

Symbol and Sense

【作者】 俞敏华

【导师】 杨扬;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本论文选择的20世纪末期,具体指20世纪80、90年代。这是中国社会生活、价值观念、文化生态发生了巨大变革的二十年,也是中国文学艺术发生演变的一个重要时期。从艺术形式角度研究这一时期的小说,属于小说艺术本体论的研究范畴。论文主要建构于大量作品的阅读基础上,采取通过分析小说文本来透析文学现象,探讨小说艺术特征,结构小说艺术演变史的研究方法。论文所要解决的关键问题是:20世纪最后20年间,小说艺术的形式究竟发生了怎样的变化?引起这些变化的原因是什么?论文命名为“形式的表象与深意”,表象即指一系列形式变化的现象,而深意指隐藏于这些变化背后的要素。论文由导言、正文和结语三部分组成。导言部分主要探讨了论文选题的起因、形式的概念、形式批评的概念、论文的研究方法和任务等。在对以往研究成果进行综述的基础上,吸收西方形式主义批评理论以及中国古典文论的成果,结合具体的研究对象,提出了新的概念界定和研究方法。具体来说,将形式概念扩展为与内容相融合的概念,视其为艺术本体;将形式批评从对文本语言的细节式解读扩展为对作品形式美的整体式探寻。从而,在理论上为论文的研究任务建构了一个坐标轴:以形式批评为理论基础、为坐标横轴;以20世纪末小说艺术演变史为坐标纵轴,辩析其间小说形式要素的变化,并将形式作为进入艺术精神世界的桥梁,探索支撑形式变化的要素以及小说传达人类情感的能力。正文由上、中、下三篇构成。上篇主要探讨了80年代的小说艺术形式的变化,中篇和下篇主要探讨了90年代小说艺术形式的变化。上篇共四章,分别以“现代派”的写作手法,“寻根文学”、“先锋小说”和“新写实小说”为中心,探讨了小说的艺术形式。认为,这一时期,体现出了从叙述技巧到叙述策略的变化轨迹;“先锋小说”和“新写实小说”的形式变革,较彻底地改变了以往长期存在的小说艺术观念,开创了当代中国小说的新景观。中篇共三章,分别以“新历史小说”、“王朔、王小波的小说”、“新生代小说”为中心,探讨了80年代艺术形式变革观念影响下的90年代小说艺术形式。认为,在80年代已出现的展现小说虚构性的叙事特征、调侃意味的语言,以及个体经验的表达,在90年代有了进一步的显现,从而说明了历史的延续性。下篇共三章,分别以“现实主义冲击波”、“影视小说”、“网络小说”为中心,探讨了90年代小说受市场经济影响,大众审美趣味性越趋明显的形式特征。正文的阐述,都以文本解读为基础,在具体分析过程中,吸收叙事学的方法,基本采用了这样的思路:选择叙述者作为进入文本的视角,以叙述者的存在形态或叙述口吻作为进入叙述方式的一个切口,然后,进入对结构、语言等诸要素的分析,并最终完成对作品所建构的精神世界的理解。同时,在文本解读中,概括每个时期突显出来的形式要素的特征,对这些特征作整体性考察,勾勒形式的流变史。结语部分,进一步地概括了论文中的一些结论,并探讨了研究过程中发现的一些问题。

【Abstract】 This dissertation has explored the fiction’s forms in Chinese mainland in the late 20th century. The late 20th century points the period of the eightieth and the ninetieth, in which the Chinese novels have achieved great development. This research is an ontological research, which is based on the analysis for the fictions’ text. The task of this research is to explore the changes of fictions, and analyze the reasons for these changes during these twenty years. The name of the dissertation is SYMBOL AND SENSE, which means exploring the fictions’ sense from the fictions’ forms.This dissertation is composed by three parts, the first part is the introduction, the second part is the body, and the third is the conclusion.In the introduction part, the dissertation introduces the study’s method, task, and some ideas so on. Especially, it explores the means of concepts of Form and Form Criticism, and puts forward the new definition of concepts and research methods, by absorption the research results of the Western formalist criticism theory and the Chinese classical literary theory. Thus, the research constructs a coordinate axis, the horizontal axis is to explore the theory of form criticism, and the coordinate axis is to explore the art history. By analysis of form’s changes, the research explores the ability of novels to convey the human feelings.In the body part, the dissertation contains threes parts. The part 1 mainly discusses the novel form’s changes in 1980s, the other two parts mainly discusses the novel form’s changes in 1990s.Part 1 has four chapters, which study the Modernist writing techniques, roots literature, Vanguard Novel and neo-realistic novel. As a result, there has a change track from the narrative techniques to the narrative strategy. The changes in Vanguard Novel and neo-realistic novel thoroughly have changed the artistic concepts which had dominated in china for a long time, and have created a new landscape for contemporary Chinese fiction.Part 2 has three chapters, which mainly study the New historical novel, Wangsuo and Wang Xiaobo’ novels, and the New age novel. In those novels, there are such features as the Fictional narrative, ridicule language, and expression of individual experience, which reflect that the novels in 1990s have impacted by the novels in 1980s.Part 3 has three chapters, which mainly study the Realism shock wave novel, Video novel, and network novel. In those novels, there is such feature as public popular aesthetic interesting, which reflects the novels in 1990s have impacted deeply by the market economic.During the body part, the dissertation has a basic research method. That is to say, it chooses the narrator as the first perspective to analyze the novel, which describes the existence of the narrator and the tone of voice. Then it analyzes the narrative structure, the language, the Characters, etc. Finally, it explores the spiritual world of the novels.In the conclusion part, the dissertation further summarizes the conclusions of the research, and further explored some problems discovered in the research.

【关键词】 20世纪末小说形式形式批评叙事
【Key words】 The late 20th centuryFictionFormForm criticismNarrative
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】686

