

A Study on Modern Chinese Art Education

【作者】 贺晓舟

【导师】 杜成宪;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国教育史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本研究是以学制内的艺术教育为研究对象,其考察范围为近代中国的清末,即壬寅、癸卯学制颁布前后的同治·光绪·宣统年间,其早期的军工技术学堂和之后的幼稚园、小学堂、中学堂、实业学堂、师范学堂、高等学堂、大学堂的艺术教育。对中国清末的学堂艺术教育进行历史研究,是为了明确近代中国的学校艺术教育是如何发生及形成的?在从幼稚园、小学堂至大学堂的艺术教育体系中,各级各类各阶段的艺术教育又是一种什么样的结构和关系?在当时又是如何来进行艺术教育的?并试图在整体上来把握清末学制内各级各类学堂的艺术教育情形。在具体的考察上,笔者从以下三个层次:发生、结构和形成,来考察清末的学堂艺术教育。清末学堂艺术教育的发生,是在当时的时代背景之下的一种需求。而清廷所颁布的学制则成为学堂艺术教育的结构,又是学堂艺术教育形成的基础。可以说,学堂艺术教育的发生,是清廷在时代环境下的一种反应;学堂艺术教育的结构,则是清廷在其所处时代环境下的一种选择;而学堂艺术教育的形成,则是学堂艺术教育发生与学堂艺术教育结构的组合、运动和发展。在本文中,笔者提出2个观点:(1)清末的学堂艺术教育发轫于洋务派的军工技术学堂;(2)清末的学堂艺术教育分为两条进路,工学导向的艺术教育和产业技术导向的艺术教育。因为,近代中国学堂艺术教育的原点,是洋务派所开办的新式学堂。而新式学堂的产生,又与当时在军事上的失利密切相关。所以,当时的艺术教育内容,完全以图画(即今之工程制图)为主。而清廷于二十世纪初所制定的《钦定学堂章程》和《奏定学堂章程》,则成为近代中国最初的教育成文法。随着公共教育制度的建成,图画被规定为学堂的正式教科目,近代中国最初的学校艺术教育自此发生并开始发展。而章程对学堂课程中艺术类科目的规定,则形成一个系统的学堂艺术教育结构。在清末的学堂艺术教育结构中,图画科目具有中心地位,其次是作为随意科目的手工,音乐则暂时被忽视。笔者主张,清末的学堂艺术教育,是近现代中国学校艺术教育和工业设计教育的初创期,当代中国的中小学艺术教育、工业产品设计教育、工艺美术教育以及艺术设计教育的原点,都在这一初创期内。

【Abstract】 This thesis takes the art education which is involved in the educational system as the research object, and the research confine is the art education in martial and industrial technique schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, industrial schools, normal schools, higher schools and universities, at LATE CH’ING of modern China, including the years between Tongzhi, Guangxu, and Xuantong, which were around the proclaim of Renyin-Guimao educational system. Doing this historical study is to clear how the school’s art education arose and developed in modern China? What’re the structure and the relationship of the art education system from the kindergartens, elementary schools, to universities? How did they teach it? And try to grasp the whole situation of art education in every level school, which is involved in the educational system. About the detailed research, the author attempts to expound the school’s art education at LATE CH’ING from three aspects: appearance, structure and development. The appearance of it was a need at that time. But the educational system which was proclaimed by the court of CH’ING dynasty, it became the structure of school’s art education and the basis of its development. It saying like that, the appearance of school’s art education is the response of CH’ING court to the times; the structure of school’s art education is the choice by the CH’ING court; and the form of school’s art education is the combination, motion and development between its appearance and structure. In this thesis, the author puts forward two points: (1) the school’s art education at LATE CH’ING is start from martial and industrial technique schools by Westernizationists; (2) the school’s art education at LATE CH’ING has two paths, one is the technical oriented art education, the other is the industrial technique-oriented art education. It is because that the start point of the modern Chinese art education occurred in the new style schools, setting up by the Westernizationists. And the appearance of the new style schools had the relationship with the failure of military affairs at that time. Therefore, the content of art education was absolutely drawing then (namely engineering drawing today.) The Khimteng School Statute and the Determined School Statute, which were constituted by the CH’ING court at the early twentieth century, becoming the early educational law. Along with the establishment of educational system, drawing was regulated as a formal curriculum in schools, began at this time. And the regulation of art curriculum in these schools, which was ruled by the statute, forming a systemic structure of school’s art education. In this structure, the subject of drawing is in the central, then, the handwork subject which as a random, and music subject is totally ignored. The author considers that the school’s art education at LATE CH’ING not only is the early period of school’s art education and industrial design education in modern China, but also the start point of art education in elementary schools and middle schools, industrial design education, Art and Crafts Education and design education.

  • 【分类号】J0-4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2340

