

On Small Towns of Britain in Industrial Age

【作者】 李明超

【导师】 金志霖;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 历史社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 英国是世界上工业化和城市化的先发国家,在城市发展的动力、模式、结构和类型等方面都具有“内源先发性”的特征。作为英国城市体系和城市化进程的组成部分,小城镇的经济和社会结构在工业化时期发生了深刻的变化。从历史发展的角度来看,英国的城市化进程和工业化进程近乎同步进行,由此引发了英国城市和乡村经济社会的双重变革,主要表现为人口由乡村向城市的流动,即所谓的人口城市化进程。“英国”一词在不同的历史时期具有不同的疆域范围,本文侧重于经济格局和发展水平的角度,所指的英国主要包括英格兰和威尔士。虽然小城镇在英国城市化进程中获得了前所未有的发展,但从前后对比的角度来看,工业化时期小城镇在英国的城市体系中的比重和地位却呈现下降趋势。作为联系城市和乡村的纽带,小城镇受城乡背景和区域格局变动的影响,在工业化时期的发展呈现“数量绝对上升、地位相对下降”的特征,即以19世纪20年代为界,前期的小城镇在数量、规模和地位等方面都有显著的提高,而后期的小城镇虽然在数量和人口方面继续保持一定的增长,但在城市体系中的地位却呈现明显的下降趋势。从功能分类的角度来看,工业化时期保持繁荣的小城镇多是依托于新兴的工商业、交通运输业和文化休闲业,而停滞和衰落的小城镇则多处于传统的农业区。无论是小城镇的规模分化还是功能分化,都是以大城市为主导的城市体系和城市功能扩展的结果,小城镇在城市发展格局中越来越处于从属和边缘的地位。工商业、交通运输业和休闲业小城镇是工业化时期英国小城镇功能分化的结果,同时也是资本主义市场经济条件下生产专业化和大城市城市功能扩张的产物。工商业的繁荣是工业化进程最直接的体现,工业小城镇和商业小城镇正是在工商业繁荣的背景下出现的。从特征上来看,工商业小城镇都是以纺织品生产贸易为主,与乡村地区关系密切,城市规模和产业领域逐渐扩大;从发展趋势来看,工商业小城镇在三类小城镇中比重最大,同时面临的竞争压力也最大。交通小城镇是在交通运输业繁荣发展的基础上出现的,按出现的先后顺序主要包括公路小城镇、港口小城镇和铁路小城镇,三者的数量依次递减。虽然从公路马车到水上船舶再到铁路机车,交通越发便利,但小城镇从其中获得的发展推动力却越来越少。休闲小城镇的兴起依赖于工业化和城市化的双重作用,主要包括以矿泉资源为特色的矿泉休闲小城镇和以海洋风光为特色的滨海休闲小城镇。贵族和中产阶层是休闲小城镇的主要推动力量和参与者,随后扩大到工人阶级。矿泉休闲小城镇和滨海休闲小城镇大致呈现次第而兴的态势,这两种休闲小城镇的发展反映了工业化时期英国文化休闲产业化和多元化的趋势。总体来看,小城镇作为工业化时期英国城市体系的组成部分,数量和规模都获得了提高,小城镇的空间布局和整个城市体系的发展趋向基本一致。在资本主义生产专业化和城市功能多元化的推动下,小城镇主要形成了工商业、交通业和休闲业三种专业类型。专业型小城镇的出现既是资本主义生产专业化在城市发展方面的体现,也是大城市的城市功能向外扩张和多元发展的产物。

【Abstract】 As the first county in world’s process of industrialization and urbanization, Britain has the character of endogenous advance on urban development’s power, pattern, form and type. Considered as the composing part of British urbanization and urbanizing development, small towns’ economic and social structure had profound changes in the period of industrialization. In the historical development’s point of view, urbanization and industrialization process went along nearly in-phase, which led into economy and society’s double transformation of British urban and rural world. This change was mainly represented as population flow from countryside to urban world, i.e. the process of urbanization on population. Britain has different boundaries during different periods, from the angle of economic patterns and developmental level, Britain in this dissertation was mainly including England and Wales.Although small towns obtained unprecedented development in the process of urbanization, in the angle of contrastive former and latter, the proportion and status of small towns in urban system were digressive in the era of British industrialization. As the ligament between urban and rural world, small towns were affected by urban-rural background regional situation, and presented the character of ’absolute rise in quantity and relative fall in status’. Take 1920s as the boundary, small towns’ quantity, size and status had distinct increase in the prophase, the upper small towns kept definite increase on quantity and population, but their position in urban system showed evidently downtrend. In the viewpoint of classified function, most of the flourishing small towns in industrial period were supported by newly-rising industrial and commercial industry, transportation industry and cultural leisure industry, while those stagnating and declining small towns were mostly located in traditional farm belt. Whether the differentiation of size or function of small towns, both was the result of urban system and urban function expanding led by large cities, small towns in urban developing situation were more and more dependent and marginal.Small towns depending on industry and commerce, transportation and recreation made up of British small towns’ three dominating patterns, which were the result of functional differentiation and manufacturing specializing as well as large cities’ functional expanding on the condition of capitalist marketing economy. Industrial and commercial prosperity was the most direct embodiment of industrialization, small industrial and commercial towns were just arisen in the background of industrial and commercial flourishing. On the characteristic of them, small industrial and commercial towns both were mainly in the field of textile manufacture and trade, had intimate connection with countryside. In the point of development trend, the small industrial and commercial towns’ proportion was largest, and the two kind of small towns were facing the most serious competing pressure. Small towns supported by transporting industry developed on the base of carrying trades’ flourishing, which mainly included small turnpike towns, small port towns and small rail towns according to early or late ranking. The three kinds of small transporting towns were descending in turn. From turnpike carriages to watercrafts to rail locomotives, transporting was more and more convenient, but the impetus of small towns received from that was less and less. Small recreational towns’ rise depended on the effect of industrialization and urbanization, mainly included small spa towns featured by mineral springs and small coastal towns featured by sea’s scene. Nobility and middle class were the major impetus and actor of small recreational towns, subsequently the working class participated. Small spa tows and small coastal towns were approximately prosperous in turn; the two kinds of small recreational towns reflected industrial and multivariant trend of British cultural recreation in the Industrial Age.Overall, as the component part of British urban system in the era of industrialization, small towns’ quantity and size both were increasing, the spatial distribution of small towns was essentially identical with the whole urban system. By the promotion of capitalist manufacturing specialization and urban function’s multielement, small towns principally made up of three special patterns, i.e. small industrial and commercial towns, small transporting towns and small recreational towns. Specializing types of small towns were not only the embodiment of capitalist productive specialization about urban development, but also the result of urban function’s extensive expanding and multiple development of large cities.

  • 【分类号】K561.4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1030

