

A Research on the Coordinative Development of Urban and Rural Economy in Northeastern China

【作者】 孙弘

【导师】 金兆怀;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 城乡经济协调发展是资本、劳动力等要素在城乡之间优化组合、集聚、扩散、渗透的相互作用形态,体现为城乡之间在产业结构、收入分配、投资和市场交换等方面相互依存、相互联系、共同发展的关系。从空间维度分析是要素在城乡各个经济主体之间流动与配置的一种状态,从时间维度分析是城乡结构由不均衡向均衡结构状态转化的一种演进过程。改革开放以来,东北地区城乡经济关系受到传统二元经济结构的制约,呈现出城乡经济发展差距不断扩大的趋势。东北地区城乡经济发展差距扩大的原因既有一般规律性特征,比如我国工业化发展的战略、长期以来对城市发展的偏向和工农业产品剪刀差、计划经济条件下形成的制度安排等因素;也具有特殊性,体现在重工业发展的历史因素以及改革开放以来东北重工业发展战略的强化,以资源型工业发展为主的产业模式,大型装备制造业高资本密集化发展方式以及农业发展长期落后等因素不断强化城乡二元结构,导致城乡产业、城乡消费与投资、城乡要素市场等出现结构性失衡,城乡经济发展差距不断扩大。因而,要实现东北城乡经济协调发展,必须对东北地区城乡关系的现状进行深入分析,认清城乡经济关系的主要矛盾,研究制约东北地区城乡经济协调发展的因素,从而以有效的途径实现东北地区城乡经济协调发展。本论文的研究是基于新古典经济增长理论,将资本、劳动力等要素在城乡空间范围内分布、占有和变化作为研究的基本出发点,利用发展经济学的二元结构理论和区域经济学的空间结构理论及其它相关理论,阐释东北地区城乡经济关系演进过程中体现出的特殊性,从城乡经济协调发展的角度,说明城乡经济发展的非均衡特点和表现出来的非均衡阶段性特征,将发展现代农业和实现农村工业化作为破解传统城乡二元结构的内生力量,强调以中小城镇为基础的城镇化是实现城乡经济协调发展的外部推力,以此在更广泛的范围内,寻找能使农村经济增长的驱动力,使城乡两个系统能彼此协调,在相互调整方面寻求新的突破。本论文由绪论、正文、结论等三个主要部分构成。绪论部分主要分析本论文选题的依据、研究背景、研究的学术与实践价值,阐述论文写作的总体思路、主要研究内容、论文基本框架、主要研究方法等。正文共分为六章。第一章是本论文的基础部分,主要对城乡经济协调发展的理论进行归类分析与评价,以及相关理论对本论文研究的启示。第二章、第三章与第四章是本论文的核心部分。在理论研究的基础上,第二章分析了东北城乡经济关系从萌芽、形成、发展、延续的演进过程,并分析了不同阶段东北城乡经济关系的特殊性。这一章对本论文的研究起了理论与实践的铺垫作用。第三章在第二章研究的基础上,利用聚类分析法,对东北城乡协调发展进行实证分析,揭示东北地区城乡经济协调发展的区域性差异,并进行分类总结与评价。在此基础上,研究影响东北城乡经济协调发展的因素。第四章则在前三章分析的基础上,重点研究促进东北城乡经济协调发展的动力与形成机制问题。本文认为,发展现代农业和实现农村工业化是城乡经济协调发展的内在动力,以县城为核心的中小城镇发展是外在推力,只有内力与外力共同发挥作用,才能实现城乡经济协调发展。第五章总结了国外城乡经济协调发展的成功经验和教训,以及我国发达地区城乡经济协调发展的主要成功经验,并研究了国内外经验对东北地区实现城乡经济协调发展的启示。第六章从东北城乡经济关系演变的普遍规律与特殊性出发,提出实现东北地区城乡经济协调发展的目标、原则和主要对策。结论部分概括总结论文研究的主要观点,提出论文研究的不足之处,并展望相关研究课题的发展趋势,以使未来的研究更加完善、系统。

【Abstract】 The coordinated development of urban and rural economy is an interaction pattern of capital, labor and other elements under the optimal combination, concentration, diffusion and infiltration. It is presented as an interdependent, interrelated, and development together relationship between industrial structure, income distribution, investment and market exchange. From the analysis in terms of spatial dimension, it is presented as a state of the factors flow and configuration between each economic entity. In terms of time dimension, it is presented as the evolved process of urban-rural structure, which is the configuration state from imbalance to balance.Since reform and opening up, the urban and rural economic relation in the northeast is constrained by the traditional dual structure in urban and rural economy. The gap between regions is continually widening. It doesn’t only have the characteristic of general regularity, such as the strategy of heavy industry development, long-term deflection to urban development and the scissors gap between industrial product and agricultural product, the institutional arrangements under planned economy, but also have the particularity which can be found in the historical factor of heavy industry development, the strategy of enhancing heavy industry development after reform and opening up, resource-based industrial primarily development model, large equipment manufacturing industry with high capital-intensive development mode and backward development of agricultural, and all these factors continuously strengthen urban-rural dual structure, and lead the industries, consumption and investment, factor market of urban-rural become structural imbalance, and the gap of economic development between urban and rural is continuously widening. Thus, in order to achieve coordinated development between urban and rural areas in the northeast, it is required to analyses the current situation of the relation between urban and rural areas in the northeast deeply, see clearly about contradiction of urban-rural economic relations; It is a effective way to achieve the coordinate development of urban-rural economy in the northeast through studying the restraining factors.This paper is based on the neo-classical theories of growth, taking spatial distribution, possession and change of capital and labor as the fundamental point, and taking use of the dual structure theory of developmental economics to present the particularities which reflect from the evaluation of urban-rural economic relations in the northeast;What’s more, in terms of the perspective of the coordinated development of urban and rural economy, it presents the non-balanced economic development in urban and rural areas and its non-equilibrium stages. To take the development of modern agriculture and achieve agriculture–industrialization as the internal force to break through traditional urban-rural dual structure; on the base of urbanization, emphasizing the external driving of achieving the coordinative development of urban-rural economy; then in a broader context, in search of factors that can make rural areas’economic growth, in order to coordinate the urban-rural system, and make good progress in mutual adjustment.This paper includes three parts which are the introduction, the main body and the conclusion.The introduction analyzes the basis of subject selection, context of research, as well as the academic and practical value of the research. It develops the general idea, main contents, basic frame and the research methods.The main part of the paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter one comprise the basic part which is mainly on analyzing and evaluating the theory of coordinated development of urban and rural economic, as well as enlightens for this paper’s studies.The second and third as well as the forth chapter are the core of this paper. Chapter two analyzes the process of the economic relationship between urban and rural area in the northeast from budding, formation, development, and continuation, as well as the particularity of the economic relationship between urban and rural area in the northeast at different stages.This chapter have played an important role in paving the theory and practice’s way. On the basis of chapter two, chapter three uses agglomerative method and takes an empirical analysis on the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the Northeast, so as to reveal the regional differences of economic coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the Northeast and make the conclusion and discussion by category. According to this, the factors which influence the economic coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the Northeast are investigated. The forth chapter, based on the former chapters, focuses on the inherent driving force and the formation mechanism of the urban and rural economic coordinated development in the Northeast. Accordingly, this paper holds that the development of modern agriculture and rural industrialization is the internal driving force of coordinated development of urban and rural economy, and the the development of middle and small towns which take the county as their core is the external driving force. Only when the internal driving force coeffects with the external driving force can the urban and rural economy develop coordinately.Chapter five summarizes the successful experiences and lessons of coordinating urbanand rural economic development both in some developed domestic regions and aboard, and gets the enlightenment to coordinated development of urban and rural area in the northeast. From the perpective of general rule and particularity of the northeast urban-rural economic relational evolution, chapter six provides the goals and principles of urban and rural areas’economic coordinated development in the northeast area as well as how to achieve the goals.The last part concluds the key points and limitations of this research and forecast the future development of relevant researches, so as to improve and systematize the future research.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】992

