

The Study on Policy Towards the Middle Forces between the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Kuomintang during the Anti-Japanese War Period

【作者】 王玉全

【导师】 栾雪飞;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为基本指导思想,综合运用了历史学、政策学、经济学、社会学等多学科的理论与研究方法,对抗战时期国共两党外交政策进行系统的分析和论述,并对国共两党不同历史时期的外交政策进行对比,剖析出国共两党外交政策的异同,进而抽剥出有益于我们今天制定对外政策的有益的经验和教训。本文具体内容如下:引言:通过对研究现状和文献资料的介绍,阐明本课题选题学术价值和社会价值之所在,同时介绍本选题的主要研究内容,创新之处,主要存在的问题等。第一章:对抗战初期(1931—1937)国共两党的外交政策进行分析,指出共产党的对外政策:保卫苏联与抗日口号的提出;坚决抗日,开赴抗日前线;反对欧美等一切帝国主义国家。国民党的对外政策:团结应该团结的朋友——与苏联复交与持续升温;寄托国际公断——处理中日矛盾依赖国联;平行外交——与法西斯国家、民主阵营对等交往。并得出国共两党外交政策的异同,即对日外交的坚决程度不同;国共两党对当时外交环境均缺乏正确判定;国共两党抗日政策制定的前提条件不同。第二章:对全面抗战爆发时期国共两党的外交政策进行分析,得出这一时期共产党的抗日外交政策主要是将抗日外交作为中共外交政策的基点;主张建立反日统一战线;争取国际援助;揭露英美绥靖政策。国民党主要是以战谋和外交政策,即以战谋和,希冀日本快速停止侵略活动;力求他国介入,谋求国际调停;争取苏联援助,求得共同安全。进而对这一时期国共两党外交政策的比较。第三章:对抗战相持阶段时期初期国共两党的外交政策进行考察,考查出这一时期中共外交政策出现起伏,即对英美的排斥和战争责任的指控;对苏行动的过度认可和承认;同时坚决抗战,成为抗日运动的中流砥柱。而国民党这一时期执行两面外交政策,即对日妥协外交,秘密媾和;对苏积极外交,获取更多援助;争取英美放弃绥靖及中立态度,建构更有利的抗日环境。继而比较出这一时期国共两党外交政策得异同,即国民党在对非法西斯阵营的认可和评价趋于合理;中共外交政策具有波动性;国共两党抗日外交政策分歧加大。第四章:对抗战相持阶段后期国共两党的外交政策进行探讨,指出这一时期中共的外交政策走向成熟,主要表现在:中共对英美外交政策的调整;让世界了解中共抗战;对欧美不公正指责的反击;对苏外交中独立自主原则的强化。国民党的外交政策调整,即与英美外交急剧升温,外交重心开始转移;对苏关系开始出现逆转,中苏关系开始恶化;加强与盟国的合作,谋求大国地位修约外交积极展开,取得相当大的成效。因此可见,这一时期国共两党此间外交政策共产党成熟,国民党后退;共产党理性,国民党逆转两党实用外交思想日益突出;第五章:全面反攻时期国共两党的外交政策进行考察,考查出共产党这一时期外交政策的变化:对苏一边倒政策开始形成;加强与英美等国的平行外交活动;追求民族独立与平等。国民党此间的外交政策:谋求苏联对日宣战;解冻对苏关系;对美外交分歧与调整。这一时期国共两党外交政策差异很大,主要表现在:;两党获取国外支持所付出的代价、态度不同;两党两种外交政策取向昭示战后两种前途、两种命运;两党外交政策制定的意识形态因素日益明显。结语:对整个抗战时期抗战时期国共两党外交政策进行评价与反思,得出本文的结论。

【Abstract】 Based on dialectical materialism and historica materialism as a fundamental guiding principle, using the multi-disciplinary theories and research methods just as history,politics,economics, sociology and so on,this thesis discusses and anslyses the foreign policies of the CCP and the KMT during the period of the Anti-Japanese War systemically,contrasts the two policies that in different historical period, analyses the differences between them,and then strips out the benefit experience and lessons that is good for today’s foreign policy making.The specific content of the thesis is as follows:Introduction:By introducing the research status and documents,this part clarifies the academic value and social value of the selected topic,and presents the main research contents,the innovation and the main problems of the selected topic at the same time.Chapter I:By analying the foreign policy of the CCP and the KMT at the beginning of Anti-Japanese War (1931—1937) ,this part points out the CCP’s foreign policies:defending the Soviet Union and the given of anti-Japanese slogans; resisting japanese resolutely, moving into the anti-Japanese front; opposing to Europe,the United States and all the imperialist countries,points out the KMT’s foreignpolicies:unitying the should united friends——resuming diplomatic relations with theSoviet Union and wanning up continually;reposing to international arbitration——depending on the League of Nations to solve the contradiction between China andJapan; parallel diplomacy——contacting with the fascist states and the democraticcamp equally.Then this part gets the samenesses and differences between the two parties’ foreign policies:the difference of the resolute degree of diplomacy toward Japan, the CCP and the KMT both lacked of correct judgement to the diplomatic environment of that time;the differences between the anti-Japanese policies’ precondiction of the CCP and the KMT.Chapter II:By analysing the foreign policy of the CCP and the KMT during the period of war against Japan in all,this part gets the conclusion that during this period the CCP’s foreign policy was based on the anti-Japanese policy, advocating the establishment of anti-Japanese united front, seeking international assistance,and disclosing the Appeasement Policy of England and the United States,and the KMT’s foreign policy was seeking pease by war, hoping Japan stop aggression quickly,asking for other countries’ intervene, seeking international mediation, fighting for assistance from the Soviet Union,seeking common security.Then this part contrasts the foreign policies of the CCP and the KMT during this periodChapter III:By inspecting the foreign policy of the CCP and the KMT during the initial stage of the anti-Japanese war’s stalemate stage,this part cognizes that the PRC’s foreign policy were ups and downs during this period,which are the rejection to England and the United States and criticism to the war responsibility,the over recognition to the Soviet Union operations, resisting japanese resolutely and becoming a mainstay of the anti-Japanese movement at the same time,and the KMT carried out both sides foreign policy during this period,which are performing compromise diplomacy and making pease secretly,performing active diplomacy to the Soviet Union and getting more assistance, asking England and the United States to abandon the attitude of appeasement and neutrality and constructing a more favorable anti-Japanese environment.Then this part analyses and gets the samenesses and differences between the two parties’ foreign policies during this period,which are the KMT’s recognition and evaluation to the non-fascist camp were more logical, the CCP’s foreign policy had the volatility, the differences between the two parties’s Japanese foreign policy increased.Chapter IV:By discussing the foreign policy of the CCP and the KMT during the later part of the anti-Japanese war’s stalemate stage, this part points out that the CPC’s foreign policy became mature during this period, mainly manifested in :the CCP made adjustment on the foreign policy towards England and the United States,let the world know the CCP’s Anti-Japanese War,made counterattack against the unjust accusations from Europe and the United States,enhanced the principle of independence in the the foreign policy towards the Soviet Union.The KMT made some adjustments on foreign policy,which is the diplomacy towards England and the United States became warm rapidly and the diplomatic center began to shift,the relationship between the Soviet Union and the KMT began to reverse and the Sino-Soviet relations began to deteriorate,strengthened cooperation with its allies,began to carry out a diplomatic repair actively to seeking great-power status and achieved considerable results. Therefore, the foreign policy of the KMT and the CCP during this period, the CPC’s mature and the KMT’s backward;the CPC’s rational and the KMT’s reversed, practical diplomatic thought of the two parties had become increasingly.Chapter V: By inspecting the foreign policy of the CCP and the KMT during the period of full-scale counterattack,this part examined out the changes of the CPC’s foreign policy in this period:the one-sided policy towards the Soviet Union came into being,strengthened the parallel diplomacy twards England and the United States, pursued the national independence and equality.The KMT’s foreign policy in the period: seeking declaration on war to Japan from the Soviet Union,thawed the relations with the Soviet Union,differences and adjustment in the foreign policy towards the United States.There were big differences between the CPC’s and KMT’s foreign policy during this period, mainly manifested in: the cost and the attitudes for the foreign support was different between the KMT and the CPC,the two kinds of foreign policy orientation declared publicly two kinds of future and destiny of the KMT and the CPC in the postwar period,the ideological factors became increasingly clear in the two parties’ foreign policy-making.Conclusion: By evaluation and reflection on the foreign policy of the CPC and the KMT during the entire period of Anti-Japanese War, this part gets the conclusion of the thesis.


