

A Study of Tourism in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 王玉成

【导师】 李金铮;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 有唐一代,以其海纳百川、包容万物的胸襟创造了璀璨夺目的大唐文明。经济的发达,文化的繁荣和思想观念的自由开放,使中国古代旅游发展到唐代达到了巅峰。从旅游主体看,它打破了以往帝王贵族对旅游的垄断,使旅游这一社会行为逐渐普及,向大众化方向发展,这也决定了唐代旅游者的构成更加多元化,除了帝王贵族、官僚士大夫之外,普通知识分子、宗教人士以及都市平民,都成了当时客源群体的重要组成部分。而且旅游客源结构也发生了明显的变化:一是客源主要构成由帝王贵族让位给了文人学士;二是随着唐代妇女地位的提高,妇女旅游蓬勃发展。客源结构的变化势必导致旅游审美情趣的改变,很多物象都成为了唐代旅游者的审美客体,他们不仅钟情于雄山峻岭、江河湖海、花草虫鱼等自然景物,也留恋于寺庙道观、文物古迹、亭台楼阁等人文景观之中,在游览之中享受自然和人文带来的欢乐、遐想和快感。旅游活动的频繁客观地带动了相关行业的发展,这主要体现在交通运输、驿站旅馆、餐饮等与旅游关系密切行业的繁荣。唐代不仅形成了以长安、洛阳西东二都为中心的四通八达的陆路、水路交通网络,同时还有发达的路上丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路,大大方便了旅游者的出行,而流动人口的数量激增极大的刺激了旅馆业、饮食业的发展,从都市到农村,旅馆林立,食店、酒肆更是目不暇接,经营者为了广泛吸引客人,不仅注重服务,而且更加注重经营环境和文化品位的营造,使店肆的经营水平达到了前所未有的高度。唐代的自由开放为儒、释、道的发展创造了良好的社会环境,也促进了旅游思想的多元化发展,既有以济世安邦为目的的宦游,又有以化羽登仙为目的的仙游,更有以结得善缘为目的的释游,并且三教合流,互补发展,形成了唐代丰富多彩的旅游文化。正是这史无前例的旅游繁荣,使唐代成为旅游纪传文学和自觉开发利用旅游资源的滥觞,可见,唐代旅游的发达,对当时经济、社会、文化的发展和后世旅游业及其相关行业的发展都产生了颇为深远的影响。

【Abstract】 Just as the sea refuses no river and accommodates all, the Tang Dynasty created a resplendent civilization with its broadmindedness. As a result of developed economy, flourishing culture and free and open mind, Chinese ancient tourism reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty. As far as the subject of tourism was concerned, the monopoly of tourism by monarchs and nobles before was broken, which made tourism as a social activity begin to be popular and common. At the same time, the structure of tourists in the Tang Dynasty became more diversified. Besides monarchs, nobles, and bureaucracies, ordinary intellectuals, religious figures, and general citizens all turned to be important parts of the tourist community, which meant that the structure of tourists underwent remarkable changes. On the one hand, the literati, instead of monarchs and nobles, came to be the mainstream of tourists; on the other hand, female tourists flourished with the enhancement of the social status of women. These changes induced alterations in tourism aesthetic sentiment and many things and phenomena turned into aesthetic objects for tourists in the Tang Dynasty, who were not only interested in the natural sceneries such as grand and steep mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, flowers, insects, and fishes, but also lingered around human sceneries such as monasteries and Taoist temples, cultural relics and historic sites, and kiosks and pavilions. Through traveling at these natural and human sceneries, they experienced happiness, reveries and pleasure. In result, the frequency of tourism activities promoted the development of related industries, which was chiefly embodied by the prosperity of transportation, daks and hotels, and food industry and other industries that were closely related to tourism. There were not only complicated and convenient landway and waterway traffic networks that radiated from the two capitals of Chang’an in the west and Luoyang in the east, but also developed Silk Road on the land and Silk Road on the sea, which greatly facilitated tours of the traveler. The large floating population stimulated to a great extent the development of hotel industry and food industry. As a result, hotels and inns mushroomed from cities to the country, restaurants and pubs were scattered everywhere. To attract the most customers, the managers paid special attention to their service, and put more emphasis on fostering the cultural taste of their business environments, promoting the management skills of those shops to an unprecedented level. The freedom and openness of the Tang Dynasty created a favorable social environment for the development of the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and advanced the diversified development of tourism thoughts. There were official tours that aimed at benefiting the people and constructing the state, immortalizing tours that aimed at transforming into immortal beings and Buddhist tours that aimed at establishing good rapport with Buddha. The three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism integrated into and supplied each other in the process of development, forming the rich and colorful tourism culture of the Tang Dynasty. It is this unprecedented tourism prosperity that makes the Tang Dynasty the starting point of tourism biographical literature and that of conscious exploitation and utilization of tourism resources. It is obvious that the tourism in the Tang Dynasty produces profound influences to the economy, society, culture on that time and to tourism, related industries on the following centuries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F592.9
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1572

