag has obviously effects on the total length of body sway, the fore-and-aft length of body sway, the displacement velocity(p<0.05).Based on the research findings above, an ergonomic evaluation system for forest fire suppression hand pump is established, and the fuzzy membership function is defined. The weight vector for evaluating is obtained through experimental methods. On these bases, a multi-level fuzzy evaluation model of forest fire suppression hand pump is established. Taking three kinds of hand pump for example, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on its ergonomic features is carried out.The study offers some reference to fix the operating force of forest fire suppression hand pump, and is of important theoretical value and practical significance for the research on the effect of operation postures on physical strength, work ability and physiological stress. In addition, it is also important for the design and improvement of the tool, the rectification of harmful work posture, the reduction of work fatigue, the preventment and decreasement of occupational musculoskeletal injury and improvement of work efficiency.


