

【作者】 万峰

【导师】 林樟杰;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 以互联网为核心的信息网络的产生和发展,推动着人类生产方式和生活方式的深刻变革,孕育了信息时代的网络文化。网络文化对大学生的生存发展带来的新变化、新特点和新动向,使网络德育成为高校德育的热点和难点。进一步弄清网络文化对大学生伦理道德的影响及其影响机制,是有效开展网络德育的关键,对高校德育适应现代信息社会发展需要和大学生全面发展要求具有重要意义。本文运用理论推理和实证分析相结合的方法,对网络文化影响大学生伦理道德进行研究。首先通过归纳、推理等方法,梳理了网络文化的形成与发展,提炼了网络文化的主要特征和功能;归纳了网络伦理道德和现实伦理道德的关系以及网络伦理道德的主要特征。在对网络文化影响大学生道德观念和行为理论分析的基础之上,构建理论模型,提出研究假设,进行实证分析,并结合案例分析、辅导员调研和网上互动主题网站等方法,验证了网络文化影响大学生伦理道德的系列表现,揭示了网络文化对大学生伦理道德的影响机制。最后提出了网络文化背景下大学生德育创新的新理念、新机制和新途径。本文首次提出了网络文化三维度12种特征的模型:从技术性维度看,网络文化具有虚拟性、交互性、共享性和时效性特征;从文化精神性维度看,网络文化具有开放性、平等性、多元性、自由性特征;从主体性的维度看,网络文化具有个性化、大众化、平民化和集群化特征。本文从网络文化特征的维度,分析验证了CEB理论模型,揭示了网络文化对大学生伦理道德的影响机制。网络文化的主要特征对大学生的伦理道德具有重要影响。其影响机制主要是:网络文化呈现的即时性、共享性、多元性、平等性和民主自由性为特征的道德认知源,一方面不断刺激激发大学生的道德认知需求,一方面又在刺激激发中不断满足他们的道德需求,这种“双管齐下”、周而复始的循环过程就是网络文化影响大学生道德认知的心理机制,这是对大学生道德影响的根本所在;网络文化维护、强化或改变大学生的道德非认知系统,决定了网络文化对大学生道德和行为的影响意义和走向;也就是说,网络文化对大学生道德的影响意义,很大程度上取决于大学生已经建立的道德观念是否正确,积累的道德经验是否积极,形成的价值取向是否合乎真、善、美的标准,它们决定了大学生在网络文化的影响下,其道德及行为的性质和基本走向;网络文化具有一整套引导人们释放情感进而将其放大的机制,一定程度上有助于大学生表达真实情感,但是也放大了少数大学生的非理性情绪;网络多重的道德标准和自律特点,增强了大学生的道德辨别力和道德意志,但同时也会麻痹少数大学生的道德警惕,使他们在不知不觉中弱化了道德自控能力。大学生面临网络社会的道德冲突时,以现实社会的道德为标准,现实世界的道德观是决定大学生网络道德和行为的主要因素。本文根据理论和实证分析结论,提出了网络文化背景下大学生德育创新的新理念、新机制和新途径:当代德育应凸现人的生存与发展的本源价值;满足大学生成长和发展的需要是德育有效性的关键;网络德育应注重提高大学生的现实道德素养。大学生网络德育应遵循平等协商、自主构建、自律适应和链接主导的新机制。大学生网络德育的新途径是积极扩展网络信息源,满足学生全面发展的需求;突出网络与生俱来的技术进步特性,增强大学生的创新能力;唱响网络传播的主旋律,提高学生的网络道德认知能力;主动构建网络平台,锻炼学生道德自主构建能力;促进现实社会网络化、网络社会现实化,打造德育立体化新生态。

【Abstract】 The emergence and development of the internet-centered information network profoundly change human being’s production mode and life style as well as cultivate network culture of the information age. And the network culture brings a new change, new feature and new trend to both survival and development of university students, thus making the network moral education a hot and difficult problem in the university moral education. Therefore, making a further investigation of the network culture influence upon university students’ ethics and the culture formation mechanism is of great importance to an effective implementation of the network moral education as well as to the university moral education adaptability to the requirement to the modern information society and the university students’ over-all development.By combining theoretical reasoning with empirical analysis, the present paper develops research on the influence of the network culture upon university students’ ethics. First of all, it clears the thinking of the network culture formation and development and summarizes some chief features and functions of the network culture, especially the relationship between the network ethics and real ones as well as some chief features of the network ethics through induction and reasoning. And then, this paper establishes a theoretical model, puts forward a research hypothesis and makes an empirical analysis of the above-said problems based on theoretical analysis of the influence of the network culture upon university students’ moral concept and behavior. At the same time, combining cases analysis, investigation of university counselors, the interaction in theme websites and other methods, it verifies a series of performances of the network cultural influence upon university students’ ethics and reveals the influential mechanisms of the network culture upon students’ ethics. Finally, the paper proposes some new concepts, new mechanisms and new ways of the network culture-based innovation in university students’ moral education.This paper first develops a three-dimension model of the network cultural features. Analyzed from the technological dimension, the network culture possesses the properties of virtuality, interaction, common sharing and timeliness, and analyzed from the cultural spirit dimension, the network culture is characterized by openness, equality, pluralism and freedom while the network culture is characterized by individuation, popularization, civilianization and cluster from the subjective feature dimension.This paper makes analysis and verification of the CEB theoretical model as well as reveals the influential mechanism of the network culture upon university students’ ethics.Some chief features of the network culture have a great influence upon universitystudents’ ethics. This influential mechanism is mainly of a moral cognitive sourcewith some characteristics of immediacy, common sharing, pluralism, equality,democracy and freedom presented in the network culture, which for one thing,unceasingly stimulates university students’ demands for moral cognition and foranother, constantly satisfies the students’ demands for ethics by giving a stimulus totheir moral cognition. The interactive process of "combined action" involves apsychological mechanism of the network cultural influence upon university students’moral cognition, and also an essential point which produces some effect uponuniversity students’ moral concepts. Maintaining network culture, enhancing orchanging non-cognitive system of university students’ ethics decides the networkcultural trend and influence of the network culture upon university students’ moralityand behavior, that is, the significance of the network cultural effects is decided, to agreat extent, by whether students have already established correct moral concepts,accumulated positive moral experiences and formed the value orientation which meetsthe criteria of the true, the good and the beautiful. All these factors decide theproperties and basic orientation of university students’ morality and behavior underthe influence of the network culture. And the network culture involves a wholemechanism which guides people to express their emotion, and furthermore amplifiestheir expression of it. This helps university students, to a certain extent, to expresstheir real emotion, but in the meantime, amplifies the minority of students’ expressionof some non-rational emotion. The multiple moral criteria and self-disciplinarycharacteristics presented in network culture not only increase the university students’moral discriminating ability and will power, but also blunt the moral vigilance of minorities, thus weakening their abilities of moral self-control unconsciously.University students should take the realistic society’s morals as weighing standard when faced with moral conflicts in the network society, for the moral concepts in the realistic society are decisive factors to university students’ network morality and behavior.This paper proposes some new concepts, new mechanisms and new ways of the network culture-based innovation in the students’ moral education on the basis of theoretical research and empirical analysis,The value origin of human survival and development is highlighted in the present moral education. And so, it is the master key to an effective implementation of moral education to satisfy the requirements of university students’ growth and development. Attention should be paid to enhancement of university students’ realistic moral accomplishment in the network moral education.A new mechanism based on equal consultation, independent construction, self-disciplinary adaptation and linking orientation should be followed in the university students’ network moral education.The new approach in university students’ network moral education is to actively extend network information sources to satisfy the demands of university students’ over-all development, to stress the native characteristics of the network technological progress to strengthen the students’ innovation abilities, to highlight the main theme of internet communication to improve the students’ network moral cognitive abilities, to actively construct network platform to exercise the students’ moral self-constructing abilities and to promote the network of the realistic society as well as the actualization of the network society so as to finally create a three-dimensional environment in the university students’ network moral education.


