

Han Dynasty and Han Non-mainstream Literature

【作者】 郭铁娜

【导师】 张世超;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 汉代文学研究,一直是学术界的热点。但是,在一个相当长的时期内,学术界往往停留于或从传统的中国古代文论的角度出发,着眼于文学作品的艺术特色;或从文体学角度,探讨某一类文体自身的发展流变规律。文学现象是纷繁复杂的,尤其是上古段的文学,基本上处于文史哲不分的状态,涉及到各个方面的学问,故需对汉代文学的总体情况进行多学科的综合研究,或者说立体交叉研究。而在阶级国家的任何一个历史阶段,都存在着主流意识形态与非主流意识形态。自然地,受主流意识形态影响、臣服于主流话语权、为主流意识言说的主流文学和背离主流意识、不受主流话语权控制的非主流文学也是共存的。这就为文学史的撰写者与研究者提出了一个审视视角的要求。从考古出土文物及文献来看,汉代社会的非主流文学是丰富多彩的,且在民间拥有较为广大的活动空间,不论是思想还是艺术都是具有自己的个性与特质的。长期忽视这种“暗流”,不是科学的态度,是会阻碍古代文学研究的发展的。本论文正是根据以上的历史和现实因素,将汉代疏离主流意识、权力话语的非主流文学与汉代社会相结合,在社会历史文化的立体视野中对汉代非主流文学这一“暗流”加以较全方位的观照与研究,力求能够提供一个全面而客观的、社会性的文学事实。本文由绪论、正文、结论、附录共四部分组成。在绪论中主要对汉代文学的研究情况作了简要梳理,并对本文的选题依据等相关问题作以交代。正文共分五章,此部分又分为两个大的部分。第一部分是第一章汉代社会与汉代非主流文学综论,主要从汉代社会思潮和汉代社会风俗文化两个方面探讨汉代社会对汉代非主流文学的影响。第二章到第五章是第二部分。这部分主要是分文体对汉代非主流文学作具体的研究。第二章:汉代非主流叙事散文。本章主要对作为汉代非主流叙事散文代表的《史记》作以考察,从非主流视阈、非主流话语分析了《史记》非主流特质的表现。第三章、第四章:汉代非主流诗歌。此部分分为汉代非主流乐府歌诗、汉代民间歌谣、汉代文人五言诗、汉代铜镜铭文四部分。汉代非主流乐府歌诗部分,分析了汉代乐府与乐府歌诗的关系、汉代乐府歌诗世俗化的原因,进而从“战争咏叹与兵役惆怅”、“政治批判与道德控诉”、“爱情追寻与婚姻诉求”、“祸福无常与行乐长生”等几个方面归纳了汉代乐府歌诗的主题,考察了汉代乐府歌诗的非主流表现。汉代民间歌谣则在内容上分类并加以展开。汉代文人五言诗部分主要从本文界定的范畴内探讨了汉代非主流文人五言诗的主题、非主流表现和原因。此外,还对作为出土文献的汉代铜镜铭文作了粗略观照。第五章:汉代民间故事与小说。本章主要是对以韩朋故事与《焦仲卿妻》、《神乌赋》为代表的汉代民间故事进行叙事学研究,以及对汉代小说的一点说明。第三部分是结语。通过对汉代各种文体非主流文学的较为全面和深入的探讨和研究,本文得出如下结论:当主流的正统的经学文化及以汉大赋为代表的主流文学陷入困顿之时,正是非主流文学与其反映的非主流文化的活跃才保持社会不再萎顿,各阶层人士的生活不再困乏。长久以来的文学史往往着重记述主流文学,以主流文学的发展流变作为文学的发展流变,对于汉代非主流文学仅仅关注汉代民间乐府歌诗,都是不够客观和科学的。最后是附录部分,包括:1.《史记》与《尚书》相关章节对照表2.《饮马长城窟行》“蔡邕作”献疑3.已出土汉代常见铜镜类型与铭文简表

【Abstract】 Han literary studies have been a hot academia. However, in a fairly long period of time, academia tends to stay in or from the traditional perspective of Chinese Literary Theory, focusing on the characteristics of literary works of art ; Or from the Stylistics perspectives, exploring the development of a certain type of stylistic self-rheological law.Literary phenomenon is complicated, especially before the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern literature, essentially regardless of the state of philosophy in literature, history, involving all aspects of learning, so be on the general situation of the Han Dynasty literature, a comprehensive multi-disciplinary research or Yue-dimensional cross-over study is needed. In the class, any one of the country’s historical stage, there are the mainstream ideology and non-mainstream ideology. Naturally, the non-mainstream literature which is impacted by the mainstream ideology, submit to the right of the mainstream discourse, and says for the mainstream consciousness and the non-mainstream literature which departures from the mainstream consciousness, and free from the control of the right of the mainstream discourse is also co-exist. This presents a look at the requirements of perspective for the literary history of writers and researchers. From the Archaeological relics and literature’s points of views, the non-mainstream literatures of the Han society are rich and varied, and have a relatively large space for activities in civil society, and they have theirs own personality and traits ,whether in ideological or art. The long-term neglect of this "undercurrent" is not a scientific attitude,and it will hinder the development of ancient literature. Based on the above factors of history and reality ,this paper Combins the non-mainstream literature which departures from the mainstream consciousness, and free from the control of the right of the mainstream discourse and Han Dynasty , compares with a full range of contemplation and research the "undercurrent", the non-mainstream literature of the Han Dynasty, In the three-dimensional view of social, history and culture to provide a comprehensive , objective, and social literary truth.The paper is composed of four parts: the introduction, the body, the conclusions and the appendix.In the introduction ,we comb the major research in the Han Dynasty Literature briefly, and explain the basis of the paper’s topic and other related issues.The body , composed of four chapters, is divided into two parts.The first part is a overview about the Han Dynasty and non-mainstream literature which compse the the first chapter.In this part,we discuss the impact of Han community on the non-mainstream literature of the Han Dynasty mainly, in Social thought in the Han Dynasty and the Han social customs and cultural.The second part is compsed of Chapter II to Chapter V. In this part we make a specific study on Han non-mainstream literature according the literary style.Chapter II covers non-mainstream nature of Records of the Grand Historian. In this part,we Study Records of the Grand Historian mainly ,which is as a representative of Han non-mainstream narrative prose .We Explore the source of the non-mainstream of Records of the Grand Historian,Comparing Sima Qian’s Historical perspective and the cultural traditions before him,and analyse the non-mainstream characteristics in Records of the Grand Historian,in non-mainstream threshold and non-mainstream discourse.Chapter III and chapter IV deals with Han non-mainstream poetry. This chapter is divided into non-mainstream verse lyrics of the Han Dynasty, folk ballad proverb of Han Dynasty, literati Cource of poetry Han Dynasty, and Inscriptions of the Han Dynasty Bronze Mirror. In non-mainstream verse lyrics of the Han Dynasty,we analyse the relationship between Han Yue Fu and Yuefu Poetry,and the reason of Yuefu Poetry of secularization , and then ummarize the theme of the Han Yuefu Poetry ,from the "war chant and the military melancholy," "political criticism and ethics complaints" , " search for love and marriage aspirations "," good and bad fortune impermanence and the pleasures longevity " , and then exam the performance of non-mainstream in Han Yuefu Poetry. The Han Dynasty folk ballad proverb is divided into Han Dynasty folk songs and Han folk proverbs, and the contents are expanded classifily. In Han literati Cource of poetry,we discusse the themes , the performance of non-mainstream and the reasons within the scope as defined in this paper . In addition, this chapter also made a rough contemplation on Inscriptions of the Han Dynasty Bronze Mirror as unearthed documents.Chapter V covers Han Dynasty folk stories and novels. In the chapter ,we make a narrative research in a story with Han Peng and Jiao Zhongqing’s Wife ,and God Wu Fu which represent the Han Dynasty folk stories, as well as a description about the Han Dynasty novels.The third part is the conclusion. By much comprehensive and in-depth exploration and research in a variety of styles of the Han Dynasty non-mainstream literature, this paper reached the following conclusions: Literary development, in fact, is started in folk. Han Dynasty non-mainstream literature, which is closely linked to the civil society ,has always been an important part of all the Han dynasty literature, whether it is accessible approach to life, or implied by the spirit of praise and abuse. For a long time, our history of literature tend to focus on account of the mainstream literature, regading the development of mainstream literature as literature’s. Clearly ,it is not enough objective and scientific.Finally, the appendix, including:1. Records of the Historian and Shang Shu relevant sections of the control in Table2. Our River Banks Cai Yong as Doubts3. Have been unearthed in the Han Dynasty bronze mirror common type of summary table with the inscription

  • 【分类号】I206.2;K234
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】677
  • 攻读期成果

