

The Origin of Jiangnan Urban Culture and the Stage of Development Research from the Pre-Qin to the Six Dynasties

【作者】 朱逸宁

【导师】 刘士林;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 都市化进程及都市文化研究是近年来学术界的热点。作为当代长三角都市圈的前身,江南古代城市及其文化的发展有它独特的发生机制和历史源流。更重要的是,在这一发展变化过程之中,江南城市逐渐显露出了与北方黄河流域的城市所不同的特质,而正是这一特质影响了中国古代都市文化精神的形成以及当代都市文化的发展道路。因此,在关注中国城市发展历史的时候,有必要把江南的古代城市作为一个相对独立的个体来进行研究。江南文化的源头是上古时代的长江文明,考古成果表明,长江流域也是中华文明的重要发源地,这里也是江南古代城市的生长环境。从西周末年到战国末期,中国大地上的城市文明迅速发展,出现了许多著名的城市。总体上看,由于中原地区黄河流域礼乐政治文明十分发达,又是大国角逐争夺霸权的主战场,因此聚集了许多城市,包括代表当时最高水平的临淄和曲阜。其中一些后来发展成为典型的北方政治都会,如咸阳。而南方特别是长江流域,城市整体数量比较少,规模也有限。在江南地区,吴都姑苏和越都山阴的建立是与吴越文化的崛起密不可分的,可以说,这两座城市的诞生象征吴越文明和江南城市文化进入了全新的发端期。汉代的长安是一座典型的中国北方大都会。它的出现在中国城市文化史上有着里程碑式的意义。对于中国都市文明发展而言,长安城奠定了政治型都市的基础。汉代北方与南方城市的发展相对于先秦而言已经有了很大进步,江南地区出现了广陵城。但是,出于江南地区逐步发展起来的经济实力的忌惮以及维护大一统政治的考虑,江南城市在这一时期被边缘化了。江南城市精神的觉醒期和第一个黄金岁月出现在魏晋六朝。从建业城的建设开始,江南城市进入了快速发展阶段。六朝的建康城正是江南都市文化渐趋成熟的标志,其奠定了今后江南文化都市发展的基础。建康的城市文化主要呈现出以下特征:第一是城市环境、规模以及其地位、形象的变化,一个新兴区域文化中心正在形成。第二,六朝建康城显现出的重要特征是凭借其独特的地位和资源优势,形成了一种文化的凝聚力和集散功能,这正是文化型都市所必不可少的因素。而南北文化交融则是文化都会提升精神集聚能力的基础。有了这座充满文化气息的城市作为依托,六朝的审美精神才有可能变成一种蔚为壮观的景象。同时,建康地区也是当时汉民族的文化中心和精神家园。第三,建康在六朝时所体现出的城市文化之丰富性,正在于它是江南城市精神的最高代表,可以说也是江南都市文化的核心内涵。在这一时期内,江南美学精神的物质载体便是城市,其中心区域便是代表号称“六朝金粉”的建康。此后相当长的历史时期内,中原黄河流域的文化仍然是中国大地上的主流声音,六朝建康的出现还无法使江南城市文化摆脱中原文化的强势地位,从而真正达到成熟的形态。在城市文化的起源阶段,中国和西方的代表城市是中国的临淄和希腊的雅典。它们同为早期民族传统思想与文化的聚积场所,分别象征了两种文明的奠基,最主要的是它们可以揭示出两种城市文化在发生期的深层结构,在此我将其称之为“国都形态”和“城邦形态”。古代的罗马与建康城在世界历史上的双星闪耀,最主要的原因在于其独特的城市文化结构。这两座城市分别为西方和中国留下了两种典范性的城市文化发展模式:“城市帝国”和“文化都会”,而与建康几乎同时代的另一座西方大都会拜占庭呈现出的又是不同的城市文化结构。如果说以建康为代表的江南古代城市,是一种从政治都会转化而来的文化中心,那么以拜占庭为代表,则是从罗马城市帝国转化而成的宗教和商业中心城市,这其实就暗暗决定了中西方两种城市文化——江南都市文化与地中海宗教商业城市文化的区别。古代江南都市文化从先秦原始的状态中走来,它的文化消费与生活方式在唐代以前其实并未真正稳定下来。总体上看,其特点表现为受到军事、政治伦理、商业、艺术审美和宗教等多重因素的影响,这些因素前所未有地交织在一起,并激烈地碰撞,这些导致江南城市的发展轨迹呈现出一种复杂性,而独特的地理环境加之历史人文的机遇,方使江南出现了真正意义上的文化都会。其具有的自身精神结构也开始逐渐成熟。古代江南都市文化在先秦至六朝的发展过程揭示出:中国城市不仅存在一个以中原政治都市为代表的“北方模式”,同时还存在一个以南京、苏州、扬州、杭州等城市为代表的“江南模式”。而且,这种“江南模式”实际上是新世纪建设大都市文化圈的基础,它也是古代传统文化和现代都市文明之间的契合点。其创新之处有二:一是首次对江南都市文化的历史源流与初级阶段进行系统研究,为较为全面与完整地把握江南都市文化提供一个基本的框架;二是通过相关学科的交叉研究,以江南都市文化的精神结构为中介,探讨江南都市文化及其人文精神进行现代转换的途径,并为当代都市圈的文化建设提供参照系。

【Abstract】 Urbanization process and urban cultural studies in recent years is academics hot. Contemporary metropolitan area as the predecessor of the Yangtze River Delta, the Jiangnan ancient city and its cultural development has its unique and historical origins of the mechanism. More importantly, the changes in this development process, Jiangnan cities gradually emerged out of the Yellow River Basin and the northern cities of different qualities, and it is this trait affects the cultural spirit of the ancient Chinese city, as well as the formation of contemporary urban culture path of development. Therefore, in the history of urban development in China when there is a need to Jiangnan ancient city as a relatively independent individual to conduct research.Jiangnan culture is the source of the Yangtze River Upper Paleozoic era of civilization, and archaeological results indicate that the Yangtze River Basin is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, there is also a Jiangnan ancient city environment. From the Western Zhou Dynasty to the late Warring States period, the land of China’s rapid development of urban civilization, there have been many well-known citis. Overall, the Yellow River Basin as a result of the Central Plains region is well developed Li and yue political civilization, but also is a big country running competition for the main battlefield of hegemony, so brought together in many cities, including those that represent the highest level at the time of Linzi and Qufu. Some of which later developed into a typical northern political will, such as Xianyang. And the South, especially the Yangtze River basin, the whole city the number of relatively small, limited scale. In the Jiangnan region, Gusu and Shanyin’s establishment is inseparable from the rise of culture can be said that these two cities, the birth of civilization and a symbol of Wuyue Jiangnan urban culture has entered a new phase of the originator .Chang’an in Han Dynasty is a typical city in northern China. It appears in the cultural history of Chinese cities have landmark significance. The development of urban civilization in China, the Chang’an City has laid a political foundation-type city. In the Han Dynasty, the North and the South than the development of the city has been great progress in the pre-Qin. Guangling appears in the Jiangnan region. However, based on a unified political consideration, at the same time afraid of the progressive development of the southern region’s economic power, during this period Jiangnan cities are being marginalized.Jiangnan City Spirit awakening period and the first golden age in the Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties. From the beginning of Jianye, Jiangnan city has entered a rapid development stage. In Six Dynasties Jiankang City Jiangnan urban culture is a sign of maturing, and its groundwork for future urban development in Jiangnan cultural foundation. Jiankang showed three main features: The first is the urban environment, the scale, as well as its status, and the image are changed, a new Regional Cultural Center is taking shape. Second, the Six Dynasties Jiankang City showed an important characteristic is its unique position and resources, form a kind of cultural cohesion and distribution functions, this is the type of urban culture are essential factors. Cultures and the North and the South are the spirit of culture will enhance the basic clustering capabilities. With the city full of culture as based on the aesthetic spirit of the Six Dynasties can be turned into a magnificent picture. At the same time, Jiankang region at the time of the Han ethnic is cultural center and spiritual home. Third, the limits embodied in the Six Dynasties of the richness of urban culture, is in the southern city which is the highest representative of the spirit, it can be said Jiangnan urban culture is the core substance. During this period, the material carrier of the Jiangnan aesthetic spirit is city, on behalf of its central region is Jiankang.Since then a fairly long historical period, the Central Plains culture of the Yellow River Basin is still the land of China’s mainstream sound, the emergence of the Six Dynasties Jiankang not make Jiangnan urban culture from the Central Plains culture, a position of strength, which can really achieve the mature form.The origins of urban culture in the stage, China and the West on behalf of the city are China’s Linzi and Athens in Greece. They are both thinking of the early national traditions and culture accumulated sites, respectively, of two kinds of symbolic foundation of civilization, the most important thing is that they can reveal two types of urban culture deep structures, I will call "capital formation "and" city-state form".Why Jiankang and Rome have the glorious histories of the world? The most important reason lies in its unique structure of urban culture. These two cities were left for the West and China, two exemplary model of urban cultural development: "Urban Empires" and "poetic Urbun." Jiankang almost contemporary is in the time with the western city of Byzantium, which shows a different structure of urban culture. To say Jiankang represented by the ancient southern city, is a transformation from a political will from the Cultural Center, then as represented by the Byzantine, Empire from the city turned into a religious and commercial center, this is actually secretly decided two cities in Western culture - Jiangnan urban culture and the Mediterranean commercial city of religious and cultural difference.Jiangnan ancient urban culture from the original state of the pre-Qin walked, and its cultural consumption and lifestyle in the Tang Dynasty ago can not really stabilize. Overall, the characteristics of military, political, ethical, commercial, aesthetic and religious influence of multiple factors, these factors are intertwined with an unprecedented and intense collisions, which lead to the development of the city Jiangnan trajectory shows a complexity, and unique history and culture combined with the geographical environment of opportunity, to enable the emergence of the true meaning of southern cultural city. The spirit of its own structure and begin to mature.Jiangnan ancient city of culture in the Pre-Qin to the development process of the Six Dynasties revealed: the existence of Chinese cities is not only a political city Zhongyuan represented "the North Pattern", but also the existence of a Nanjing, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Hangzhou and other cities, represented by "Jiangnan Pattern".Moreover, this "Jiangnan Pattern" is actually the construction of the new century metropolis of basic cultural circle, it is the ancient traditional culture and modern urban civilization of the fit between the points.Its innovation is two fold: First, the city’s first cultural history of southern origins and the initial stage of a systematic study, for a more comprehensive and complete grasp of Jiangnan urban culture to provide a basic framework; Second, cross-related disciplines through research, Jiangnan urban culture in the spirit of the structure for intermediaries to explore the southern city culture and its humane spirit of modern means of conversion, and the cultural construction of contemporary metropolitan area to provide frames of reference.


