

Studies on School Education Policies in the Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 李占萍

【导师】 吴洪成;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国教育史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 清末学校教育政策的制定和推行,标志着中国传统教育向近代教育的转型以及教育的法制化。它不仅在近代教育历史中居于重要的地位,而且因其作为从教育制度通向教育实践的中介而具有理论和现实意义。就其研究现状来看,研究成果颇丰,主要体现在教育政策理论、教育政策背景、教育政策制定及推行等方面,这些研究将有裨于对近代新教育政策演变的进一步认识并加深对其思想内涵的理解。新形势下,从当代教育政策学及相关学科的多元视角出发,实现研究方法和研究内容的突破,将推动对清末学校教育政策的进一步研究。中国传统教育制度是以科举制度为核心,以儒家经典为教育内容,官学、私学、书院并存的教育模式。鸦片战争后,随着传教士的到来和西学的传入,近代新型人才培养成为教育改革的目标。洋务运动中,教育问题涉及了社会各个层面的矛盾与冲突,需要政府通过教育政策来进行制度的规范。维新运动中,由于国际环境的变化,清政府扩大政府职能,加大社会管理的力度。在此过程中,早期改良派、维新派和绅商阶层进行了教育思想与实践探索,促使公众议程得以建立,从而使学校教育问题进入政府议程。清末新政改革时期,全国掀起了书院改学堂与创办新式学堂的兴学高潮。学校体系以及学堂管理中的教育问题引起了清政府的重视,学校教育问题终于成为了教育政策的核心领域。清政府快速地建立了教育政策规划的日程,仿效日本,组织专门的力量来进行学校教育政策的制定。1902年,清政府颁布了《钦定学堂章程》,由于各种原因,初次规划的学校教育政策方案未得到全面推广。嗣后,清政府诏令张之洞等人厘定学堂章程。1904年,《奏定学堂章程》正式获得颁行,清政府督饬各省推广新式学堂,掀开了清末学校教育政策实施的序幕。学务处作为学校教育政策实施的专门组织机构,对教育政策推行进行规划与安排。各地督抚积极向学,采取了多种措施,各地在办学数量和质量方面获得了不同程度的提高,直隶省和湖北省的政策实施过程就是典型的案例。但是,由于教育问题的社会关联性,以及所涉及的影响因素的多元复杂性,清末学校教育政策推行过程遇到了各种问题和困难。基于国民素质对于宪政改革的决定性意义,清政府废除了科举制度,建立了学部,授予学部一定的决策权力和执行权力。学部在自身权力范围内,将学校教育政策推行作为当时的中心工作,进行了全面布署,并根据新教育推行中的情况,对学校教育政策及时进行修补,进行政策推行中的再决策,从而使清末学校教育政策得以增订。清末学校教育政策过程具有一定的规范性,政策制定和政策推行都是按照一定的程序和步骤来进行,通过政策实施环节来检验政策的内容,从而使教育政策具有一定的科学性内涵,成为中国近代教育政策史的开端。通过清末学校教育政策实施,学堂教育为社会政治、经济以及文化领域培养了大批人才,基本发挥了教育政策的社会功能。清末学校教育政策是统治阶层意愿的表达,课程设置的条文体现了浓厚的政治色彩。决策者过分依靠日本教育政策经验,缺少政策方案的可行性论证,教育政策制定步入了教育救国的误区。在教育政策推行过程中,各种程度的利益冲突使清末学校教育政策表现了自身的能力限度。由于险恶的社会政治环境,清政府缺少应有的政府能力,未能及时调整教育与社会结构层次中的各种利益关系。随着清朝的灭亡和清政府权力的丧失,清末学校教育政策终成历史资源,让位给民国及后继者不断探索的征程。清末学校教育政策这一专题的探究,仍然是当今中国近代教育史、教育政策学相关学科亟需进一步加强并深入展开的一个未尽领域。

【Abstract】 In the late Qing Dynasty of China, formulating and pursuing education policies on schools meant the transition from traditional education to modern education as well as the process of building the law system, which was important in the history of modern education and was also theoretically and practically significant as a medium in the change from education system to education practice. As far as its present study is concerned, the results can be called rich, including the studies in theory, background, establishment, and introduction of the policy and so on, which are helpful to further understanding of the evolution of modern education policy and its theoretical connotation. Under the new situation, from the multi-perspective of contemporary education policy and the relevant disciplines, the breakthrough of study methods and content will enhance the further study of education policies on schools.The traditional Chinese education system takes ko-chu chih-tu as its core and Confucianism as its content, with the simultaneous existence of the schools run by the government, schools run by the privates and the academies of classical learning. After the Opium War, the missionaries arrived and the Western learning was introduced, so the fostering of new modern talented persons became the goal of education reform and traditional. During the period of Yang-wu yun-tung, both problems and achievements in education were the conflicts in each class of the society, which required Qing government to standardize the system by the education policy. During the period of Wei-xin reform, due to the change of the world’s environment, Qing government expanded its function and increase the impact and momentum of social management. At the same time, the early reformists, people of Wei-xin class, and gentlemen and merchants approached education from both the thoughts and practice. These movements helped to arouse the public awareness so that the problems in schools entered the agenda of Qing government. During the period of the Hsin-cheng reform, people from all over the country set off the high tide of running schools, such as turning academies of classical learning into new schools and running new schools. The problems of the school system and the management in the schools aroused the attention of Qing government. The education problems of schools became the core field of the education policy at last.By following the Japanese way, Qing government established the agenda to plan the education policy swiftly. In 1902, Qing government promulgated Qing-ding School Regulations. However, due to various reasons, the first planned education policy on schools wasn’t popularized widely. Later, Qing government promulgated the imperial edict, and Chang Chih-tung and other people were required to discuss and decide school regulations together. Zou-ding School Regulations were promulgated in 1904. Qing government urged and ordered every province to run new schools, so it set off the scene of implementing the education policies in the late Qing Dynasty. As a special body of implementing the education policies, Hsueh-wu-chu planned and prepared to implement them. All Governor-Generals and vice Governor-Generals ran schools actively. They adopted many measures and the quantities and qualities of running schools were promoted in varying degrees, especially in chil-li province and hu-bei province. However, because of the interrelationship between education problems and society and the complexity of some influencing factors, there emerged some problems and difficulties in the process of implementation of the education policies in the late Qing Dynasty. They met with many difficulties. Because the quality of the people of a nation played the decisive role in the reform of constitutional government, Qing government abolished the system of ko-chu chih-tu and set up a Ministry of education (Hsueh-pu). Hsueh-pu was awarded some power of making a policy and implementing a policy. Within the limits permitted by law, Hsueh-pu regarded the implementation of schools education policies as the essential task, planning and implementing them all around. The whole plan made the implementing policies follow the regular pattern so that the whole process could be staged and developed step by step. Flexibly and creatively, the whole process went through smoothly. According to the new condition, Hsueh-pu gave supplementary terms to the education policies in time and adapted the policies in the process of implementation so that the education policies of the late Qing Dynasty could be supplemented. The whole process of the education policies on schools in the late Qing Dynasty followed some standards so that the formulation and implementation of an education policy went on according to regular procedures and steps. The content of the policies was tested in the implementation to make it more scientific and they became the beginning of the history of education policies in Modern China. Because of the implementation in the late Qing Dynasty, large numbers of talented people in political, economical and cultural fields of the society were cultivated, which showed the basic functions of the education policies.School education policies at that time expressed the wills of the ruling class and therefore the courses designed were full of political colors. Because the policy-makers depended in a large degree on the experiences of the Japanese and they were ignorant of its application in China, the goal of the education policies turned wrongly to saving the nation by education. During the implementation process, there existed objective conflicts of benefits in varying degrees and the school education policies in the late Qing Dynasty showed their own limitation. The social and political environment of the late Qing Dynasty was in a perilous position, which made Qing government incapable of regulating the various relations between education and the different levels of social structure. Due to the downfall of Qing Dynasty and the loss of power of Qing government, the school education policies in the late Qing Dynasty became the historical resources and the continuous research subject in Ming-guo and the succeeding eras. Study on school education policies in the late Qing Dynasty is still a research field which requires the further study from some related areas as History of Chinese Education and Education Policies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

