

A Study on Wang Yongjiang and the Early Modernization of Fengtian Province (1916-1926)

【作者】 王凤杰

【导师】 曲晓范;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 鸦片战争以后,中国社会经济被纳入到世界资本主义的循环圈内。但是,由于中国传统的社会机制本身缺少足够的现代性的积累,国家和地方政府承担着推进早期现代化进程的主要责任。政府不仅直接介入早期现代化进程,而且成为这一进程的主要推进者。然而,包括政府活动在内的任何社会现象在相当大的程度上是当政者个人意志和活动的结果,政府能否履行推进现代化的职责以及结果如何,往往与政府行政官员密切相关,由此凸显了地方政府当政者在现代化过程中的重要性。奉系军阀统治时期,奉天省早期现代化基本上是由地方政府推进的。王永江是奉系军阀统治时期的重要人物,他所制定和组织实施的社会发展计划推进了奉天省早期现代化。本文尝试利用档案和报刊资料并借鉴相关的研究成果,梳理王永江在财税金融、农业、交通、教育及城市化等领域的政策措施,从而阐明在特定的历史语境下王永江及相关政府行政部门在自觉状态下推进了奉天省早期现代化的进程。本文内容包括以下几个部分:第一部分论述王永江与奉天省财税金融改革。王永江制定一系列强化税务机构和税务人员管理的法规,并修订不合理的税则,引导财税管理走向制度化,从而赋予了财税变革早期现代化的内涵。同时,他采取的取缔私帖、整顿奉票、重组东三省官银号等措施,统一币制与货币发行权,规范了金融机构的管理,加速了奉天省金融货币体制的早期现代化进程。第二部分论述王永江与奉天省农业早期现代化。王永江担任奉天官地清丈局兼屯垦局局长和奉天省代理省长期间,积极推行土地丈放和移民垦殖政策,奉天省的地权关系进一步转变;他颁布的一系列有关改造传统农业的政策法规,加速了新式农业经济增长,农产品的商品化程度也不断提高,奉天省农业早期现代化进一步发展。第三部分论述王永江与奉天省交通早期现代化。王永江制定的一系列辟修公路、扶持商办汽车公司等政策,促进了汽车运输业的勃兴。与此同时,他制定了铁路建设计划并主持自筑奉海铁路,维护了东北地区的铁路利权,带动了东北地区经济迅速发展,促进了奉天省交通早期现代化。第四部分论述王永江与奉天省教育早期现代化。王永江所主持的奉天省学制改革、筹建东北大学和发展民众教育等举措是奉天省具有现代特征的教育得以迅速发展的重要表征,奉天省教育早期现代化的速度与规模在全国均处于领先地位。第五部分论述王永江与奉天省城市早期现代化。城市化是现代化的重要标志,王永江筹建市政公所、对城市进行整体规划并付诸于实践,使城市管理日趋民主化、法制化。同时注重城市经济建设,促进了奉天纺纱厂等一系列民族工商业的兴起,推动了城市的早期现代化进程。第六部分论述王永江与区村政权建设和警政建设。王永江通过奉天省区村政权建设和警政建设,促进省政府将其行政管理权力向整个城乡社会渗透扩散,增强了地方政府的社会控制力。结论部分总结了王永江作为奉天省早期现代化的主要设计者所取得的成就,分析了其成就获得主要源于他积极引进西方文明成果并注重承续传统价值观念,较好地处理了与张作霖的关系,积极倡导通过增强自身实力维护利权,从而建立了“保境安民”的区域现代化模式。

【Abstract】 China is a post-modern country. Due to the lack of dynamic factors to promote the modernization development in a traditional society, the state and local governments bear the primary responsibility for promoting the early modernization process. Therefore, whether the results of early modernization achieved or not depends on the functional level the government and its various executive branches have achieved. However, any social phenomenona including the government activities, in the final analysis, are the results of individual will in power, whether the Government carry out the duties of modernization and the functioned outcome is often closely related with the government administrative officials’status of individuals, experience, ability and personality. During the Manchurian warlord’s rule, the early modernization of Fengtian Provincepropelled largely by the local government, thus highlights the importance of those in power of the local governments. Wang Yongjiang is the important person during the reign of the Manchurian warlord, who has served as Police Commissioner of Fengtian Province, the Treasurer, the Acting Governor and other positions, the research on his policies and implementation during its tenure is helpful to rich the early modernization research of northeast from the view of individuals and government-run point. This article includes six parts:Part I: Wang Yongjiang and fiscal, taxation and financial rectification in Fengtian Province. Wang Yongjiang gives the connotation of early modernization by formulating a series of laws on strengthening tax agencies and tax personnel management, amending the unreasonable tax, guiding the tax management toward legalization. At the same time, what he has taken measures of banning the private quote, rectifying Fengpiao, restructuring Northeast official silver name and other measures, is conducive to unify currency and the currency right, regulate financial institutions management, and accelerate the Fengtian Provinceearly modernization process of financial and monetary system.Part II: Wang Yongjiang and Fengtian Provinceearly agriculture modernization. During served as the Director of Fengtian ProvinceLand Measurement, Land Reclamation Bureau and Acting Governor, Wang Yongjiang actively promoted the policies of Zhangfang, immigration resettlement and cultivation, these accelerated the further change of Fengtian Provinceland rights relationship; What he enacted a series of policies and regulations on transformation of traditional agriculture was accelerating the growth of new agricultural economy, improving the commercialization of agricultural products and promoting Fengtian Provinceearly agricultural modernization.Part III: Wang Yongjiang and early traffic modernization. Wang Yongjiang developed a series of highway construction policies to ensure unimpeded access of the cart;He actively supported government-run automobile factory and business Motors Corp., to promote the automobile transport industry’s emergence; He maintained the right of Northeast railway rights, led to the rapid development of Northeast economics and promoted Fengtian Provincetraffic early modernization by ruling railway construction plan, building Kai-Feng, Feng-Hai Railway and open up the railway.Part IV: Wang Yongjiang and early education modernization in Fengtian Province. Wang Yongjiang headed up Fengtian Provinceeducational system reform, Prepared Northeastern University and developed public education, so the speed and scale of Fengtian Provinceearly education modernization is a leading position in the country.Part V: Wang Yongjiang and the evolution of urban construction modernization. Urbanization, in essence, is the formation process of urban civilization and also an important symbol of modernization, Wang Yongjiang built municipal public place and planned the overall cities to make urban management more democratic, legal system. At the same time, he focused on urban economic development to make a series of national industry and commerce rise, such as Fengtian Provincespinning mills and promote the city’s early modernization process.Part VI: Wang Yongjiang and the power of government and police building with district and village. Wang Yongjiang built power of government and police with district and village to promote the administration of provincial government to spread to the entire community; it is a certain degree of sense of the modern state-building process.The conclusion part analyzes that as the major designer, Wang Yongjiang promoted the early modernization of Fengtian Province. He energetically introduced the western cultural achievements, emphasized on the inheritance of the traditional values, and initiated the construction of the model of“Environment Protection and Resident Safety”regional modernization through the building-up of self-strength and the protection of national rights.

【关键词】 早期现代化奉天省王永江
【Key words】 Early modernizationFengtian ProvinceWang Yongjiang

