

On Literature Images of Chinese Common Sayings

【作者】 沈玮

【导师】 陈勤建;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺民俗学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 俗语是汉语语汇里为群众所创造,并在群众中广泛流传的,具有口语性和通俗性的语言单位。它们结构稳定、言简意赅、内容广泛、形象生动。汉语俗语不仅反映着汉语的语言特点,具有语言学的研究价值,同时也展现着鲜明的文学色彩,并且还蕴含着极其丰富的汉民族民俗文化信息。本论文在分析了汉语俗语研究现状的基础上,从文艺民俗学视角出发,以文艺作品中的汉语俗语及其下属类别谚语、歇后语、惯用语为研究对象,全面解读汉语俗语这一结合了语言、文学、文化的特殊的立体形态,重点研究汉语俗语的文学图像与文艺及文化的相互关系。通过文艺作品考察汉语俗语与文艺的关联和对文艺创作的积极影响,通过民俗事象展现汉语俗语对汉民族文化的反映,强调俗语形象化的文学语言与语言图像的特征。本论文除绪论以外共分六章。绪论部分,首先考察了汉语俗语的研究现状,总结了现有的研究成果,并指出了存在的主要问题,即对汉语俗语的研究主要停留在语言学的层面,缺少对其文学性、文化性等其他独特性质的整体和深层把握。由此提出了本论文的选题意义与研究方法。虽然本论文的研究重点不在汉语俗语的语言问题,而侧重其与文学、文化的关系,但是毕竟俗语的第一性质还是语言。因此第一章“汉语俗语的概念和范畴”,通过汉语俗语与其他相关语类的比较,提出了本论文对汉语俗语的界定标准,解决了汉语俗语的概念和范畴问题,为后续研究奠定了基础。第二章“汉语俗语的文学基因解析”,从汉语俗语的一般特征切入,指出汉语俗语是最短小精悍的民间文学形式,并讨论了其作为民间文学的语言特征:口头性、集体性、变异性、传承性。接着以文学理论的“文学语言”概念为指导,又概括出汉语俗语形象生动、节奏鲜明、情感丰富、虚实相生的四大文学语言特质。同时本章还介绍了汉语俗语常用的一些文学修辞表现。第三章“汉语俗语与文艺的联姻”,回顾了先秦至今汉语俗语与文学、戏曲、曲艺等多种文艺形式的紧密关联,强调汉语俗语与文艺的互相推动,包括俗语对文艺创作的积极影响和文艺作品对俗语的推广传播。第四章“汉语俗语与文艺联姻的基础”,在上一章对汉语俗语与文艺关联的历史考察基础上,先由不同文体入手,进一步分析了汉语俗语进入文艺的合理性,接着强调了文艺作品中的汉语俗语在设置典型环境、勾勒人物形象、烘托主题思想、产生艺术通感方面都具有相当的优越性。汉语俗语不仅是文学的语言,而且还是不脱离文化场景和情感因素的语言。第五章“汉语俗语的语言图像机制”,结合图像理论,分析汉语俗语的语言图像特征,并通过大量的实例,说明汉语俗语的语言图像机制在文学作品中起到了不可忽视的积极作用。在新的历史条件下,现代文学呈现出草根化、图像化、狂欢化的创作特点。最后一章“汉语俗语文学化的现代嬗变与传承”,注重俗语在现实社会中与文化文艺建设的紧密结合。

【Abstract】 Chinese common sayings are an integral part of everyday spoken and written Chinese. These popular sayings or language units are created by the people and used extensively by them. The sayings are concise, wide-ranging and vivid with a stable structure. A feature of Chinese language worthy of study by linguists, they reveal the bright literary flavor and extremely rich folk culture of the Han nationality.This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of these sayings and how they unite the three dimensions of language, literature and culture into a single, special image. The analysis is based on research into the context of Chinese common sayings and their use in literary works. It shows the connection between Chinese common sayings and literature and their positive impact on literary and artistic creation. It also demonstrates how the sayings reflect the culture and folk customs of the Han nationality.This paper comprises of an introduction and six chapters. The introduction examines and summarizes the findings of existing research and reveals a major deficiency: existing research focuses mainly on the linguistic aspects of Chinese common sayings but lacks a comprehensive and deep grasp of their literary, cultural and other unique characteristics. The purpose of this dissertation is to fill that significant void. The introduction explains the importance of this topic and outlines the research methods utilized.In the first chapter "Definition and categories of Chinese common sayings", the Chinese common sayings are compared with other relevant language items to define what they are and to separate them into distinct categories. These definitions and categories lay the foundation for further study. Although this paper does not focus on the linguistic aspects of Chinese common sayings, this linguistic foundation is necessary because, after all, the first nature of common sayings is language.The second chapter "The analysis of Chinese common sayings’ literature gene" first examines the general characteristics of Chinese common sayings. It points out that Chinese common sayings are the shortest form of folk literature and discusses their four characteristics as folk literature: oral, communality, changeability and inheritance. Then, using the concept of "the literary language" in literature theory as a guide, it summarizes four special characteristics of Chinese common sayings as a literary language: vivid image, clear-cut rhythm, rich emotion, and implicit nature. This chapter also introduces Chinese common sayings’ common rhetorical device.The third chapter "Chinese common sayings’ association with Chinese literature and art" reviews Chinese common sayings and their close relationship to literature, drama, folk and other art from pre-Qin until now. It stresses the mutual impetus between Chinese common sayings and literature, how Chinese common sayings positively affect literary and artistic creation as well as how literary and artistic works promote the dissemination of Chinese common sayings.Based on the previous historical inspection, the fourth chapter "The foundation of the connection between Chinese common sayings and literature and arts" further analyzes the rationality of entering the different literary style. It emphasizes that Chinese common sayings have certain superiority in establishing typical environment, revealing the characters, underscoring the theme and creating the synesthesia.Chinese common sayings are not only part of the language of literature but also part of cultural and emotional expression. The fifth chapter "Chinese common sayings as language images mechanism" continues the analysis by demonstrating how Chinese common sayings function as literary images in a way that is well integrated with image theory and numerous examples.In the new historical conditions, modern literature presents new characteristics. The last chapter "Chinese common sayings’ modern evolution and inheritance in literature" pays great attention to Chinese common sayings’ close association with the culture and literary construction in realistic society.

  • 【分类号】H136.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1165

