

International Comparison and Case Analysis on the Studies of Invasive Alien Species in Forestry

【作者】 贺萍

【导师】 骆有庆; 路文如;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着国际贸易、旅游业以及经济全球化的迅速发展,外来种入侵已经成为影响生物多样性保护和全球农林业可持续发展的重要障碍,被视为当代最重要的环境问题之一。因此,有效地抵御和控制外来有害生物已成为林业可持续发展的主要任务之一。运用文献计量学、竞争情报学的理论与方法,利用Web of Science以及《中国知网》(CNKI)数据库,对1999-2008年之间收录的林业外来有害生物研究论文进行了统计分析。采用文本挖掘技术,分析了文献的基本结构体系,比较了美国、澳大利亚、英格兰、巴西、南非、日本的基础研究、应用研究以及科技管理水平。以10年来发表的论文与引文为科学指标,评价论文质量。对全球相关文献进行了全面评介和梳理。通过关键词词频分析,了解全球以及中国相关研究的现状、趋势。同时,对美国与中国的代表入侵种进行了防控实证分析。通过设定总量科技投入等5个大类指标,以美国林务局、澳大利亚国立大学为标杆机构,评估中国科学院植物研究所的外来有害生物专项研究水平,同时进行中国在该领域的优劣势以及关键成功因素分析。主要结果和创新点如下:1.基于Web of Science数据库和选择的关键词,近10年来116个国家共发表3273篇论文。美国发文最多,中国居第14位。在发文最多的25个研究机构中,21个来自美国,中国只有中国科学院入围。明确美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、英格兰为此领域研究的五强国家。在高被引论文中,美国研究人员发表了22篇,其中华盛顿州立大学发表的一篇论文被引次数最高。Forest Ecology and Management是发文量最高的期刊。基于CNKI数据库,我国国内发文4550篇。《植物检疫》发文量最高。2.词频分析表明,我国在林业入侵种研究的主流方向与美国及世界上有相似之处,体现了我国在“生物多样性”、“热带林”等研究领域的优势与先进。而关键词“干扰”、“生境"等在世界上出现频次较高的关键词,在我国发表的论文中较少出现,反映了我国在相关方面的研究较薄弱。3.文献计量学以及竞争情报学研究表明,科技投入、国际合作、法规法制、学科布局、研究方向、应用研究、平台建设和人才培养是林业外来有害生物研究与防控的关键成功因素。4.实证分析表明,美国有效利用了检疫这一手段。先期措施得当,防除及时,效果明显。本研究首次应用文献计量学方法,对林业外来有害生物领域发表论文前20位国家和地区的论文以及引文数量进行了指标加权,得到归一值,确定了各国综合排名。首次通过词频分析法,分析了世界、美国和中国的相关论文以及实证分析中论文的关键词,概括提出了有关研究热点。开创性地把竞争情报学的理论和方法应用于林业外来有害生物研究的国际比较之中。综合使用定标比超分析、优劣势分析、关键成功因素分析三种典型的竞争情报方法,在同类研究中具有创新性。

【Abstract】 With the increasingly rapid pace of international trade, tourism and economic globalization, invasive alien species has become the main barrier for the conservation of biodiversity and agriculture and forestry sustainable development, and it is commonly considered as one of the world’s main environmental problems. Therefore, to effectivly prevent and control invasive alien species is one of the main tasks for forestry sustainable development.A bibliometric and competitive intelligence study on the available literature on invasive alien species in forestry indexed by Web of Science and CNKI during 1999-2008 was carried out. The basic structure of the collected literature was analyzed by text mining techniques. The level of the basic research, research application, and scientific and technological management of USA, Australia, England, Brazil, Souh Africa and Japan were compared. The current situation both globally and in China, as well as future trends of prevention and control of invasive alien species in forestry, was analyzed by keyword frequency analysis. Meanwhile, case study for two American and three Chinese typical invasive alien species was also carried out. An indicator system was set up for the benchmarking study. The research performance in the related field of the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was evaluated, in which five indicators were included, by comparing with Australia National University and the US Forest Service, the leading institutions in the field. The main results and innovation points are as follows.1. One hundred and sixteen countries published 3273 papers. Publications from USA and China ranked 1st and 14th, respectively. Of the 25 institutions which published most, 21 were from USA. CAS ranked among the top 25 institutions. The number of publications and the influence of these publications published by institutions in USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and England were greater than the rest, so these five countries were named top 5. Of 25 most cited papers, 22 were from USA, showing the great influence of American papers. Top one most cited paper was published by Washington State University. Forest Ecology and Management published mostly in the field. China published 4550 papers and Plant Quarantine published mostly based on CNKI.2. Keyword frequency analysis showed that China’s main research direction was consistent with that of USA and the world, showing China’s advantage and progress in the field of biodiversity, tropical forest etc. Some keywords, such as habitat disturbance, appeared with high frequency in the world, but were less represented in China, reflecting China’s disadvantage and weakness in these particular fields.3. Science and technology input, international collaboration, legislation, subject distribution, research focus, research application, platform construction and fostering of talent were key success factors for the research, and prevention and control of invasive alien species in forestry.4. Case analysis indicated that quarantine step was effectively carried out in the US. Early control measures were timely and appropriate. So a good result was achieved.The order of top 20 countries was determined by the number of articles and their citations in the field of invasive alien species of forestry using normalized values from weighted indicators in bibliometrics. Hot topics were first identified by analyzing keywords of the articles published by the leading countries globally, and by USA and China, respectively as well as the case study. An international comparison on the related research was carried out using the theory and method of competitive intelligence. For the first time, the three typical competitive intelligence methods, advantage and disadvantage analysis, benchmarking and key-success-factor analysis were synthetically applied in the similar study.


