

A Study of Emotion in English Romantic Poetry

【作者】 刘春芳

【导师】 刘建军;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以英国浪漫主义诗歌情感为研究对象,旨在以情感为研究视角,对浪漫主义进行全面而系统的研究。研究目的则是通过探讨浪漫主义情感的源流、本质、载体,指出情感在当今社会的价值,同时揭示情感拯救灵魂的局限性。本论文的核心概念是“情感理性”。在传统文论中,情感与理性常被视为两个对立的范畴,或者说两个对立的概念。本论文认为,理性就是指人思考问题、判断、推理等活动的能力。从这个意义上说,并不存在完全没有理性的人,除非是疯傻之人。在此基础上,根据浪漫主义诗人的思维特点,本文提出了“情感理性”的概念。“情感理性”是指从情感角度出发来思考问题、评判世界、进行创作的一种“特殊的理性”方式。情感理性因此是理性思维模式的新的表现形式,有着独特的内在结构和目标指向,即以情感为核心看待现实、描绘理想,旨在追求符合情感诉求的理想天国。然而,英国浪漫主义者在情感的投射下观照现实世界,他们眼中或笔下的现实便带有强烈的情感色彩,因而浪漫主义诗歌中反映的现实与真实的现实世界存在着差距。同时,浪漫主义者所追求的理想也生发于情感,由此导致其情感理想的建构也呈现出无法真正在现实世界中达成的问题。根据情感理性的表现特点,本论文认为,以情感理性为思维模式的英国浪漫主义诗歌情感有两个重要的本质特征,即自我解放和自我删除。由于情感的作用,浪漫主义者们的心灵自由和自我解放只有在纯粹的情感领域才能实现,因此,浪漫主义诗人在经过热烈的情感释放后,最终或是选择避开现世,遁入不问世事、隐居自乐的封闭世界中,或是燃尽热情后英年早逝,或是在狂热情感的推动下向死亡发出召唤。也就是说,当情感作用于内心时,它的力量无比强大,当情感直面世界时,它只有采取自我删除的姿态。为了进一步把握和解读浪漫主义情感,本论文以大量的文本为研究基础,深入研究了浪漫主义情感的载体——意象。并对意象的概念、诗歌意象的特征与本质进行了梳理,之后根据浪漫主义诗歌的特点及情感结构与情感机制的不同,将浪漫主义意象分为自然意象、心灵意象和虚拟意象。在此分类的基础上,本文对浪漫主义不同意象所指涉的情感功能进行了探讨,并结合不同浪漫主义诗人的不同文本进行详细分析,指出映照情感、渲泻情感、建构情感理想是浪漫主义意象的主要功用。根据上述浪漫主义情感的两个本质特点,论文还提出了情感在当今社会的拯救意义。英国浪漫主义诗人通过倡导情感价值,希望情感成为对抗当时工业文明将人们物化的有效工具,从而抵制快速发展的工业文明带来的物质主义倾向。当今社会中,工业化进程无比迅速,物质主义已经遍布每个角落。研究以情感为核心的思维方式,便是希望能够使人部分地摆脱物的压迫,回归心灵本身,像浪漫主义者那样关注情感领域是否得到满足。同时,本论文还指出了情感的拯救价值的局限性。即它只能在精神领域达成解放,而无法改变现实世界。本文的创新性主要在于:1在追溯情感与理性源流的过程中,本文首次提出了“情感理性”的概念,对“情感理性”在理性发展史上的地位及坐标系进行了细致而全面的分析,使浪漫主义情感因清晰的界定而更利于把握和理解。2对浪漫主义情感本质进行了创新性的总结与解析,认为浪漫主义的情感本质一方面是自我解放,另一方面则是自我删除。3将浪漫主义的载体——意象——进行纵向和横向的分析与探讨,建构了浪漫主义意象的整体结构,使得浪漫主义意象研究从分散化走向系统化。4将浪漫主义情感的研究与现实生活相联系,对文学研究如何与社会相结合进行了崭新的探索。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is intended to research English romantic emotion, aiming at a thorough and systematic study on English romantic poems from the perspective of emotion. The effective salvation power and correspondent limitation of romantic emotion have been clearly analyzed and indicated through the study of its origin, nature, carrier and value.The essential definition of this dissertation is“emotional reason”, which is proposed on the basis of the rationality and emotion development through systematic analysis. Traditionally, reason and emotion are naturally regarded as two controversial definitions, but this dissertation holds the idea that reason refers to the basic abilities of thinking, judging and inferring. No one is completely of no reason.“Emotional reason”, in the dissertation, is defined as a unique thinking mode of reasoning, judging and writing, having the distinctive inner structure and target which is indicated by the means of understanding the reality and picturing the ideal from the perspective of emotion. Consequently, the English romantic poets, who reflect reality and seek after the ideal world with strong emotional color, make the reality in their poems far from the true one. What the romantic poets pursue is also the ideal with emotion as its core, which in turn leads to the problems that this ideal can never be realized in reality.According to the features of emotional reason, the dissertation concludes the nature of English romantic emotion as self-liberation and self-deletion. English romantic poets, under the considerable influence of emotion, can only have their freedom of spirit and self-liberation realized in a pure emotional domain. As a result, the romantic poets, after their fervent emotional release, finally choose to avoid the real world and adopt self-deletion in different ways.In order to further grasp and interpret romantic emotion, the dissertation, based on the research of considerable text, pursues in-depth study on image—the carrier of romantic emotion. Then, with the analysis on concept of image as well as the nature and features of poetic image, the dissertation divides the romantic images into natural images, mental images and virtual images on the basis of the differences between the emotional structure and emotional mechanism of romantic poems. According to the classification, the various degrees of emotional capabilities have been summarized as mapping emotion; expressing emotion and building up emotional ideal.After this, the dissertation proposes the salvation value of emotion in current society in accordance with two characteristics of romantic emotion. English romantic poets advocate the value of emotion and wish it to become the effective tool for people to resist the tendency of materialism in the rapid development of industrial civilization. In current society, the extremely rapid process of industrialization has scattered materialism everywhere. The study, centered on the emotional thinking mode, is hoping to partly help people shake off the oppression of materialism and concern their emotion as the romantic poets do. At the same time, the dissertation points out the limitation of salvation value of emotion, which can only be achieved in the field of mentality, but can not change the real world.In the innovations of the dissertation,○1 for the first time, the concept of“emotional reason”has been proposed and a detailed analysis on the position and coordinate system of romantic emotion has helped define and comprehend the concept.○2 The innovative summary and interpretation of the nature of the romantic emotion has been conducted with the analysis of the two aspects: self-liberation and self-deletion.○3 The romantic carrier—image has been analyzed vertically and horizontally to construct the overall structure of the romantic image, thus making its study more systematical.○4 The study of romantic emotion has been associated with real life, which provides a new exploration for the combination of literature research with reality.


