

The Paradigm Shift and Its Negotiation Mechanism Research on Higher Education Evaluation in China

【作者】 杜瑛

【导师】 戚业国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 现代大学从社会边缘走向社会中心,高等教育成为社会利益的汇集点。多元的利益主体提出了各不相同的价值诉求,教育价值走向多元。我国高等教育评价中,单一的强势主体用自己的教育价值观主导的高等教育评价已经越来越难以被认同,建立在价值确定与预设基础上的评价活动也正在面临着越来越多的争议,价值冲突问题已成为当前我国高等教育评价面临的基本问题。如何协调不同利益主体的价值主张,怎样组织基于多元价值的评价活动,对我国高等教育评价的发展带来新的挑战。本研究以“价值多元”为变量,结合我国高等教育评价实践中现实矛盾的解决,探寻高等教育评价的范式转换及其在新的评价范式中如何建立价值协商机制,试图探索形成基于价值协商、价值认同基础上的新的评价范式及其协商的机制。研究围绕“价值多元”,沿着“回顾与梳理—反思与批判—建构与超越—实践与应用”的研究路径和逻辑线路展开。研究从历史的视角回顾、梳理了西方教育评价理论与技术的发展,对称之为前三代评价的方法进行了描述,并分析了历史上对这些早期评价方法的批判,包括对价值多元化的排斥问题、管理主义倾向、对调查的科学范式的过度推崇等;进而指出,第四代评价方法能够有效回应价值多元化问题而被引入,论文重点探讨了第四代评价理论的思想及特点;在此基础上,从价值基础的演变、社会思潮的影响和方法论的转换等维度考察了教育评价理论与技术形成发展的社会文化基础。反思与批判部分着重讨论新的评价范式的需要。论文从理论层面反思了自20世纪80年代中期,评价作为高等教育管理的重要手段引进我国高等教育领域后,在评价实践活动中,政府对高等教育评价本质的把握与价值选择;分析了当前我国高等教育评价所面临的多元价值的困境;从评价目的和功能、评价的价值选择和评价准则、评价的标准和指标、评价的信息资料收集与处理、评价的结论和功能等层面透视批判了当前我国高等教育评价活动面临的现实矛盾与冲突;进而提出,在当前多元价值已成为不争的事实的背景下,价值冲突问题已成为我国高等教育评价面临的基本问题。之后,运用社会学中的冲突理论和哲学层面的共识理论,寻求破解高等教育评价价值困境的依据,从理论上回答了多元价值冲突得以协调的路径选择应当是价值协商。我国现有的高等教育评价实践中的矛盾与冲突,已经超出了方法和技术的层面,多元教育价值观的形成提出了高等教育评价的价值基础问题,高等教育评价理论需要从假设前提、价值基础、模式重构、技术创新等方面实现转换,这样的转换从某种意义上讲更加符合“范式”转换的特征,因此现代高等教育评价面临范式转换的现实需要。研究对20世纪80年代以来我国高等教育评价发展表现出的特征进行了归纳概括和总结,提出了我国现有高等教育评价的范式及其基本特征。结合国外第四代教育评价范式的有关思想和我国高等教育评价的现实情况,研究从假设前提、价值基础、方法论基础、评价准则、信息资料的收集和评价结论的形成等维度构建了新的评价范式所应体现的理论框架。研究对基于价值协商的第四代评价在美国大学与社区合作项目、澳大利亚校本评价、英国良好开端项目评价等评价案例中的实际运用进行了分析,总结其优势和局限性;从国际视角综合分析了价值协商在这些案例实施中获得的经验和启示,以期为构建适合我国高等教育运行环境的新的评价范式及其价值协商机制,提供有益的操作策略层面的借鉴和启示。价值协商机制的构建是实现我国高等教育评价范式转换的关键和核心问题,研究对我国价值协商机制的构建进行了具体的设计,探讨了建立我国高等教育评价协商机制的社会基础,分析了有利因素和不利因素,阐释了在我国建立协商机制的可能性。研究认为:我国高等教育评价价值协商机制的有效实现需要建立评价规范体系,以从理性的角度为评价参与主体提供行动的指南与参照。新的评价规范体系的建设要充分考虑我国特定的社会政治文化背景和高等教育运行环境;要得到利益主体的参与和认同;评价伦理规范要符合利益相关者的价值期待;要体现公平、公正和尊重的原则。价值协商还需要通过建立权力制衡和约束机制、利益表达机制、沟通交流机制和利益保障机制等制度安排为进行有效协商提供组织保障。高等教育评价的价值协商机制具体体现为协商的内容、程序和策略,论文阐述了新的评价范式的语境下我国高等教育评价价值协商的内容、程序和策略。最后的应用部分,研究选择了我国高等教育评价中的院校评价、教师评价和学生评价等评价类型,就价值协商机制的具体运用进行了有关探讨。

【Abstract】 With modern university goes from the edge to the center of society, higher education becomes a focal point of social interests. Diverse stakeholders raised different value demands, educational values tends to be pluralism. In higher education evaluation in China, the mode that a single powerful subject dominates with their own educational value has been no longer as accepted as before. The evaluation activities based on the preordinate or definite values are increasingly controvercial. Values conflict have become a basic problem that current higher education evaluation system is facing. How to coordinate value concerns of different stakeholders and how to organize the evaluation activities based on value-pluralism are challenging the development of higher education evaluation in China. With "value diversity" as its focus, the study attempts to combine with the conflict resolution in realistic higher education evaluation practice, to explore paradigm shift of higher education evaluation, to establish value negotiation mechanism in new evaluation paradigm. And thus, to explore the new evaluation paradigm which is based on value negotiation and value identified and its negotiation mechanism.The study focuses on "value diversity", and explores it step by step with a route of "Review -Rethink and Criticism -Construction and Transcendence -Application"From a historical perspective, the study reviews and summarizes western educational evaluation theories and technology development, describes evaluation methods of so-called first three generations evaluation methods, and analyzes historical critique of them, including their failure to accommodate value-pluralism, a tendency towards managerialism, and the overcommitment to the scientific paradigm of inquiry; and then further points out that the fourth generation evaluation methods can be introduced for their effective response to problems of value-pluralism. The study focuses on the characteristics and ideology of the fourth generation evaluation theory; based on which, the research work investigates the social and cultural foundations of education evaluation theory and technology formation development from the dimension of the evolution of values foundation, the impact of social ideology and methodology conversion.The study includes content of rethinking and criticism about evaluation, focusing on the needs of a new evaluation paradigm. First, the study reviews theoretically since the 1980’s, how government has understood the nature of higher education evaluation and how they chose the value in practical evaluation activities after evaluation was introduced into the field of higher education in China as an important means of higher education management, Second, the study analyzes the dilemma of value-pluralism that higher education evaluation is encountering; Third, it investigates and criticizes the contradiction and conflict of the current higher education evaluation from the purposes and functions of evaluation, value choices and evaluation criteria, evaluation standards and evaluation index, information collection and processing of evaluation, the conclusions and functions of evaluation, etc. It further proposes that, in current era, value-pluralism has become an indisputable phenomenon, and the conflict of value has become a fundamental problems that higher education evaluation is facing in China. After that, based on the conflicts theory in sociology and philosophical consensus theory, the work seeks to break out of the value plight of higher education evaluation. Finally the work educes that the value negotiation is a necessary way to solve the conflict of value-pluralism.The current contradictions and conflicts in evaluation practice of higher education have gone beyond levels of focuses on methods and techniques, Formation of the value-pluralism of education has proposed the value foundation of higher education evaluation. Therefore, higher education evaluation should make a change from assumption, values foundation, model reconstruction and technological innovation, which is more in accord with "paradigm" shift features to some extent, so modern higher education evaluation faces the practical needs of paradigm shift. The study summarizes characteristics of higher education evaluation development since the 1980s in China, and summarizes current characteristics of evaluation paradigm Based on some thought of fourth generation education evaluation paradigm and the reality of higher education evaluation in China, the study constructs a theoretical framework for the new evaluation paradigm from following aspects, including assumptions, values foundation, methodology foundation, evaluation criteria, collection of information and the formation of evaluation conclusions.The study summarizes advantages and limitations of some examples of practical application of the value-pluralism based fourth-generation evaluation. Such as American community-university collaboration projects regarding youth, the school level evaluation using fourth generation evaluation in Australian, an evaluation of a Sure Start project of the United Kingdom, etc. The study also comprehensively analyzes experiences gained in the implementation and enlightenment of the value negotiation in these cases from an international perspective, so as to build a suitable new evaluation paradigm and value negotiation mechanisms in the current operating environment of higher education in China. Meanwhile in this way the study can also provide a useful reference and inspiration in the level of operational strategy.The construction of the values negotiation mechanism is the key issue to achieve paradigm shifting of higher education evaluation in China. The study makes a design about the construction of the values negotiation mechanism , discusses the social foundation of establishing negotiation mechanism of higher education evaluation , analyzes the favorable and unfavorable factors, explains in detail the possibility of establishing negotiation mechanisms in China. The study suggests that the effective realization of the value negotiation mechanisms in Chinese higher education needs to establish a standardized evaluation system, to provide participants with an action guide and reference from a rational point of view. The construction of new standardized evaluation system should taken into full consideration of specific socio-political and cultural background and operating context of higher education; and achieve stakeholders’ participation and identity. At the same time ethic standards should comply with value expectations of stakeholders, comply with the principles of fairness, justice and respect for the participants, and provide organizational guarantee for the effective negotiation, The value negotiation mechanism also needs to balance and constrain the power, to establish interests expression mechanisms, communication mechanism and the mechanism of interests protection. According to details of value negotiation mechanism in higher education evaluation, the study sets forth the content, procedures and strategies of value negotiation of higher education evaluation in the context of new evaluation paradigm in China.Finally the study analyzes the application of the new evaluation paradigm in China,by selecting various types of institutions evaluation , teacher evaluation and student evaluation. Meanwhile it also put forward some relevant discussions about the concrete application of value negotiation mechanism.


