

Research on WangKaiYun’ Anthologies and Comments about Tang Poetry

【作者】 程彦霞

【导师】 朱易安;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 王闿运是晚清汉魏六朝诗派的代表人物,但他并非谨守汉魏六朝诗歌,亦诗学三唐。他历时五十多年先后三次选录唐诗并两次自费出版《唐诗选》六卷本和十三卷本,并对所选唐诗进行多次批点。从王闿运的选本和批语中不难看出其对唐诗研读和接受的情况:年轻时主盛唐重田园风格;中晚年以后对中唐诗歌有较多反省。其代表诗歌选本《唐诗选》十三卷的选诗标准也非如选家所言“不出八代之外”,而是一种要尽可能展现唐诗风格和流变的选本,在晚清颇为独特。王闿运以审美为标准,在对唐诗流变的考察中寓优劣高下之品评,五言古诗多以六朝诗歌为衡量标准,七言歌行则是“唐诗推挹东川,裁抑杜陵”。但这并不足以涵盖王闿运的唐诗学,不同的诗歌体式中,王闿运的评价有很大差别。王闿运还有较为鲜明的诗歌史意识,他通过选本、批语和论文,不仅打通了从汉魏、六朝、唐至宋的诗歌自然发展史,也开辟了一条以艺术审美为标准而不以儒家思想为主导的追求诗歌自然美学的诗学途径,在推重变风变雅诗歌精神的晚清尤具个性。作为诗坛“旧头领”的王闿运在晚清诗坛成就显赫,地位颇高。王闿运和汉魏六朝诗派的邓辅纶、“唐宋调和派”张之洞及“不名一家”之李慈铭等诗人在疏离宗宋诗风、追求诗歌雅正清丽之风上趋于一致,但在对待杜甫的态度上则有很大差异;王闿运和宗宋诗人是影响与被影响的关系,诗学中有相依的成分亦有相离之处,两者最大的不同在于对韩愈诗歌的接受。王闿运和晚清诗人思想的差异源于审视诗歌的出发点不同,王闿运以审美为标准,而其他诗人多从诗歌教化的功用出发。王闿运影响之下的学风多趋于唐诗,尤以宗中晚唐诗为特色。或主孟郊,或宗李商隐,或调和盛唐、中唐,总之是各执一端,使得晚清唐诗学异彩纷呈。只不过因为他们诗歌成就不高,故而影响不大。笔者把他们梳理出来,一方面可以看出他们对王闿运的传承,一方面亦可以更深入了解晚清唐诗学的现状。

【Abstract】 Wang KaiYun was the representative of the School of Six Dynasties of Han and Wei in the late Qing dynasty. But he not only studied the poetry in the six dynasties of Han and Wei, but also paid close attention to Tang poetry. He took pains to study on Tang poetry. Over fifty years he had complied three anthologies of Tang Poetry as well as commented on them several times. Based on his three anthologies-- the anthology of ten poets’poetries in Tang dynasty ,an anthology of Tang poetry (six volumes) and an anthology of Tang poetry (13volumes) ,we can conclude that Wang KaiYun’s ideas on Tang poetry have changed. At first he focused on poetry of High Tang dynasty. But later he became to emphasize on poetry of Middle Tang dynasty.Wang KaiYun discussed about the development and characteristic of Tang poetry in his thesis. Above all, Wang KaiYun built up a developing history of poetry from the six dynasties of Han and Wei to Song dynasty. Furthermore he opened up a new kind of poetics, which focused on the natural beauty of poetry and the merit of poetry was judged by its artistic criterion but not Confucianism.We can figure out the special poetics of Wang KaiYun by comparing his poetics with other poems’poetics in the late Qing dynasty. Such as what were the main differences of poetics between Wang KaiYun and Deng FuLun, Zhang ZhiDong whose poetics were opposed to the school of Song Poetry? How did the poetics of Wang KaiYun was effected by the School of Song poetry? And were there any differences between the poetics of Wang KaiYun and the school of Song poetry? And so on.After all, Wang KaiYun, had an important influence on many poets in late Qing dynasties. And his main poetics is to focus on learning from the Tang poetry of the middle and late Tang dynasty.

【关键词】 王闿运选本批点唐诗研究
【Key words】 Wang KaiYunAnthologyCommentsTang poetryResearch
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】337

