

Study on Culture of Traditional Architecture and Furniture of Dong Nationality in Guangxi

【作者】 罗冬华

【导师】 林作新;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 侗族建筑是中华民族文化之瑰宝,也是世界建筑艺术的奇葩。2006年5月广西三江侗族自治县的侗族木构建筑营造技艺已列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。作为侗民族文化信息的载体,侗族建筑传承了丰富的少数民族文化,其民间木构建筑营造技艺及美学结构设计更是令人叹奇。但是侗族没有自己的文字,世传的民间技艺均为口传,传统的侗族木构建筑和家具正在消失之中,亟待保护与研究。本论文以结构理论为基础,在前人对侗族文化及其建筑文化研究的背景下,利用归纳法、演绎法、个案分析法、实验法等研究方法,将完整的侗族建筑体系分为典型的三大类——鼓楼、风雨桥、干栏式民居进行研究,对其起源、功用、建筑文化、建筑构造、营造技艺、结构美学等进行系统的归类整理;并引入有限元计算模型分析和设计几何分析法对侗族建筑的结构特性进一步深入研究,将现代设计理论与传统民间工艺有机结合起来,验证民间工艺的历史性、科学性与艺术性。建筑是家具的父学科,家具的发展与建筑文化有着不可分割的渊源,传统木结构建筑与家具更是如此。由于“火塘”文化和地理环境因素的影响,使得侗族家具种类单一,结构简单,造型朴素,多数家具与建筑一体化,并且历史遗存的实物和资料很少,致使侗族家具领域一直无人问津,目前这方面的研究尚属空白。本论文采集了相关的侗族家具图片及历史资料,从材料、结构与设计美学等角度,探讨传统民族文化理念和民间造物工艺思想下的侗族家具文化,填补侗族家具文化研究的空白,并提出现代设计与发展的思路。本课题是在广西自然科学基金项目《广西新农村建设中桂北民族村镇景观保护和传承研究》的基础上进行研究的,亦属于侗族文化研究的一部分,旨在保护和传承民族文化,并启迪和拓展当今的工业设计思想。

【Abstract】 The architecture of Dong nationality, one of the minorities of china, is great treasure of Chinese culture and splendid art of architecture in the world. In May 2006, the techniques of timber frame construction of Dong in Sanjiang Dong autonomous county was approved to be on the first National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. As a carrier of its own culture, the architecture of Dong carries rich minority culture forward. Not only the folk technique of the construction amazed lots of people, but the artistry design, which a construction without any single nail even without a design also deserves infinite researching. However, without a written language, the civil art, which is passed down word by word through mouth, is fading away. So it is burning to be studied and protected.In this paper, on the basis of structural theory and under the studying background of the predecessors which related to the culture of Dong and their building culture, the author studied on the architecture of Dong nationality in three perspectives by deviding the architecture system into three parts—drum tower, wind-rain bridge and Ganlan civil dwellings. The origin, fucntion, building culture, building structure, building techique, building artistry of Dong architecture are classified in a systematic way. Finite element method calculation model and design geometry analysis are used to further study of the structure characteristic of Dong nationality . Modern design theory and tradition folk arts and crafts are organically combined together to verify the historic, scientific and artistic quality of folk arts and crafts.Since architecture is the parent suject of furniture, the development of furniture integrally roots in the architecture culture, so does the furniture of Dong . Influenced by the Huotang culture and geographical factors , the style’ of Dong furniture is characterized by simple modeling and simple structure with few classfications. Most of them are attached to the buildings, and very few physical objects and even little information about them survive the history, so that the market of Dong furniture is not instereted to people, and research in this field is still left blank . To fill the blank and to probe into the traditional civil concept of Dong furniture culture, the author has collected pictures and historical data to go into the shape, material, structure and process ,and come up with new ideas of morden desing and the development of Dong furniture.Aiming to protect and carry on the national culture and to enlight the industrial design, this article is part of Guangxi Natural Science Fund Project < Study on Protection and Succession of Ethnic Villiges under New Rural Construction in Guangxi> ,and it is also part of the research of Dong Cultrue.


