

The Research on the Content of the Reading Test of the College Entrance Examination of the Chinese Subject

【作者】 乐中保

【导师】 陶本一;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 语文是高考中的一个重要科目,阅读是语文高考中的一个重要板块。在三十余年的发展中,阅读测试内容出现了一系列的偏向,如阅读材料的选择脱离学生生活实际,阅读测试内容的课程取向错乱,阅读能力的层级与要素分布缺乏科学依据,阅读测试内容的表征不符合学科特点,阅读测试问题设置浅层次化等等。这些问题使得部分阅读测试的考查停留在较低层次上,导致的一个直接结果就是在学校里针对语文高考阅读的题海战术大行其道,沉浸在题海中的考生们对阅读依然是不得要领,学界更多的是热衷于对阅读解题技巧的分析和对来年高考备考的预测,应对阅读的解题大全和秘籍层出不穷,对阅读测试本身缺少应有的关注。考试包括考试内容和考试形式两个组成部分,和考试形式相比,考试内容在高考改革中处于更加重要的地位,首先,考试内容对中学各科目的教学内容有着重要的影响,处于牵一发动全身的地位;另一方面,考试内容是衡量学生素质的一个重要方面,它对高考的考试命题和考试方式都有着极为重要的制约作用。现今语文高考阅读测试研究的重心一直是命题和解题,对测试内容的关注较为薄弱。本论文拟从考试内容的角度切入,试图解决以下三个问题:(1)、通过对语文高考阅读测试的考试性质、组成要素的分析,探明语文高考阅读测试内容的运行过程,确立语文高考阅读测试内容研究的维度;(2)、在对改革开放以来语文高考阅读测试试题进行定量分析与定性分析相结合的基础上,探讨语文高考阅读测试内容在近三十余年来发展变化的基本过程、特点以及存在的弊端;(3)、结合近三十余年语文高考阅读测试内容的发展变化,探讨其影响因素,为语文高考阅读测试内容的未来建构与发展提出合宜的建议。根据以上研究目的,本论文以语文高考阅读测试内容作为研究对象,从系统论的观点和发展的视角出发研究以下内容:第一、语文高考阅读测试内容的研究定位。本部分内容将了解语文高考阅读测试的形成与发展过程,阐明语文高考阅读测试的考试属性与特点,探讨语文高考阅读测试的组成要素与运行框架,提出了语文高考阅读测试内容研究的四个维度:①语文高考阅读测试要测试什么内容——测试目标;②语文高考阅读测试应测试哪些内容——课程取向;③语文高考阅读测试能测试什么内容——要素层级;④语文高考如何来测试这些内容——内容表征。第二、语文高考阅读测试内容的测试目标。语文高考阅读测试目标制约着阅读测试内容,测试内容是为达成测试目标服务的。语文高考阅读测试的目标是要测试出学生的阅读素养。本部分内容探讨了阅读素养的内涵与组成,提出了阅读能力是阅读测试的主体,辨别了“阅读能力”与“阅读什么的能力”的区别,指出“阅读什么的能力”是阅读测试的基点。第三、语文高考阅读测试内容的课程取向。阅读能力是和阅读材料紧密联系在一起的,选择什么样的阅读材料体现着一定的课程取向。本部分对近三十余年来语文高考阅读材料的文章体式、关涉内容、呈现形式进行了考察,发现我国的阅读测试内容的课程取向具有以下特点:①测试内容以文章为主逐渐过渡到以文学作品为主;②阅读测试内容与语文课程教材紧密相连;③测试内容与学生生活缺乏联系;④测试内容注重对“篇”的考察。其实质是一种学科发展取向的阅读测试内容。本部分还从比较的视角对国际学能测试(PISA)中阅读部分的课程取向做了分析,以期对我们能有所启发与借鉴。第四、语文高考阅读测试内容的要素与层级。阅读能力的要素和层级是阅读测试内容的核心组成部分,不同文体测试的阅读能力的要素和层级是不同的,本部分对近三十余年来语文高考阅读中古代文和现代文测试的能力要素和层级做了考察,发现古诗文阅读测试在要素层级上由“言”走向“言”“文”并重;能力要素层级与课内联系过于紧密;能力要素层级缺乏人文内容的观照。现代文阅读测试在能力要素层级上表现为:文体要素开始受到关注;内容要素点分布过细,情感态度被忽略;测试内容要素与层级逐渐固化。第五、语文高考阅读测试内容的表征。阅读测试内容是需要以一定形式体现出来的,本部分将从阅读测试内容的角度出发,在研究近三十余年阅读内容表征的基础上,探究了不同的表征形式如主客观题型、标准化与非标准化试题发展变化的过程,发现客观题运用过滥,主观题型的客观化——“伪主观化”严重影响了测试内容的合宜呈现。这一部分还对语文高考阅读测试中标准化题型的运用进行了思考。第六、通过以上对近三十余年来语文高考阅读测试内容的测试目标、课程取向、要素层级、内容表征的研究,探索了社会发展与社会阅读需要、语文课程性质的发展变化、对阅读本身研究的深入等对阅读测试内容制定的影响,提出了基于生活,着眼发展——语文高考阅读测试内容课程取向的平衡;依据文章体式,体现考试性质——语文高考阅读测试内容要素层级的确定;根据内容,选择形式——语文高考阅读测试内容表征形式的选择等一些建议。

【Abstract】 Chinese is an important test subjects of the college entrance examination, the Reading test is an important part of the college entrance examination of the Chinese subject. In more than 30 years of development, The Contents of Reading tests has appeared a series of bias, such as the choice of reading material from the actual student life, the contents of the test-oriented curriculum disorders, reading ability level of the distribution of elements and the lack of scientific basis, the form of Reading Test is not meet the subject characteristics, The set of issues of reading tests is Superficial and Mentally handicapped so on, some of these questions to examine reading test at the lower levels, resulting in a direct result of that language in the school entrance examination for the title to read popular tactical sea, immersed in the sea of candidates questions on the reading is still to no avail, academics are more interested in problem-solving skills in reading analysis and test of the pro forma forecast for the coming year should read the Book and the tips of the problem-solving styles.Examination, including examination content and examination forms, Compared to the form of examination, the examination content reform in the college entrance examination at a more important role. First of all, the examination of the contents of teaching various subjects in secondary schools have an important impact felt in the position; On the other hand, students test the quality of the content is a measure of an important aspect of its proposition and the college entrance examination test methods have a very important role in the constraints. The reading test of the college entrance examination of the Chinese subject has been the focus of research topic and problem-solving, Attention to the contents of the test relatively weak. In this paper, the content to be from the angle of the examination to try to resolve the following three questions: (1), through the language of the college entrance examination to test the nature of reading, composition and operation of the framework elements of the analysis of the language test proved to read the contents of the test run process, the establishment of the language test of reading research dimension of the contents of the test; (2), since the reform and opening in the language of reading test exam questions quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, based on the language test of reading to explore the contents of the test more than in recent years, the basic process of development and changes, characteristics, and the existence of the defects; (3), combined with nearly thirty years of reading the language test is likelihood of the development and changes in the contents of the test to explore the language test of reading the contents of the test the impact of the development and changes in factors, college entrance examination for the language to read the contents of the test building and the future development of appropriate recommendations.This paper will study the basis of the above purposes, to the language as a test of reading the contents of the test subjects to the point of view of system theory and development of the perspective of research the following:First, the language test of reading the contents of the test-targeted research. Part of the contents of the exam will be read to understand the language of the formation and development of testing process, to clarify the language of reading test attributes and characteristics of the language test of reading tests and operation of the framework elements and found that the language test of reading the contents of the test development and the impact of changes in factors proposed language to read the contents of the test exam study of four dimensions:①Language reading exam to testwhat test------the test objectives;②Language test of reading what the test should betested------ Course orientation;③language college entrance test can be read Whattests ------ Capacity factor and Ability level;④Language exam to test how theseelements------Test formSecond, the language college entrance tests of reading the contents of the test objectives. College entrance test target language restricts reading to read the contents of the test, the test is the test to achieve the target service. Language reading test objective is to test a student’s reading literacy. Part of the contents of the reading and composition of the connotation of literacy, reading ability is made the subject of reading tests, to identify the "reading skills" and "What’s ability to read," the distinction, pointing out that "what’s ability to read" is a reading test basis points.Third, the language to read the contents of the test exam-oriented curriculum. Reading ability and reading materials is closely linked , what kind of reading materials reflect the orientation of certain courses. In this section will be nearly 30 years to test the language-based reading materials in the article, related to the contents of the form of a study and found that my reading of the contents of the test-oriented courses have the following characteristics:①the main contents of the test article in a gradual transition to mainly literary works;②to read the contents of the test materials and closely linked to language courses;③the contents of the tests associated with the lack of student life;④test focused on the "chapter" of the study. The essence of development is a subject-oriented reading the contents of the test. This section also from a comparative perspective on international (PISA) in reading part of the course to do an analysis of orientation, with a view to be a source of inspiration and we can learn from.Fourth, the language test of reading the contents of the test with the level of elements. Elements of reading ability and reading the contents of the test level is the core component of the testing of different stylistic elements of the reading ability and level is different, this section more than in recent years, the ancient language of the text reading test and test the ability of modern level elements and the ability to do a study and found that poem in the elements of text-level reading test by the "language" to "language" "article" both; ability level elements too closely associated with the class; the ability level of the lack of humanistic elements of the content. Modern elements of reading ability test performance levels as follows: beginning to pay attention to stylistic elements; content distribution elements too small, ignore the emotional attitude; testing the contents of elements with fixed level gradually.Fifth, the language test to read Characterization of the contents of the test. Need to read the contents of the test is reflected in some form, and this part of the contents of the test from the reader point of view, in the past 30-odd years of reading the contents of the form the basis of representation to explore the characterization of different forms such as the subjective and objective questions, the standardization of and non-standardized test of the process of development and change, found that excessive use of objective questions, Subjective and objective questions of -"pseudo-subjective" and a serious impact on the contents of the test showed appropriate.This part also on the language test in the standardized reading test questions to reflect on the use.Sixth, Through research the Test target、Course Orientation、Capacity factor and Ability level、Test form of Nearly three decades. Exploration of the social development and social needs of reading, language curriculum development and changes in the nature of reading itself, such as in-depth study on the reading test theimpact of the development, Based on the life and focus on development------thelanguage to read the contents of the test exam-oriented curriculum balance; inaccordance with article style reflects the nature of the examination------the languagetest of reading-level tests to determine the content of the elements; the basis of content,choose the form of------the language test of reading the contents of the testCharacterization of the choice of the form of some suggestions.


